Falling into utter despair, how could the old skink priest allow his hateful opponents to escape from his vile clutches? He already made a promise to them that they would be his pleasurable accompaniment towards the embrace of the Great One in the afterlife.

He could not and he would not allow them to escape!

As for the four elite warriors, the top notch guards of the Temple Guards? They could only lament, and ponder on their misfortune! Who asked them to be so useless?

Their fate was the result of their action or its actual lack of. Being captured by the enemy in one single stroke was the utter humiliation of their title of being the best of the best. As such, they could only lament their unlucky fate as the direct consequence of their own actions!

Seeing their agitated, and even somewhat frightened reactions, the old man could finally feel a moment of glee, exploding into a hoarse, dry but maddened cackle.

"[Reptilian] Looking to escape?! DREAM ON!"

His ultimate attack reached its crescendo, the rotating, revolving sphere of ominous golden and crimson light that his entire figure has effectively transcended to have suddenly stopped in its tracks and before anyone could register shot forward like a cannonball.

"[Reptilian] DIE WITH ME YOU FILTH!"

His hoarse sound resounded as the arcane projectile shot forward in the air, sailing the meager distance in the blink of an eye.

There was no escape, both girls, as well as the guards realized this. Suddenly, clarity flashed across their faces, all the four previously stoic and stout shields, these four elites could see through the veil that was the years, nay decades of gradual brainwashing they were subjected to.

At the very end of their lives they seemed to have all realized the same truth: That the very reason, the very belief they have seemingly given the entirety of their lives for ultimately resulted to absolutely nothing.

At the end of the road which was the path of their lives, they amounted to zero. They were expendable, even worse, their demise was counted as 'just' punishment for their 'failure'!

Arriving at this mental juncture, this realization they each could only smile bitterly and look forward to the hurling sphere of death with regret alongside a great deal of resentment filling their faces and dominating their expressions.

If they could have known that this would be the end of all those years of service, all that sweat, blood, and tears they have shed and spilled in the name of the 'Greater Good' and the 'Ultimate Future of their Kind' that was promised to them, they would have long switched sides over to the resistance.

Ah, but these thoughts were only that, mere thoughts, empty, dull wishes fated to never be realized. It was already too late, they had no hope for survival!

Whilst they have never seen this strange attack, as elites of their group they were aware of some of the secrets and ultimate trump cards of the church's higher figures. In the reports, there was an attack titled the '[Last Tear of the Dragon]' which despite the sound of its rather dull-sounding name, was a very effective method that could only be used once and as a last resort.

Whilst most of its details were kept secret and could not be deciphered, the Temple Guard elites knew that it was an attack that carried immense power and supposedly would require more than just pure injection of [Mana].

Well, if the incoming attack was this legendary ultimate technique, they could finally answer the questions regarding that previous hazy information.

Alas, it was already too late!

Or was it?

As the attack rapidly closed on, suddenly the air before them and the girls buzzed and distorted. Reality seemed to be torn apart by an invisible claw as a spacial tear filled with empty void opened up just a couple of steps in front of them.

The tear continued to grow and expand, greedily claiming more and more space in reality for itself, swiftly shifting its form into the shape of an arched [Gateway].

Yet, before it could reach its completion, suddenly a blurry white streak dashed out right into the hurling projectile of the old skink priest.

"[Reptilian] Wha… NO!!!!" The lingering consciousness of the old priest could do nothing but cry out in confusion at first which gradually transformed into anger mixed with despair as he looked at the blurry streak of light dashing towards him.

Whilst initially he was confused of what happened as everything happened way too fast, when the blurry streak suddenly halted and a golden scaled, ebony, curved clawed draconic hand struck out and thwarted its path of vengeance, everything suddenly became clear.

"[Reptilian] Y-you! H-how… W-why?!" The old skink priest's faltering voice resounded coming from within the floating, swirling ball. He could not understand what happened how did this strange figure suddenly emerge from thin air and ruin his already decided perfect plan!

Still, though his initial plan did not come to fruition he was still confident in dealing a fatal blow. At worst he would cull one more soul and bring it along as gifts towards his God.

Coming to this conclusion, the priest no longer bothered with the answers to the questions that rapidly filled up his mind. His doubts instantly cleared, as a maddened cackle emitted from the blocked sphere of deathly energy once more.

"[Reptilian] I don't know who you are, nor do I care. If you have come, you can lay down and give up your life to the ONE TRUE GOD! DIE!" He exclaimed, once again activating the violent powers inside the sphere once more, ready to explode it alongside himself to smithereens.

Yet, as he was about to send a wisp of energy that would have been supposed to act as the lit fuse under the powder keg, he suddenly felt something strange.

Something new, something he could not understand. A new source of energy invaded his supposedly impenetrable domain. Something that felt vastly different than anything he had ever seen…. Yet at the same time, it filled his soul with an instinctual dread!

AS he tried to swiftly scan it with his spiritual presence, the priest was instantly shocked as he recognized the energy even though his senses were blocked!

Divine Energy! His gods, the Ancient One's power!

With dread, he once again tried to inspect the mysterious hooded stranger that appeared before them, only to realize he could not see through him!

Whilst his frame looked normal, and nothing extraordinary, the entity beneath those ragged robes and baggy hood was anything but ordinary!


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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