The Jiang Family's Little Girl Has Magic Powers

Chapter 181: Don’t Say What You don’t Mean.

Chapter 181

Jing Yan nodded: "I believe it." Since he could cultivate immortality, how could he not believe in past lives.

"I was actually born with memories of my past life, and the Spiritual Realm is my innate treasure, Xiao Shi is my innate spirit beast." Jiang Yuqing stared at him, as if trying to see some fluctuation in his calm eyes: "You don't seem surprised at all?"

Jing Yan chewed and swallowed the candy, and honestly said: "I had even thought before that you might be an immortal from heaven who descended into the mortal world to cross the heavenly tribulation."

Jiang Yuqing scoffed: "You really know how to let your imagination run wild."

Jing Yan put his arms around her: "No matter who you are or where you came from, now you're just my wife, my queen. I just want to know, did you get married in your past life?"

"Isn't your concern a little off-base?"

"Don't try to change the subject. I really want to know!"

"Well, does it bother you?"

Jing Yan shook his head: "If you did, I would be jealous of that guy for having you one lifetime earlier than me."

Jiang Yuqing smiled brightly: "The sweet talk is a little cheesy, but it's okay, I like to hear it. And you have to listen clearly too, I was only 27 years old when I died in my past life. I didn't even have a boyfriend, let alone gotten married."

Jing Yan was shocked and his arm around her tightened involuntarily. Heartbroken, he asked, "How could you have died so young, how could this be?"

Jiang Yuqing shook her head, her smile somewhat bitter, "I was saving people and got burned to death by a big fire..." She told him about her past life, about her birth, her work, her final death, and how the old Taoist priest helped her cross over...

Jing Yan held her tightly, afraid, his whole body trembling. Her past life was so difficult and painful.

If he had also met her in that world in his last life, would her ending have been different?

Whether in the past life or this life, this woman in his arms was kind to the point of heartache. In her heart there was love for her family and also great love and compassion. She cherished all the people and animals she loved and who loved her in her life, regardless of status.

Marrying her in this life was truly a blessing through three lifetimes.

Jiang Yuqing went on, "So you really don't need to feel bad for me. I'm truly grateful for everything in my past life. That suffering made me who I am today. I feel very fortunate to be reborn into this world in my current life, to have the best parents, relatives and friends, and the best you, Ah Yan!"

Her sudden confession made Jing Yan's entire world explode with fireworks. He could no longer restrain himself, lowered his head and fiercely kissed her alluring red lips.

Before things could get out of control, Jiang Yuqing used her last shred of clarity to bring Jing Yan out of the Spiritual Realm, and they tumbled onto the wide brocade bed together.

The night was deep, and the passion in the room continued...

The next day, Jiang Yuqing got up late again. When she got up, Jing Yan had already gone to court. The palace maid covered her mouth and said, "When His Majesty left, he specifically instructed us not to disturb the Empress, who worked hard last night."

Jiang Yuqing's face turned red. She resented that he really had no restraint in what he said to others, causing unnecessary misunderstandings. She hurriedly got out of bed to wash up, get dressed and have breakfast.

Just after finishing her morning meal, a little eunuch came to report that Li Deshun had woken up. So Jiang Yuqing put down her bowl and chopsticks and quickly went to Li Deshun's residence.

When she arrived, Tian Guang and the Retired Emperor had already left. Li Deshun was half-reclining in bed, being served congee by a little eunuch.

Seeing her come in, he was like a lost child who finally saw his parents again, and his eyes immediately turned red.

Jiang Yuqing dismissed the little eunuch and took Li Deshun's pulse after ensuring he was completely fine, before asking him, "Grandpa Li, how are you feeling?"

When Li Deshun heard this form of address, tears instantly welled up in his eyes. Choking up, he said, "Very good, very good. I've heard that you saved my life again, dear girl."

Jiang Yuqing patted the back of his hand, which was covered in age spots, and said, "Don't cry, listen to me. You are getting on in years now, and your health cannot withstand more work. It's time you retired with honor from the palace."

Li Deshun said sadly, "The Retired Emperor also told me earlier that I should retire from the palace. But I'm a rootless tumbleweed without any family or friends. Where would I go once I leave the palace?"

Jiang Yuqing looked at his haggard and sorrowful face, lined with wrinkles, and her heart twisted. "When I was little, I told Grandpa Li that when you grew old I would support you and keep you company until the end. I've always remembered that promise in my heart, not daring to forget it.

Now my grandparents live in Tai'an Farm just outside the city. General Qin is also there. If you are willing, I will send you to Tai'an Farm to keep them company, what do you think?"

"Dear girl, are you serious?" Light suddenly flashed in the old eunuch's eyes, and he became very excited. He liked that place, with its flowers and fruits, cattle and sheep, and companionable old friends. It seemed to contain the most beautiful mundane life in the mortal world.

Seeing how happy he was, Jiang Yuqing felt relieved and said, "Of course I'm serious."

"I'll go, I'll go! Living together with your grandfather, wonderful, he's a good man!"

Now that the matter was settled, Jiang Yuqing immediately sent someone that day to deliver a letter to Tai'an Farm, telling them to clean up a small courtyard for Li Deshun to live in.

Li Deshun was also not fussy. He tidied up his money and possessions and packed up the generous rewards from the palace that same day. Early next morning, he bade farewell to the Retired Emperor, and let Jiang Yuqing escort him personally to Tai'an Farm.

Hearing that Li Deshun was coming, several elders personally went into the kitchen to prepare a table full of dishes and wine to welcome him, with Doctor Qiu also bringing good wine.

At dinner, the old eunuch drank too much. As he drank, he cried hoarsely, "I've finally made it to the end of my life after struggling through it all. They all said I was heirless, cursing me for having no sons or grandsons.

Screw them, I still have my darling girl. My darling girl is like a granddaughter to me. Since she said she would support me in my old age, then she really will!

And I have you old geezers to keep me company. I'm going to live here from now on, die here too, and be buried here! No one can make me leave against my will."

Doctor Qiu comforted him, "Then just live here, and don't go anywhere. In another two years when I can no longer do anything and my time comes, I'll also move here to keep you company. When we miss our dear girl, we can go into the city together to see her. Who knows, in the future we may even get to see her little ones."

"Good, seeing the little ones will be wonderful. Let's do it together!"

The old eunuch was comforted. He wiped away his tears and laughed again.

Before leaving, Jiang Yuqing looked back once more at the farm. Its original purpose was only to house disabled veterans; she hadn't expected that one day it would grow into a utopia in the hearts of the elders.

It was like a tiny seedling sprouting in the wild; perhaps she had only absent-mindedly planted it. Yet without her knowing, it had grown into a towering tree, flowering with fragrance.

She had thought the matter would end there. But unexpectedly, after the Retired Emperor returned from the Three Purities Temple, perhaps missing Li Deshun's company, he actually felt bored and restless.

So he immediately tidied up in preparation to go find Li Deshun, but was stopped by the Retired Empress: "What are you going to do? Hasn't he served you his whole life, and now he has retired, yet you still want to bother the poor man?"

The Retired Emperor mumbled, "How can you call it bothering him, I just want a companion."

The Retired Empress raged, cursing directly, "What damn companion! He's faced you for decades, that slave mentality is ingrained in his bones. If you show up, how could he not serve you?"

The Retired Emperor complained, "I'm just bored."

"Still say you're bored? Your legs were hobbled just digging up the imperial gardens!"

Upon hearing this, the Retired Emperor immediately jumped up: "Oh my! How could I have forgotten about this? Hehe, I have to plant well, who knows, maybe when the harvest comes I'll hear the good news from dear girl."

The Retired Empress was both angry and amused: "If you like children that much, doesn't Prince Fu's house just have a newborn girl? Why don't you go take a look?"

The Retired Emperor curled his lip disdainfully: "An illegitimate daughter, what's there to see. Besides, her looks are ordinary."

The Retired Empress: "..." This old man is hopeless.

In early June, envoys from the Wa Country escorted two princesses to enter the capital. Jing Yan received the Wa diplomats in the Liangyi Hall.

Walking in front was the Wa envoy with a bald head, small mustache under his mouth, wearing wooden clogs, clopping "gu dang gu dang".

Followed behind were two Japanese women wearing long veiled hats, colorful dresses, and carrying pillows on their backs. They walked with mincing steps, staring at their toes. The rapid pattering sound made all the officials' ears hurt.

When they reached the palace hall, the Japanese bowed at a ninety degree angle and spoke in halting, awkward Chinese: "Yamada Jintaro, meeting with the Emperor Jing Yan of Great Xia. Long live His Majesty, ten thousand years, ten thousand ten thousand years."

Jing Yan's face was expressionless. "Why have you come?"

"To restore friendship between our two countries."

Jing Yan gave a cold snort. "Friendship? I've never known there to be any old friendship between your Japan and my Great Xia. There's no lack of blood feuds though. Why don't we have a good reckoning?" His words were extremely discourteous.

Yamada Jintaro shuddered and quickly denied it. "I didn't do those things in the past. I don't know anything about them. There's a saying in your Great Xia - 'Resolve grievances, don't create them.' We've come with utmost sincerity this time, hoping to turn swords into jade silks with Great Xia."

"Your Chinese is quite good. In that case, I'm sure you must have also heard this saying - 'A debt owed by the father will be repaid by the son; a debt owed by the elder brother will be repaid by the younger.' Don't say I didn't warn you ahead of time. So what do you say, Envoy Yamada?"

Upon hearing this, Yamada broke out in a cold sweat, his clothes soaked through. "Your Imperial Majesty, please show mercy. We truly came with sincerity. We have brought our imperial household's two most beautiful and noble princesses, hoping to marry them into your noble country."

As he spoke, he clapped his hands. The two Japanese women immediately began mincing forward. Seeing their attitude, all the officials curled their lips in disdain.

Summoned at will and they appear? Preposterous! Even the old madams from the Great Xia brothels would summon their lowly prostitutes this way. For anyone with slight fame, gifts and pleasantries would still be needed to politely request the madam's presence. 𝘧𝑟𝓮𝓮𝓌𝑒𝘣𝘯ℴ𝑣𝘦𝓵.𝒸ℴ𝑚

Yamada Jintaro clapped his hands again. The two Japanese women curtsied, then under the gaze of all, confidently removed their veiled hats and smiled coquettishly at Jing Yan on the throne.

Immediately the great hall erupted into shocked cries.

"Damn me, scared me to death! How long were they rotting underground before they dragged them out!"

"What the hell is this? Scared me black!"

"Screw your demon boards, bringing out so many monsters!"

"Quickly get rid of her!"

Some even shouted loudly, "Evil spirits! Quickly protect His Majesty!"

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