Eventually the line finally returned to the relative normalcy it had before all that commotion and the people were once more slowly entering the city, thus making the line gradually move once again.

Still it took more than 3 quarters of an hour before Aiden and his small party of four beauties were finally stepped up for checkup and eventually allowed entrance.

After the priest returned to the small shack-like abode, the guard post at the side, he no longer bothered with the entire process. Even his previous energy fluctuations seemed to have been either curbed or completely vanished. Aiden could not feel any resonance, any aura in the air.

Whilst the system's map still showed the green dot that should be his representation on the minimap, Aiden couldn't be sure as he could feel some sort of strange, mystical resistance on the unassuming little abode.

Still, he did not place too much of his attention on it. Gaining entry into the inner city, the true play field of the final phase of his plan was what he needed to have his head in. A meager bishop, whilst it would certainly be a juicy piece to absorb and add to his ever growing collection of life signatures, it wouldn't be worth the risk it would carry.

Before setting up a base and opening a path to cross back and forth from the other districts under his control, Aiden couldn't do anything that would bring attention to himself.

"[Reptilian] Huah… That certainly took more time than what was comfortable!" Madam Dara sighed whilst she stretched her tired limbs. The long wait, and standing made her body go numb, and now that they finally walked past the terrifying-looking grandiose gate she could finally relax.

"[Reptilian] I figured you would be the first to complain… heh who thought I would be right. I wonder how Master could just listen to you all day and not go crazy!" Lady Circe chuckled from behind.

"[Reptilian] H-hey! Y-you! Just because you were also accepted, it doesn't mean you can speak like that to your seniors! Have some respect!" Startled by the cheeky remark, Madam Dara fired back some words of her own, trying to hide her embarrassment.

The girls laughed at her reactions, enjoying how the alluring seductress could be teased by just a few sharp words. Once you know her weakness her strong stature could easily be exploited, which the rest of the 'sisters' enjoyed very much.

Aiden merely smiled at this, his thoughts were on the shocking sight that expanded before him as soon as he stepped on the rocky pavement.

With a large busy stone road stretching at the center, square shaped buildings of tall and short dotted the land on both sides of the road. Small figures of these mysterious, unique breeds of these small reptilians, Draconic Skinks of all ages walked along the path.

Unlike the prejudice the inner city had against itself, the citizens didn't seem to be exclusively high class, but Aiden could see all of the social classes represented. Well, except for them, the vagrants, the penniless.

Skinks wearing leather reinforced armors above their darker orange-tinted scaled bodies, mercenaries, soldiers, and perhaps the opportunistic warriors mingled along the average looking citizens. Old, grandfathers and grandmothers walked along with small cheeky, giggling children, their grandchildren, their hopeful future.

Adults walking towards whatever destination they had in mind, ultimately living their everyday life, ignorant about the grand scuffle, the battle for survival that hang above their heads.

As they walked along the straight path, slowly going deeper into the first inner sector, district of Ugburg, they were indeed a unique looking bunch with their raggedy, dusty linen robes

The occasional passerby sent a few gazes towards them, but they mostly kept to themselves. Aiden however, was using his [Dark Sense] ability to its maximum. He was focusing on keeping every little detail, every unsavory looking blip noted on his system screen.

Probably it was only thanks to this, that after a while he noticed an average looking neutral, yellow looking dot remain in their tail and follow them from a moderate distance. Whilst at first it may have looked like an accident, after a couple of minutes and some deliberate turns and twists he had taken, he confirmed that they had indeed earned the attention of someone ever since stepping through the gate and was followed ever since.

Apart from this little bird, this inquisitive eye that was more like a silent little fan rather than any threat to them at the present, Aiden also noticed the shades of dark among the crowd as well.

As the saying goes, where there's light, there's always a shadow in the corner. Amongst the crowd he spotted several darker, orange tinted blips mingling with the rest of the neutral yellow-marked crowd on his system's minimap.

These people also seemed to be organized, looking like lurking predators, hiding in plain sight, ready to jump at any opportune moment. They were similar to predators that somewhat reminded him of his very first nights back in the Forest, on Eora. Back then he was just a weak little creature, a critter just like the countless other figures hiding under the bushes, in the tall grass or beneath the flower beds.

Predators, just like these sinister thugs were waiting for the perfect prey to walk into the trap they set.

In any case, whilst they were marked borderline hostile, they weren't a concern for Aiden and his team currently. He merely kept a note of them and their locations and moved his attention forward. For example the little tail that somehow after they closed in on a larger square, suddenly stopped following and turned into a dark alleyway and swiftly vanished from Aiden's scan's entirely!

Even as he focused his innate, his [Dark Sense] he could not find any traces of the unknown figure. Yet, what was worse he could not find anything strange in the dark alley  he had magically vanished either. No traces of the arcane, no remnant sigils, or wardings were left. Under his senses and careful scrutiny nothing seemed to jump out no matter how hard he looked.

This made him frown and raise his wariness by a full degree. It seemed there were enigmas and mysteries engulfing this olden city. The depth that was already quite shocking only seemed to go deeper and deeper the more he looked.

Slowly, they arrived at a rather crowded square. From the looks of it, it looked similar to the marketplace of Higrove, only with more exotic items placed on display. Dozens of lines of carpets were rolled out on the ground showing a great variety of items with seemingly no system in place whatsoever. Next to the most useless and ugly mushrooms and moths that were gathered from the cavern walls, the shiny bronze chandelier all found its place.


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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