"[Reptilian] L-leader! Please, I beg you… think it through! If you do that… there's no turning back!"

With the last straps of the mask unclasped, the Dark Shadow organization's leader's veil of mystery was finally lifted. As she grabbed the edges of the unknown alloy material that made the facial cover up and pulled it away, a waft of wind suddenly blew past the room.

As if an unknown source of energy was unleashed, a protective layer, a cover was being undone, the mystical energy blew past the room for a brief moment only to return it to the presumed normalcy a couple of seconds later. The event was so abrupt, so fast, so sudden that unless one was alert he could have simply missed it entirely.

Aiden's gentle smile soured as he felt the energy blow past him. However, what happened next was what truly caught him off guard and unprepared even if he was the one that asked for all of this.

Suddenly notification after notification rang inside Aiden's mind. The system issued several warnings and update notices as the situation was rapidly changing.

Even without taking a look at the literal cascade of his alerts, just by glancing over at the System's Map and focusing on the rapidly shifting and alternating green-yellow dot sitting opposite of him in the room, Aiden was aware that something major was going down.

Whilst the invisible torrent was unnoticed by many, Aiden could sense the full brunt of it. As if he was suddenly tossed into the center of a hurricane, the chaotic domain gradually gobbled up more and more of the available free space from the room.

Sensing the growing threat and perhaps an imminent danger, Rygingtarth's marking flared up, glowering with force.

'Master, take me out. The aura of this creature is growing chaotic. It seems to be going out of control. Wield me before harm comes to the little miss!' The sword spirit's childish tone resounded in his mind.

Yet, Aiden did not react, he did not take any action but simply withstood the torturous storm he was tossed into.

His gaze lighting up, it glimmered with the now familiar golden hue, he focused on the unveiling allowing for both the System and his faithful guide, Enya to analyze the events as they happened.

'Was there some sort of warding that masked the true depths of her power? Was this how she managed to keep herself hidden for all these years?' He pondered, creasing his brows.

'[That seems to be the case. It seems that whatever you did has caused her to make up her mind and decide to do something as drastic as this. However, her true motives are still unclear. Be wary, Aiden.]' Enya warned him, her tone sounding more worried than anything else.

'Hmmm… I don't think that she had any ulterior motive, besides coming clear. Still, you guys are right. Ryg, stay on alert.' Aiden responded, calm slowly returning to his expression after the momentary trepidation passed.

​ Meanwhile, as if a solar eclipse have passed, the immaterial body had passed, blocking his vision allowing for the first time to take his gaze on the emerging… surprisingly youthful face that suddenly looked back at him with a calm, motherly smile adorning her face.

As if a glimmer of blinding light filled the room, it took a couple of extra seconds for the spectators to process what they were presented with. Apart from the sighing, her brows were knitted, her forehead furrowed as she looked at her leader and master with worry.

As for Captain Dragha and the four Saurus Captains, they gawked as they peered at the youthful-looking maidenly woman that was revealed to them. The figure had a faint, bright skin, devoid of the usual scales making her look more like an amorphous creature, almost like a shorter, tailed version of a Bareskin than a Draconic Skink, or any reptilian they had knowledge of for that matter.

A couple of vermillion feathers dotted the top of her head serving as a strange set of hair and strangely, just adding more to her otherworldly charm. She had a gentle, warm golden colored deep set eyes, once more resembling that of the once fabled surface dwellers than that of those of Draconic Origins.

Still, she did have her tail, her sharpened, longer ears, and everything defining characteristic of their race. It was just… strange, almost as if…

'[Reptilian] I know what you all want to ask but afraid to do so, fearing that it would hurt my feelings.' As if noticing their gaze, the leader turned her attention on the Saurus Captains, smiling at them gently, warmly as she spoke.

'[Reptilian] I am, what you could probably just call a residue of what I once was. A shell.. A remnant… spirit, I guess.'

Once again, his usual smile that usually lorded his facial expressions, left Aiden's visage, making her expression sour and equip a garment of seriousness and clarity.

"[Reptilian] What happened to you? What… are you? You feel like… a spirit, yet you definitely have a solid body…" Aiden muttered, checking the figure taking in the sight with all he could see.

The leader chuckled at his question, pushing back on his chair in the next moment and standing up to give them more visuals to inspect and take under careful scrutiny.

"[Reptilian] It is a somewhat longer story needing time which, -now that I have undone the wardings-,  sadly do not have. However, let me try to give you a shortened version as well as reintroduce myself." The leader smiled before taking another step backwards.

As a soft sigh escaped her soft lips she took a courteous bow and spoke with a warm, gentle tone.

"[Reptilian] Welcome travelers to our humble abode. My true name is Vyndridolth, once known as the Eternal One, the Second Guardian presiding over this… now, sadly dying realm. Together with Orren, Terlanti, and Hykol my three other brothers, and our eldest, Kyldrath, the 'Ancient One' as you probably know of him nowadays, were once the five champions, guardians of the Gods, tasked to protect and watch over this world." She began, her tone gradually shifting into melancholy as she reminisced.

Taking a moment of respite she collected her senses and sighed once again, before continuing.

"[Reptilian] For millions of years we lived in harmony, each of us presiding over a subset of the gods' creations, watching over them from behind our mystical curtains as they continued to grow and evolve. Everything was fine, we were a happy family. Our elder brother, our leader looked over us, cared and protected us from all harm… up until that fateful day…"


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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