"[Reptilian] I have to apologize to the Young Lord for my rudeness, but the truth about my identity is rather… sensitive. It's best if you-"

Before the leader could even finish, Aiden chuckled again and waved his hand in a dismissive manner before dropping the bomb.

"[Reptilian] Oh come now, there is no point in hiding anymore… Miss Exile Guardian."

Almost instantly the air in the room turned a notch colder as well as heavier. The previously calm, respectful, and polite masked leader of the Dark Shadow organization suddenly shifted into a wary, guarded and alerted stance and asked in a much colder, almost threatening tone.

"[Reptilian] What does our esteemed guest lord possibly mean by that? Please elaborate on how you reached that conclusion. I would really appreciate it if you would be honest."

With a flick of his left hand, suddenly the sound of clicking, the door's defensive locking mechanism activating could be heard. At the same time, Lady Circe took a step back guarding the door by herself. The shadows in the corners twisted and blurred as several dark figures emerged each with a pair of honed daggers tightly clenched in their hands.

It was clear that the seemingly offhanded remark of Aiden had shifted the tone, and whilst it was phrased as a request, he would very much need to tread carefully if he were to aim to continue the discussion in a controlled and hopefully peaceful manner.

However, he also did not want to show weakness of any kind. Aiden's eyes suddenly flickered with the familiar golden luster revealing that his vast pool of [Soul Power] reserves were once again revolving inside his body, enhancing his being from its very core.

The artificial shackles he used to keep the majority of his power at bay were once again temporarily removed allowing the full power of his aura, infused with the sliver of his Divine Domain to spread in the room.

Like an invisible veil, it has descended upon the alerted Dark Shadow organization members forcing them to struggle to even continue standing. As for Lady Circe, her strength was vastly superior to the rest of them, she merely frowned but managed to seemingly retain her cool. Though the small beads of sweat that glistened every now and then on her forehead betrayed her forced calmness.

Slowly raising his attention, Aiden cast his glowing, lustrous and exotic golden eyes on the masked figure. Though the mask provided ample cover, from the glinting colorless light that he was met with, Aiden was certain that there was a cold, borderline hostile expression on the woman's face as she withstood his scrutiny.

"[Reptilian] Whilst I do aim for a mutually beneficial cooperation…" He started, his tone starting from gentle, but suddenly shifting into a cold threat at the second half as Aiden continued. "…I DO NOT appreciate this continued show of meaningless force, Guardian."

Infusing more of his essences, Aiden pooled more and more of his [Soul Power] energy into his aura, adding waves after waves of renewed force akin to invisible slaps and punches to the entire opposing force as he continued to voice his warning, word after word.

"[Reptilian] Do not think that just because of what you represent, I would not hesitate to end you and claim your soul. I can pry the secrets from even the deepest, darkest corners of your soul."

Giving a small relief, a gentle ease on the suffering he exerted upon the residents of the room, he said with a slightly calmer tone of voice.

"[Reptilian] If you continue to threaten me, or worse, my little girl here, I will not hesitate to end the precious legacy you have thought so hard to protect. Even if it would make my end goal of finishing up that traitor later that much harder, I will NOT tolerate such an action a third time."

Having said what he wanted Aiden suddenly pulled all of his aura back, relieving the people in the room in an instant. Yet, his eyes continued to glow with the mysterious golden energy, not fully relaxing. If the guardian leader would continue to act in the same manner, he was prepared to make true, on his promise. Even if it meant he would waste away the last use of the blessing and cause himself a severe backlash, he would still do so.

For over a minute, the masked leader continued to stare at the peddler-looking leader. Her brows creased into a growing deeper frown the more she tried to inspect and analyze the figure. The more she wanted to know, the more she realized how much deeper she could actually go. How vast, how deep this person, this elusive truth seemed to be.

In the end, she sighed, and flicked her hands once more, causing the door to click once more, signalling that the locking mechanism had been disengaged.

At the same time, Lady Circle silently nodded, understanding her leader's intent, and relaxed her guard whilst also stepping to the side.

The dark figures on the corners have vanished once more, melding back into the shadows and leaving the premises, once again leaving them alone to the meeting.

"[Reptilian] I… understand." She sighed eventually. Feeling as if she had just lost a huge battle.

Aiden smiled as he looked at her expression.

"[Reptilian] I do understand your worry though, and you have nothing to fear. Whilst I cannot reveal the crux of the matter, just know that I do not know the details, only that you are one of the survivors of an ancient era. One of the four supposedly dead guardians that, as the legend goes, was betrayed by the fifth… the 'Ancient One'." Aiden explained with a growing warm smile resting on his face. He reached out and caressed the top of the obedient little girl's head as he spoke.

"[Reptilian] I…" The leader sighed, still showing some hesitation of how she should proceed. In the end, after a bit of pondering, she decided to trust her instincts and slowly reached for the edges of her mask.

She unclasped the leather straps that held it firmly in place, before slowly, carefully reaching under it, and grabbing it.

Seeing all of this, Lady Circe showed the first change in her usually calm disposure. She looked shocked at first, which swiftly transitioned into fear. She hurriedly called out, wanting to rush to her mistress's aid but not daring to.

"[Reptilian] L-leader! Please, I beg you… think it through! If you do that… there's no turning back!"

The leader, however, didn't seem to listen, and continued to pull the strangely fitting mask, prying it off from her face. Eventually, the mysterious energy that seemed to keep it in place was overpowered, and another surprise smiled back at Aiden.


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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