A few short seconds passed in tense silence. The hooded, ragged stranger that appeared from the dark tear that seemed to have been opened from outside the void didn't move at all.

The priest wasn't even sure that the creature was a he, perhaps a she or mayhaps neither, an it? Was it even a creature, or an entity, a powerful presence from a higher planar existence? Was it related to his god, the Ancient One? If so, what did he want?

The old skink couldn't feel any intent, nor any aura around the old man which would make one think that he was just a vagrant, a beggar. Yet it was a clear fact that the invading divine energy that was swiftly taking control of his attack and subsequently his fate was coming from him.

It had to be, there was no other logical explanation!

"[Reptilian] W-wha… W-who…" Stammered the priest, his voice sounding increasingly weary, becoming more and more exhausted as time continued passing on. With each passing second, the ball consumed a huge amount of energy, essentially feeding on the life force he infused into it.

As a consequence he was growing more and more impatient, the priest was really trying his best to wrestle back the control that he seemed to have lost so abruptly, yet he could not do so. In the end, all he could do was accept his fate no matter how much he struggled there was no hope left.

Yet the strange creature, this entity that seemed to have worn a sprout, vigorous Draconic Skink appearance did not seem to speak or react in any meaningful way to any of the questions, nor the struggles he tried with.

Only after a couple of seconds that have passed did the figure's face crease up a mocking grin. Those luminous, glimmering golden scales that covered his entire being like a lavish protective armor danced to an unknown tune as they shifted synchronous to his facial muscles stretching. Even under the cover of his large hood, the light that came from his burning, bright and florid gemstone-like pair of eyes provided just enough gleam to see those well-defined contours, edges.

"[Reptilian] Interesting…" The figure muttered under his hood.

Whilst keeping his right ebony clawed hand stretched out casually but at the same time firmly holding onto the revolving, floating sphere of deathly energy, the hooded figure turned his head sideways to the left, shifting his attention to the two very eager-looking affectionate duo of maidens.

"[Reptilian] I hope you are both all right and unharmed. I am sorry for coming so late, but it took a bit of time to familiarize myself with the twists and mysteries of this… place." The hooded figure spoke out, his voice suddenly turning much different from the deep thunderous rumble from just a second ago.

Instead of that fearsome roar-like tone, he sounded youthful, mild, and most importantly gentle and affable.

"[Reptilian] N-nonsense Y-young Master!" The bustier female of the two spoke up first, raising her hands in the air and hurriedly shaking it in response to the stranger's statement.

Yet, as soon as he said those two words as if a spark was lit in the minds of the four stunted elite guards that just stood at the sight, unable to even move much less escape. Their gazes went wide alongside with their jaws turning agape with the surprise.

"[Reptilian] Y-young Master???"

"[Reptilian] THE MASTER you two were talking about? The one you revere so much?"

"[Reptilian] N-no way!"

"[Reptilian] Heih! He really is…"

The two girls didn't bother responding, though there was no need to. From how their reaction changed suddenly and from the cold looks filled with murderous, killing intent the four men instantly understood. Their bodies turned stiff, both from the shock and at the same time from the fright.

Whilst they had no idea what the future was holding for them, they knew that there was no longer any point in turning around and escaping. If an entity of this level arrived, opening some sort of [Gateway] or Trans Dimensional Portal to cross over who knows what distance, their laughable attempt to avoid his judgment would be futile.

The second maiden, Lady Pyre sighed as she heard the master's words. Her previously crazed grin was nowhere to be seen, replaced by a bitter-looking, emotional smile as she wryly looked at the back of this revered young man.

"[Reptilian] We have failed you, Young Master." After their rebirth, they both started to refer to him as Young Master, instead of Lord. Though the change was subtle, it did carry greater meaning.

It meant that they have learned everything through their rebirth, and have truly become a part of the ever growing Family, standing equal to the group of Roas, Thuk, Gob, Galina and Glohn.

"[Reptilian] We have failed to accomplish the task. Please punish us!" Pyre exclaimed, suddenly throwing herself on her knees as if awaiting the sword of justice to strike down.

However, instead of such harsh treatment, he only felt a sudden waft of energy as it blew past her gently caressing her already pinkish cheeks. Like a gentle hand, it caressed her, like how a parent would a child who was tormented with emotional pain.

"[Reptilian] Calm down, there is no need for any of that. You couldn't have expected to meet up with one of these little troublemakers along your way, nor were you prepared to deal with a high spellcaster of our enemy, a real Priest." They heard the gentle, warm, and soothing voice, causing both their bodies to tremble and shiver with a surge of delight. Tears of anguish crept up at the corner of both Pyre and Dara's eyes, as all the struggle in the last couple of hours have finally made their presence known.

Finally as their Lord, their Young Master has arrived, they knew that their ordeals, their trials has finally come to an end and that they could finally heave a sigh of relief.

"[Reptilian] Besides… you didn't fail at all!" The hooded figure, Aiden suddenly spoke up again, his tone hinting at something.

Only now did they gasp with surprise, as they could finally realize that the others were also present, they have also arrived albeit at a slightly different place. Through their shared connection Madam Dara and Lady Pyre could sense the presence of the four Saurus Generals… from inside the building!

Aiden's words also caused the Priest's remnant soul that stubbornly defied logic and still persisted through all that struggle to realize that something wasn't right. Through the heat of the moment, he didn't pick it up, but now that he heard the words, he suddenly felt the disastrous change in the situation.

Yet, even so, besides realizing it and turning shocked, there was nothing more he could do. His life was already a done deal, his fate was decided and sealed. Once he decided to go all out and activate this Taboo Spell, there was no turning back.


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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