Seeing the enemy closing in Lady Pyre wasn't feeling anything other than the deep-seated excitement that gradually boiled deep inside both her heart and soul. Years, nay decades of this feeling of primordial joy that she could finally let out, and let herself loose.

She no longer needed to show a strong front, she no longer needed to reign in and control her own emotions. She no longer had to quell the sources of happiness from the various parts of her life.

The risk of the infernal chaos exploding from within if she were to lower her mental guard for even a second was no longer present. The raging storm was quelled and with the assistance of her newly formed Primal Core, she had perfect and total control over her own powers and her abilities.

Thus Lady Pyre secretly did not mind that their carefully laid out plans of subterfuge had ultimately failed. Even though it would certainly raise the difficulty of accomplishing their mission by not just one but probably several levels, in truth she welcomed this newly risen challenge.

She could finally let loose and test her limits. The nature of her powers, the fact that her current [Fire Magic] was at its limit and was about to break through, she merely needed an opportunity such as this.

Only by utilizing her skillset and resources to their maximum potential could she possibly hope to break into a higher realm and shatter these imaginary chains that had kept her shackled.

Only by going through such arduous life and death battle could her potential explode and rise to new heights, to reach new zeniths.

Her gaze showed no fear, no dread as she gazed at the slowly, steadily approaching group of guards. Instead, she didn't hesitate and quickly made some ad-hoc, on the fly decisions.

Her fingers began to dance to an unknown tribal tune as they draw out complicated runes one after another. With still being under the protective cover of the dark shrouding dome of Madam Dara's continued channeling, she knew she had to utilize this brief moment of temporary invisibility to its fullest.

She silently muttered alongside and in accordance with the dancing of her slender fingers. In just a couple of moments, just as the guards reached a close enough melee distance, her chanting suddenly reached its completion, from the tip of her fingers, several bolts of crimson bolts of arcane essence shot forth.

Like beams fired from a futuristic spaceship the guards despite their years of training were suddenly caught surprised by their abrupt appearance. The best they could do in the heat of the moment was to raise their weapons and use their armaments to absorb the attack. They could only grit their teeth and try to withstand the pain, hoping that their proactively honed resilience would take care of the brunt of the matter.

Yet, the attacks caused another round of surprise in the next moment, with their suddenly changing direction. Instead of directly hitting their targets in the flash, each curved along the path, some, roughly half of them spiraling downwards towards the ground beneath their feet while the other half curved upwards, reaching above their heads.

Also, the bolts fused with one another along with their short venture, turning into one massive coil instead of several smaller blimps.

Eventually, the coiling snake of energy bit on its own tail, forming a circular spiral that covered both the ground around them, as well as kept levitating right above their heads.

In the next instant, before the guards could even register what was even going on, threads of tangerine-colored fiery threads appeared forming a cage, capturing the guards in a single stroke.

Only then did the dome of darkness lift, allowing it to waft away with the gentle breeze and allowing both the guards and the bronze masked elderly priest to finally take sight of the two beauties of the night, their beautiful assassins to appear before them.

"[Reptilian] Who? W-who are you two? What do you want?" The priest was the first to break the temporary silence that suddenly lorded over the small battlefield and blurt out the question. After a momentary pause, he added one more veiled threat to his initial questionnaire. "Do you two have any idea what are you even doing? The consequences of your actions would be unimaginable!"

Hearing no response, or cheeky remarks to his initial outburst, the elderly priest, thinking that he managed to successfully scare the two, decided to push further. He took a single step forward and pointed his hands towards the caged guards.

"[Reptilian] If you both know what is good for you and want to carve a way out of this mess with at least your lives kept intact then cancel that spell. Do not make me take action as once I do, there is no turning back. Your best outcome would be turned into puppets or slaves." He spoke uttering his threatening words with a chilling tone. At the same time, colorless luster flickered beneath the mask, and shone through the eye slots of her mask, transforming his visage into that of someone holy, divine.

Thinking that he had most likely nailed the coffin in the head and that they would now start to beg, he was shocked and confused when suddenly the bustier of the two women suddenly burst out in a peal of carefree laughter.

Even the more slender beauty snorted with a light tone, laughing, jeering at the priest's now clearly unveiled threats and warnings.

The priest's expression darkened in response to this, and albeit it was kept hidden because of his bronze cover, his tone reflected his expression.

"[Reptilian] I see… Good. Good. If that is the case, I do not need to pretend any more. I was already feeling bored being forced to play the role of a saint in this god-forsaken place… At least I will get two new toys to ease my boredom!"

He exclaimed, growing more and more manic as he reached towards the end of his speech. He raised his arms sideways up in the air, his index fingers pointing out and drawing a clear line in the air.

Along their path, pearl white lines remained lingering in the air. Akin to the runes Galina, or even Granny could draw up, they remained floating in the air, as if waiting for their master to complete their forms and formulate the whole word for its effects to take effect.

At the same time, he also began a strange, mysterious incantation, loudly shouting, yelling in the growing late afternoon gloomy darkness. The luster of light behind the mask kept on flickering as more and more energy was transferred into his spell…


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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