Chapter 180

When Jiang Yuqing and Jing Yan arrived, Li Deshun's room was already filled with many people.

The Retired Emperor was also present. Li Deshun lay on the bed, his white hair at the back of his head shaved off, revealing a grim wound.

Upon seeing Jiang Yuqing, the Retired Emperor anxiously said, "Yuqing, quickly take a look at him. This old fellow has served me all his life and hasn't enjoyed any blessings. We can't let him leave like this."

"Father, don't worry. Let me examine him first." Jiang Yuqing asked Tian Guang, "Senior Brother, what's the situation with Li Gonggong?"

Tian Guang replied, "It has been raining these past few days, and moss has grown on the steps. Li Gonggong didn't see it and slipped, hitting the back of his head on the stone steps. The external injury can be treated, but his condition is getting weaker. It's likely he has intracranial bleeding."

Jiang Yuqing took Li Deshun's pulse and scanned his brain with her divine sense. As Tian Guang had said, there was indeed intracranial bleeding, and the bleeding was substantial.

Tian Guang asked, "Li Gonggong is old. If we perform a trepanation, he may not be able to endure it on the operating table. Sister, do you have a good solution?"

Jiang Yuqing nodded and said, "Yes." She then asked all the palace attendants to leave, leaving only the Retired Emperor, Tian Guang, and Jing Yan in the room.

Jiang Yuqing said to Jing Yan, "Ay Yan, protect me!"


Jiang Yuqing stood in front of Li Deshun's bed, pinched her fingers in a specific manner, and a radiant green light appeared in her hands.

This green light carried a vibrant vitality, just like the breath of spring when everything revived.

Jiang Yuqing controlled the green light to envelop Li Deshun's head, and the green light slowly rotated around his head.

As the light rotated, Li Deshun's wound visibly healed bit by bit.

Everyone present, except for Jing Yan, the Retired Emperor, and Tian Guang, widened their eyes in astonishment. Especially the Retired Emperor, his mouth hung wide open, speechless.

He looked at Jiang Yuqing as if she were a precious treasure. It turned out that his daughter-in-law's abilities were truly astonishing, capable of resurrecting the dead.

Compared to the Retired Emperor, Tian Guang remained relatively calm.

He knew that his junior sister had some undisclosed abilities. Therefore, after the initial astonishment, he quickly accepted it.

Jiang Yuqing nodded and said, "Hmm, he's fine now. Let him have a good sleep, and I'll come to check on him tomorrow morning." Tian Guang took Li Deshun's pulse and confirmed that his condition was stable.

Apart from looking a bit pale, no one could tell that this person had already stepped into Yanwang Hall just over a quarter of an hour ago.

Tian Guang quickly took a piece of cotton cloth, wiped the blood from Li Deshun's hair, and wrapped it with a white bandage. That was it.

The Retired Emperor was puzzled and asked, "Isn't the injury already healed? Why do we need to wrap it up?"

Tian Guang explained, "For appearances. Otherwise, if the palace attendants see that his injury has healed so quickly, we won't be able to explain it."

"Oh, I see. It should be wrapped up properly, then."

Jiang Yuqing looked at the retired emperor, who was somewhat incoherent due to the shock. Jiang Yuqing poured him a cup of tea to calm him down.

After all, the retired emperor, who had been an emperor for so many years, finally regained his composure after drinking the tea.

Jiang Yuqing then poured another cup of tea and discreetly added a drop of elixir from his sleeve. He called a eunuch and watched as the eunuch fed it to Li Deshun. Only then did he relax.

He instructed the eunuch to take good care of Li Deshun before he left.

Before leaving, the retired emperor pulled Jing Yan aside and asked in a hushed voice, "Yan'er, did we bring back a fairy to our family?"

Jing Yan smiled and replied, "You just realized? I thought you already knew when she granted you ten more years of life."

The retired emperor smacked his lips and said, "So, marrying her is quite an achievement for our family, isn't it?"

Jing Yan half-jokingly replied, "If she is willing, the whole world belongs to her. What you saw just now was only the tip of the iceberg. So, don't think she values the position of empress that much."

"Can you defeat her in a fight?"

Jing Yan shook his head and said, "I'm far from being her match!"

The retired emperor looked at his son with a complex expression, unsure whether to envy him or pity him.

After a while, he patted his son's shoulder and said with deep meaning, "My son, you must never quarrel with her in the future. You have to spoil her. And never take in concubines, otherwise, if she beats you up, even your old man won't be able to help you."

Jing Yan replied, "...Are you overthinking, Father?"

Then he chuckled and said, "Tomorrow, when the old eunuch wakes up, I'll make another trip to the Three Purities Temple."


"To thank the matchmaker. Although that stubborn old Daoist Huayang Zi may be annoying, his fortune-telling skills are really good. Better than the Imperial Astronomy Bureau. When you encountered several hardships in the palace in the past, I had no choice but to beg him for help and ask him to calculate your fate. He said your auspicious star was in Qingzhou in the south."

"I had to endure the pain and had your uncle take you to Qingzhou, and sure enough, you met Qingbao."

"..." Okay, this person is indeed a matchmaker.

Their whispered conversation was not loud, and others might not have heard it.

Jiang Yuqing's ears were exceptionally keen, and she heard the father and son's conversation clearly and couldn't help but chuckle.

She didn't interrupt and went straight back to the palace.

Shortly after, Jing Yan returned and hugged her waist, asking, "Did you hear what I said to Father just now?"

Jiang Yuqing smiled and nodded, "Quite interesting."

Jing Yan rubbed his chin against the top of her head and said with a slightly deep and smiling voice, "Our abilities have been recognized by our elders. From now on, you can do whatever you want, and no one will dare to question you."

Jiang Yuqing pecked his handsome chin and said, "Ah Yan, let me take you to a place."


Jiang Yuqing just smiled without saying a word, took his hand, and in a flash, they entered the Spirit Realm.

Seeing this world so different from the outside, Jing Yan was first startled, then understood, "Could this be your mysterious spiritual realm?"

"Yes, welcome to my world."

Jing Yan lowered her head and kissed her passionately, not letting go until she was breathless. "Qingqing, thank you for accepting me as your partner wholeheartedly."

If it weren't for that, she would never have brought him here.

Jiang Yuqing led him to explore the vast fields of spiritual herbs, various fruit orchards, rice paddies, and spiritual springs.

"This pool water can be used to accelerate crop growth, significantly reducing the production time of plants. It also has benefits for people when consumed. Although it cannot cure all ailments, it can strengthen the body."

She walked to the monument of merit and said, "This is the merit scale. The spiritual realm calculates my merit based on acts of kindness."

Merit accumulates into spiritual milk, which is automatically distributed to me.

A drop of spiritual milk, when consumed by an ordinary person, can extend their lifespan by ten years. However, a person can only consume one drop in their lifetime; a second drop would be useless.

When cultivators like us consume it, we can directly enhance our cultivation. It can also be used together with other medicinal herbs to refine longevity pills. In short, it has many uses."

Jing Yan saw that the jade bowl on top of the monument was already filled halfway and was both shocked and delighted. "Qingqing, you've done so many good deeds to accumulate this much."

Jiang Yuqing proudly said, "Indeed, now you know how lucky you are to marry this fairy."

Jing Yan touched her nose and chuckled softly, "I admit, I have reached high."

Afterward, Jiang Yuqing took him to the hospital. He immediately noticed the parked vehicles downstairs and curiously asked, "What are those?"

"Cars! Come on, I'll take you for a ride!"

She picked a military green-painted Hummer and opened the passenger door, gesturing for him to get in.

After Jing Yan sat down, he looked curiously at everything inside the car. Jiang Yuqing fastened his seatbelt and took the driver's seat.

Having not driven a car for more than a decade, he felt a little unfamiliar when he first sat in the car, but quickly got the hang of it. He skillfully started the engine.

The roar of the engine starting startled Jing Yan, but as he turned his head and saw his wife's playful smile, he immediately felt at ease.

Jiang Yuqing gently stepped on the accelerator, and the vehicle slowly started, accelerating once they passed through the hospital gate.

The car rushed forward like the wind, speeding along the wide roads amidst the fields of herbs.

Jiang Yuqing intentionally lowered the car window, and the whooshing sound of the wind brushed past their ears. The exhilarating sensation of this extreme freedom stimulated their senses, bringing immense joy to their hearts.

Especially for Jing Yan, although he didn't show many expressions on his face, the excitement in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

After observing the scenery for a while, he began to carefully study Jiang Yuqing's driving actions.

Jiang Yuqing also noticed his subtle movements and smiled, asking, "What's the matter, want to learn?"

Jing Yan nodded and said, "I want to learn. Qingqing, would you be willing to be my teacher again?"

"Of course, first, call me 'teacher' and then we'll see."

Jing Yan readily followed the instructions: "Teacher, your student is ready to learn."

Jiang Yuqing was amused by his playfulness and slowly brought the car to a stop.

He began teaching Jing Yan how to start the engine, step on the brakes, accelerate, turn, and reverse.

This guy's intelligence was unbelievably high. He learned everything in one go. Perhaps men are naturally more sensitive in mechanical matters compared to women.

Unlike her previous life, where she had failed the driving test three times for the third-level license, it was quite embarrassing.

As for traffic regulations and such, they weren't necessary for now. In this spiritual realm, she was the traffic regulation herself.

Jing Yan drove the car in the spiritual realm for several laps. Aside from being a little unfamiliar in the beginning, he ended up driving even more smoothly than Jiang Yuqing, which was truly envy-inducing.

When they were about to get off the car, Jing Yan seemed somewhat reluctant. It was only when Jiang Yuqing told him that he could drive any car here that he finally felt satisfied.

Jiang Yuqing then took him to visit various places in the hospital, including the hospital's mini supermarket.

She took two lollipops from the shelf, tore open the packaging, and handed one to him. "Do you still remember the lollipop I gave you when we were kids? I used to get them from here."

Jing Yan took it and licked it, confirming that it indeed had a familiar taste. "So, you had this spiritual realm even when you were little, Qingqing."

Jiang Yuqing smiled and looked into Jing Yan's eyes as she asked, "Do you believe in past lives?"

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