By now, there were at least several thousand Ugburg citizens, noble or commoner, wealthy or poor, influential or socially invisible present at the square or around its vicinity watching as the events unfolded in such a drastic and unexpected manner.

However, at the moment, it was entirely silent inside and outside the arena, as if everyone was strangled by the same force and could not breathe, much less speak up.

The outcome was just way too tragic. Way too unexpected. Way too drastic.

The Temple Guards were the de-facto ruling force, the strong right hand of the Church. Even more so than their normal ranks, the Elites were the top of the top, the cherry on top of the humongous pile of creme. They were highly trained, skilled powerful figures one by one. They should have been practically invincible amongst their kind and ranked at the very top in the powerhouse ranking of the entire scorched realm. They should have been revered akin to gods by the common rabble.

Their captains, originally almost a dozen, but now, reduced to a mere seven, or now, six were the most powerful figures in the entire 'tribe'.

The church had spent countless effort and wealth to nurture them to the ranks they have reached. They were insiders to many secrets, as well as the practitioners of the most sacred, ultimate techniques their racial inheritance had allowed them to grasp.

They were the true dragons amongst their kind in a way.

Yet, now one after another, they had met their demise.

If they hadn't seen it, witness it personally, most likely nobody would have believed the rumors that Korgoth, the Bloodthirsty would have been killed and reduced to a cloud of vapor in the air, merged together with the afternoon mist by a single stranger. A nobody wrapped with ragged, filthy grey robe and hiding behind a large hood.

Even more, nobody would believe that there was actually someone who would dare to kill Korgoth right inside Ugburg!

This was big!

In fact, the death of Korgoth wasn't what was the real deal, the true crux of the matter here. Whilst it was undoubtedly huge and cause for concern that there were contenders to the 'throne', the issue was that many innocent souls might be implicated in the coming vengeful response from the church and its remaining six Golden Heads, the Six Elite Captains and its forces.

On the second floor, the white-robed man flashed a satisfied smile and suddenly asked with sparkling eyes, "After seeing everything go down Uncle, what do you think of this person?"

"He's very strong in melee combat, ruthless and decisive in killing."

The old man replied in a low, cautious tone of voice. "However, keep in mind young master that this kid is brash and does not seem to know his place, nor his limits. He did not hold back at all. Although being honest and straightforward is normally a merit, it have also caused him to break all possibilities of a peaceful resolution between him and the Temple Guards. Even if the Priests would see something in him that they could use, the Golden Heads of the Temple Guards will not allow such a potential threat to their dominance to continue to exist. He is bound to die sooner or later."

"Hmm… That may be so…" The white robed man smiled, humming with a mysterious smile. "I am actually rather interested in him myself…"

Frowning at this response, the old man asked.

"Do you intend to recruit him, young master?"

"I do, Uncle… I do." The white robed man nodded.

Not wanting to give up convincing the youngster, the old man continued with a somewhat more serious tone. "Recruiting him would be equivalent to offending the ruling forces of Ugburg and revealing our true intentions abruptly. That would be irrational. Young Master, do not forget our true goal. Before we reach that place, we need to be cautious. It would be highly inconvenient for us to reveal ourselves before that and make such strong enemies in the process for no tangible benefit."

Pausing for a moment, the old man added.

"Right now, besides us the other tribes are also closing in on Ugburg City. Many of their forces have already infiltrated the inner city and are just awaiting for an opportunity. They all want to grab the same chance to enter the Inheritance Grounds once that dragon finally opens it up. We are already lacking in terms of top experts and are at a disadvantage. We have to be careful, young master."

"Heh… Top Experts, you say?"

The white-robed man smiled and turned his beautiful eyes, looking at the grey robed vagrant standing at the center of the arena. "Isn't one standing right there, Uncle?"

"Huh? Him?"

The old man laughed. "Although I am old, my eyes are still sharp and should not be failing me as of yet. While that man has an astounding physical strength, I don't think he's quite at the level of a top expert, right?"

The white-robed man smiled without replying.

Back in the arena.

After killing and absorbing the elite captain Korgoth, Aiden had forcefully suppressed the surging memories and the system notifications to keep his attention at the present. He was still drenched in blood, painting a rather unsettling sight with his monstrous, horrifying visage and obvious dissonance between his vagrant outlook and brutal actions.

Exuding a murderous aura, his gaze was razor-sharp and carried a lethal killing intent!

"[Reptilian] KILL HIM!"


"[Reptilian] DIE YOU BEAST!"

Instead of retreating after their beloved captain's untimely and gruesome death, the remaining Temple Guards cried out in rage and charged towards Aiden wielding their spears, lances and weapons.

This was their nature. Unlike the common soldiers and warriors, they were each elites, highly trained warmongers, fearless of even death, true to their feelings to their last breath.

The fierce beasts, the Carnosaurs they rode were all similar in mind to their riders. Each of them were much stronger than the average warrior. With bloodshot eyes and a terrifying strength, several bystanders were bound to be torn apart if they were rammed by these ferocious beasts.

Dust billowed as the several dozen strong force of Elite Guards charged with a menacing intent.

If it was anyone else present, they would dodge right away when faced with such an army, afraid that they would be crushed to sludge.

However, Aiden did not retreat nor dodge; his eyes lit up as his [Soul Power] churned with the furious sound of tsunamis mixed with rumbling thunder.

His strength increased massively with each completed circulation of his frantically revolving energy!

He stood firm in sight of the small but powerful force that rushed at him without fear!


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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