Chapter 339 – Treatment?

Chapter 339: Treatment?

Christopher's hands shook as he forced a body healing pill into the mouth of unconscious Tristan.

After feeding one pill, Christopher didn't wait and only stopped when he had forced the other two pills.

The pills began acting right away.

Since Tristan had numerous internal injuries, the entire energy of the first pill was used to heal those.

Christopher could see the energy flow inside Tristan's body, so he waited for the body healing pill's effects to completely die out before feeding mental healing pills to Tristan.

After Tristan's internal injuries had gotten healed, a green light engulfed his entire body.

His burnt portion returning to normal could be seen through naked eyes.

The burnt skin that fell off after the birth of new skin disappeared before they could touch the floor, courtesy to the system.

Trissy, Kristina, Christian, and Christopher, all of them had moist eyes as they looked at Tristan's healing with a visible rate of speed.

A few seconds later, there wasn't even a hint of burn left on Tristan's body. His wrinkly skin had turned youthful. The three hairs on his bald head had fallen down, and dense black hairs that reached his waist took their place.

The energy still didn't disappear, as there was still a part left to heal.

A few seconds later, the same Tristan, who had left that night for the mission, appeared in front of the family members.

Due to the healing pills, the sedative effect also disappeared. Tristan, who had been lying unconscious for the last few hours, began regaining his consciousness.

Christopher fed a mental healing pill to his grandson right away, as only his physical body had healed; the mental injury was yet to be treated. If Tristan were to regain consciousness in this situation, he would still be a crazy guy.

"PLEASE ANSWER ME!" A heartbreaking shout rang in the store the next moment, and Tristan regained consciousness.

But as soon as Christopher fed him the pill, a pained expression appeared on Tristan's face. Christopher didn't wait and fed him the other two pills as well.

Time flew by.

As seconds passed, the pained expression on Tristan's face turned uglier as if he was seeing something terrible.

Finally, after around three minutes had passed, the ugly expression began returning to normal.

A few seconds later, Tristan's eyes finally opened.

Tristan rubbed his eyes as the scene in front of him looked blurry while Kristina gently put down her son.

Finally, after clear sight returned to Tristan, he couldn't help but exclaim in surprise, finding him in an unfamiliar environment.

Soon, the memory of that night and after that until today slowly appeared in his head.

Due to the pill, Tristan didn't have any adverse effects due to the sudden addition of twenty years of memory.

When he finally learned everything that had happened in the last twenty years from that night, a drop of tear left his eyes.

His eyes then fell on his family members who were looking at him with a gentle and happy smile and tears in their eyes.

Tristan felt his heart getting tight, seeing the tears in his family member's eyes. Tristan stood up and hugged his family, and apologized for making them go through this for the last twenty years due to him.

After he had a hearty conversation with his family members, his eyes turned cold as he remembered Shuang and what she did with him.

"I'll kil-"

Tristan attempted to vow to kill Shuang, but it came to a sudden halt after he noticed that he couldn't sense any energy.

"Is there no way for my cultivation to return?" Tristan asked his grandfather. He didn't know that the King had ordered his cultivation to stay crippled and thought that there were some complications with dantian, that's why he only got healed, but his cultivation still stayed crippled.

"No!" Christopher answered, bringing a tragic look on Tristan's face. "It's his majesty's punishment for you," Christopher further added and told him the reason behind his cultivation to stay crippled.

Tristan, who had a tragic expression, couldn't help but smile wryly hearing his grandfather's next words.

"I deserve it," Tristan, after staying silent for several seconds, suddenly commented.

He was the army chief of the Blue Wyrm Kingdom and had vowed to protect the Kingdom and its citizens when he had taken over that position, but instead of protecting, he had massacred billions of innocents in cruel ways.

"I'll beg his majesty to take his punishment back," Christopher, who couldn't see that sad look on his face, promised his grandson to make Tristan return to normal.

"Yes, we'll also beg his majesty to take his punishment back. After all, everything started due to the mission given by his majesty," The other family members chimed in and promised.

"You don't need to do that. I'll personally ask for forgiveness from his majesty," Tristan attempted a forced smile and told his family members.

"Where am I?" He asked before his family could say anything to divert the topic.

"It's the store that helped us in treating you," Christopher understood what his grandson wanted to do, but he still answered. He then further added, "You need to thank the store owner. If not for him, we would've never seen you."

Tristan, hearing his grandfather, took a look around the store and found a blue-skinned man relaxing on the sole chair, not far from him.

Accepting his grandfather's words, Tristan approached Aakesh.

Aakesh sensed footsteps approaching him, so he looked at the source, only to find out that it was the injured man.

"Thank you, senior! If not for you and your store products, I would've never been able to see my family again," Tristan bowed to his waist and thanked Aakesh with a sincere tone. He truly felt grateful to Aakesh and the store.

"No need to thank me, your family paid for the products," Aakesh expressionlessly responded.

"Senior, you're being-"

"No need, I already told you your family bought the products."

Tristan wanted to refute Aakesh, but Aakesh cut his speech off in between and stopped him from speaking anything else.

Tristan didn't speak anything further, seeing Aakesh gesturing to him to return to his family members.

"Thank you, senior!" Tristan thanked Aakesh once more with a slight bow and then returned to his family members, while Aakesh didn't speak anything in response and returned to another relaxation session.

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