A lavish-looking luxurious carriage strode through the center of the street. At the forefront, serving as the steeds, two large creatures, resembling that of dinosaurs of Modern Day folklore were pulling the reins. The beasts looking double the size of an average [Draconic Skink] were giants pulling an equally humongous vehicle.

Handling the terrifying beasts, the driver itself had a proud and arrogant look on his face as he urged the creatures to dash through the crowd of filthy commoners. It was clear that the carriage was from one of the highest reaches of the societal ladder of Ugburg.

Confirming the conjecture the guards themselves hurriedly bowed down once they spotted the carriage and without causing any fuss gave way and opened the gate to let the unknown noble into the city.

Shifting through his absorbed and processed memories, Aiden learned that these beasts were called as Carnosaurs.

Carnosaurs are enormous monstrosities with some resemblance to that of the famed Tyrannosaurs of Earth's Olden History. They are fearsome hunters, predators of the old jungle biomes they inhabited before this world was scorched beyond redemption. They were bipedal creatures their forelimbs are somewhat stunted, but were far from being useless.

At the same time, they possessed extremely muscular hind legs which are tipped with deadly dark claws. Their primary means of attack, however, despite what it looked like was their jaws. They were massively powerful, there were very few creatures that could contend with their natural defenses or could hope to withstand the bite of an enraged Carnosaur.

What was even worse, that to have any hope of domesticating them to such a degree, they had to be bred and cultivated from the birth. This was because  once a Carnosaur was allowed to taste blood, it would be impossible to tame and could only be hunted down.

As he looked at the carriage turning around a distant corner and vanishing from sight before the large gate was closed down again, Aiden's expression turned somber, he clenched his fists as he was reminded that no matter where he went, the rich, the wealthy would always be privileged and lord over the less fortunate.

This privileged and unfair treatment earned the ire of the crowd, and the crowd that gathered started shouting at the guards. The guards, in turn, doubled down on their attitude, and most likely increased the entry fee, as the first few waiting in line shouted even louder. The commotion started to gain traction, and the sounds reached the ears of the guards stationed on the walls.

Shortly after an elderly-looking skink emerged from the left station. His spotless, bright, and sparkling exquisite robe was enriched with golden embroidery, with large golden dragon head insignia shimmering at the center of his chest.

From the faint fluctuations of energy he emitted with his mere presence, Aiden could feel that he was a formidable fellow. Even stronger than the priests he had encountered before.

A real Bishop! Just a step below the ex-archbishop whose form Aiden had claimed for himself when he arrived at this underground world!

As the figure appeared he turned towards the rest of the Temple Guards and questioned the reason for the commotion. Listening to his servants, he turned towards the crowd looking at the large crowd as if they were nothing but a pile of disgusting feces at the side of the road.

The crowd instantly turned silent and shuddered. Aiden was shocked as he looked at the scene!

Without saying a single word, just a single cast, his mere gaze was enough to quell the crowds' steadily rising anger and put a stop to the commotion without lifting a single finger. Just his mere status was enough to cause deadly fright to these bottom dwellers of society!

Taking a moment, he walked to the center and raised his arms, ready to preach. Suddenly the cold, murderous glint in his eyes vanished, replaced by that of a mere humble servant of god.

"I would like to ask everyone to calm down. Do not give way to the ever-present darkness in your hearts. Do not let the corruption germinate its seed and grow and fester inside you all!" He took a moment to allow his outrageous-sounding words to be processed by the rabble, before continuing.

"Remember the light. The True Citizens of Ugburg, the Children of our Benevolent God are exempted from the harsh restrictions of others. This is the right of everyone; even you all once you would accept the light of Our Lord into your hearts and become True Citizens yourselves!"

Reaching this point in his speech, he flashed a friendly, kind-looking smile as he gazed at the crowd.

"Do not allow the seeds of chaos fester and grow inside you all! Do not cause trouble and become those traitorous kins that have fallen so-deep in the pits of darkness and have openly declared war against our future. Do not be a Rebel, or we would be forced to take action against you, and those related to you."

Giving a brief pause, he looked at the crowd sternly, then with a loud sigh, he continued.

"Now, please get back into the line, and wait for your turn. Any troublemakers will be immediately removed from the line and denied entry from now on."

As he finished his speech he turned to the guards and said a few words to them that though was inaudible to the crowd, but from the looks of it couldn't have been anything pleasant. The stationed guards each trembled with fright responding to the Bishop's words, not daring to look at him but instead finding more solace in the ground below their feet.

Watching from the side as the whole scene played out, Aiden was in deep thought once again.

'Such fearsome figures… Just his mere presence was enough to quell the crowd and reign them in… His refined words have also had a deep effect on them, there are still a lot of lost, dreamy gazes.

'Such terrifying ability…' Aiden remarked inwardly, as he gazed at the bishop from afar. His eyes glimmering with an enigmatic light he couldn't help but wonder that if a mere bishop had this much effect on the crowd, just what power could those remaining Archbishops and their ultimate leader, the High Priest hold in their grasp?

Aiden couldn't help but frown at the thought that if he were to want to completely overtake this race and uproot the Church as well as the Ancient One, he would have his work cut out for him.

It wouldn't be as simple as he had initially believed… Even with his current forces, he may not be able to contend with the Church's true power!


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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