Chapter 340 – Training

Chapter 340: Training

"Let's go," Christian commented, seeing his son returning back to them after thanking the store owner.

"Wait, I've heard so much about the store. Now that Tristan has become perfectly healthy, let's check the other products of the store," Christopher refused Christian and told the group.

"But, Tristan-"

"Don't worry about it? Please don't stop yourself from doing anything for me." Christian wanted to speak something, but Tristan interjected midway and told his family members to go ahead.

"Senior, what other products does your store sell?" While the duo of father and son were conversing, Christopher had already approached Aakesh.

"Do you want to know other categories of pills?" Aakesh, instead of directly answering the man, asked a question.

Christopher wasn't in any urgency and had a lot of free time, so he nodded in response to Aakesh's question.

"The other categories…," Aakesh introduced all the products sold by the store, including the other categories of the pills.

Christopher had heard about Panagea from one of his friends who had attended the event, but since he didn't explain much for whatever reason, Christopher only knew that Panagea was a world where you could train.

As for the unlimited revivals and the benefit of taking things out from Panagea in reality was something he learned today from the store owner.

The more he learned about the Panagea, the more shocked he became. But he also felt disappointed for his grandson hearing that without the King's permission, Tristan couldn't enter Panagea since it would make him regain his cultivation back.

After Panagea, Christopher learned about the weapons and the training area.

Since the highest cultivation level in Christopher's group was an early Void Forging, Aakesh didn't introduce the prices of the higher grade weapons training areas.

"Senior, I want to enter Panagea," Christopher requested after Aakesh had stopped introduction.

Aakesh had already expected this reaction from the man since every new customer asks for this after they learn about Panagea. He then informed the man that there were only limited spots available, and if he wanted to enter Panagea, he needed to come to the store early in the morning tomorrow.

Christopher shook his head in disappointment after learning about no empty spots left.

Since he and his family members couldn't enter Panagea for now, only the training area was left for them.

Since Christopher was a Void Forging level cultivator, the maximum grade of weapon he could handle was Mythical. And for Mythical-grade weapons, the Gods & Demons level training area priced a hundred superior Primal stones, which was severalfold more than what Christopher could gain after selling everything he had, so it was out of the question right away.

Similarly, the Immortal level training area exceeded his worth, so it was out of the question too. Now only the first four levels of the training area remained in contention.

The difficult level of the training area was priced at a thousand top Primal stones, which he could afford, but he wouldn't be able to let other family members train here. The moderate difficulty cost a hundred, while the normal difficulty cost ten stones.

After thinking for a while, Christopher decided to go through the moderate-level training area.

"Senior, I want to enter…," Christopher then requested Aakesh and told him what level he and his other family members would go to.

Christian and Trissy were Void Condensation and could use Mythical grade weapons, while Kristina, who was only a Soul Formation, could only handle up to the Epic grade weapon.

Aakesh nodded in response to the man's order and asked him to pay three hundred top and a hundred ordinary Primal stones.

Christopher had already taken out the required amount of stones from his pocket space. Aakesh waved his hands, and the Primal stones disappeared from the store. Aakesh then told Christopher to go and the process to enter the training area.

Time flew by, and an hour had passed.

After his family members left for the training area, Tristan left the store to meet the King of the Blue Wyrm Kingdom.

Christopher wanted to go with Tristan when he learned that Tristan wanted to go to the King right away, leaving the already paid training area. But before he could say anything, Tristan had already guessed his motives and stopped his grandfather from leaving with him.

Seeing the adamant and determined look on his grandson's face, Christopher had no choice but to give up and let Tristan meet the King on his own.

Tristan still hadn't told them about how he came to the situation he was in before the treatment since he had decided to inform the truth to the King first like a loyal soldier of the Kingdom.


Since the hour of training for the group of Christopher was over, and he didn't have a card on him to pay the extra amount to further stay, the system forced the group out one by one.

The system then sent the group to an isolated space, and only after their energy had calmed down due to the addition of stronger consciousness did the system return them back to the store, and while all of this happened, the group stayed unaware.

"What did you gain?" Christopher asked his wife after he had checked what he had gained after the training area.

"Not much," Trissy answered her husband. Since they had chosen the moderate level of difficulty, the training didn't provide a large amount of growth.

She could only say that her knowledge in swordplay has deepened a little bit after the training. Christopher also had a similar amount of growth.


Since the group had nothing else to do after their training was done, and Tristan had also returned to the Blue Wyrm Kingdom, they also decided to return.

As for Panagea, Christopher would return tomorrow early morning to have a spot. If everything turned out alright, Tristan would also come with them, but if King refused to take back the punishment, then maybe only Christopher would come to the store.

The group didn't forget to thank Aakesh before leaving for treating Tristan, and only then did they leave the store.

As for Aakesh, he didn't care much since the group was nothing more than another group of customers for him.

He returned to his relaxation session since there were no new customers currently present in the store.

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