The old priest frowned as he could clearly feel the vibrations in the air around that strange darkness. Raising his right index finger, he pointed at the direction and gave the command.

"[Reptilian] Check that area. Be careful, it could be dangerous!"

The girls watched with a growing, deep frown as all of their planning turned out to be for naught, with the addition of this elderly tribal priest joining the party.

This crafty schemer has ruined all of their planning with a single stroke of his hand. A mere basic spell was all it took for everything to go haywire and for the ladies to suddenly find themselves in a mess that they had no idea how to get out of.

Yet amidst the frown, a strange flicker of what seemed to be the curvature of an emerging smile flashed across Lady Pyre's face as she looked at the slowly, steadily approaching armored elite warriors.

To be perfectly honest Pyre Voragon wasn't that keen on this whole sneaking, this whole clandestine, stealthy mission. Even before her rebirth, back in the battle, she was forced to stay at the back and defend. Though she understood the notion and didn't show or utter a single word of complaint, she secretly hoped to be able to let loose.

Her cold demeanor was merely a mask, a trained form she was trained by her family back when she was a mere child to keep that ferocious talent, those infernal flames to explode from her body and engulf everything in their wake.

Her early life wasn't as happy and carefree as her peers. She was trained from a very early age by a very strict family. Her elders as well as her parents were strict, Pyre could barely remember a smile or a hug from them, but the stern, serious gazes she was always given.

Still, she never did resent them. Not even for a moment, in her darkest moments. She knew she was aware that her talent, her 'Fire' was chaotic, it was wild, it needed her strong willpower, her resolve, her cold demeanor to contain it. To keep it under control.

Yet, after her rebirth, she had realized that this backside had vanished. Her [Chaotic Flame] have been tamed and transformed into her currently only maxed out level 10 ability, her [Fire Magic].

She could freely call upon it at will, and with the added higher form of energy, the [Soul Power] lording over her last remaining reserve of [Mana] she already had mastered her control. Still, her cold demeanor that was literally beaten into him through the decades of her younger years was not something she could strip from and throw away. It would be a gradual process. She needed an opportunity to let loose, to shed this mask, her old self completely.

Thus now, that this sudden, unexpected change happened. She couldn't help but grow excited. Though this would certainly mean that their plan for a silent approach was now gone, and the difficulty most certainly had spiked, she still couldn't help but look forward to the evolution of the events.

Following her growing, emerging smile crimson sparks flashed across her white sclera, flickering like candlelight against the gentle morning breeze. Unconsciously to her, her aura began to leak out as her energy intermixed with her [Fire Magic], circulating at an ever-increasing speed.

Feeling the gradually rising temperature, Madam Dara could only sigh and decide to once more contact their master before the situation would spiral completely out of their control.

Closing her eyes, she still kept up the dome of darkness for the time being and focused on their shared connection.

At the other side, Aiden was just about to close up his discussion with the Dark Shadow organization. With both of their intentions laid out bare for the other party to see, they could quickly come to an agreement and decided to join hands.

Their leader, the ex-guardian Vyndridolth didn't take much convincing to accept the cooperation. Her only request was however to bring her along when they would visit her elder brother. After so many years, she merely wanted to find that long sought closure. Her anger and rage had long since been quelled, replaced by endless sorrow and sadness.

She just wanted to get those long awaited answers and learn of the truth behind everything that happened. Was he truly lost, turned mad by the allure of the demonic corruption? Or perhaps there was something else, something deeper behind his actions that may have just failed in the end? Or was the final outcome still something that was yet to come?

Apart from gaining a new and most likely immensely powerful friend and ally, Aiden also completed one of his recently acquired quests after shaking hands with the Eternal One, Vyndridolth the ex guardian.

[Note: The Optional Quest: Int(r)o the Dark Shadow has been completed!

Difficulty: C

Objective: - Locate the Hidden Base for the Third Hidden Party related to the Draconic Skink Civil War (1/1 - Completed)

- Identify its leader (1/1 - Completed)

Reward: 1500 Experience Points, +2 Spirit]

Whilst there wasn't anything too outrageous about the rewards, the extra points were always welcome, as well as the extra points to his most mysterious Spirit attribute.

After confirming the gains, Aiden decided to take a look at his updated status screen. After all, it has been a while since he checked it.

[ *Status* | Lab | Domain |  Activities ]

[—Status Screen — ]

[ *Main* | Skills | Analysis | Inventory ]

[Name: Aiden Voragon

Race: Primal (Evolver)

Current Form: Draconic Skink (Tier 1+, Clean)

Level: 15

Condition: 100%

Resource: Soul Power (Level 2) : 1250 SP / 1250 SP

System Points: 11700 XP



Might: 45

Agility: 43

Spirit: 58


Note: For quicker, faster navigation please use the keywords in the following order: "Status", "Main".]

Whilst he was immersed in his stats and was looking as if he was silently pondering about something to the outside world, suddenly he felt his shared mental connection with her two sneaky rogue agents, Madam Dara and Lady Pyre buzz with eagerness, asking for activation.

Suddenly a foreboding feeling washed over him, making his previous smile suddenly vanish from his face and don a more serious, stern expression, catching the attention of her newest partner.

"[Reptilian] Is there something wrong?" Vyndridolth asked as she noticed the sudden shift in her partner's demeanor and the sudden change in his stance. From his calm, relaxed pose, he now had his shoulders raised, and his feet firmly planted on the ground.

It was as if he was ready to jump up and charge headfirst into action at any moment, making Vyndridolth look confused.

What was going on? Why is he suddenly so alert?


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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