The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 3: Empire's Stand - Chapter 574: The Final Two Years

The imperial court froze, the rows of eyes widening in his direction, particularly in Celestina's. Before the well-dressed nobles could react, their mouths either flatly shut or gaped with their lower lip hung down, Celestina flashed and leaped across, the light illuminating her footsteps. Her rapier pierced into one of the ministers, blood spewing heavily from his throat and drenching the blue uniform red. Gracefully like a butterfly, she weaved around several others, and brutally, she carved out a noble's throat. Only gargled woes, choked by blood, sounded from the noble's mouth.

Oscar sensed many in the imperial court start to rust off the shock of Celestina's ambush, their Ein surging in a protective stance. But it was too late. All of the officers and their forces, except for Oscar and his master, trampled over the blue carpet, stepping on the marble floor and carrying out their massacre. Splatters of blood and bodies painted a vivid and cruel picture on the floor, like a drawing on a fresh canvas. Bodies were dragged onto the blue carpet, now scarlet red.

Feeling the moist blood wetting his shoes, Oscar lowered his head slightly, wondering if this bloody scene was necessary. Celestina stood tall in the center of the site of the massacre, her emerald eyes looking more draconic, similar to the Dragnar Ancestor's. The remaining ministers and high nobles of the imperial court had already backed away to the walls, some remaining stoic and others trembling and kneeling. Her silver hair had splotches of blood, and she didn't bother to wipe away some from her face as her hands also were drenched.

'Why didn't you tell me?' Staring at Celestina, Oscar felt sad, his face deflating underneath his helmet. His strategist and informant, Alec, didn't know of it either, and judging from the inaction of the rest of his Black Aegis Order, no one else knew either. Everyone else participated except for his master. Her figure seemed incredibly lonely, surrounded by corpses and standing in a shallow pool of blood. Driven by a stir in his heart, he approached her and noticed she was in a strange trance, her expression blank and her eyes carrying a terrifying intent underneath those draconic pupils.

Oscar stared at his clean hands and softly clenched them on his way closer to her. A large white sheet fluttered in his grip as he draped it over her shoulders, keeping silent not to disturb her. He couldn't imagine the pain she must be enduring, but this small action was the best he could do for her. 'My hands have been full of blood for a long time. You should have told me, and I would have acted.'

Celestina perked up. Color returned to her pale, blank, and beautiful face. She turned her head slightly to face him, a meek smile thanking him. Good. The draconic pupils remained, but they were unbelievably clear and shone with majesty, holding none of the darkness that clouded them. Oscar nodded to her and returned to his position by his Black Aegis Order. Using the white sheet, Celestina wiped the blood from her hair, face, and hands, finishing by cleaning her rapier.

Stepping closer, Celestina softly lowered the rapier and placed it on the ground, bowing deeply to her father, who had not acted during the ordeal. She said in a low but clear voice, "Imperial Father, I have returned and cleansed our empire of the traitors and the dissenters. As your child, I have fulfilled my duty to our family and home."

Julius was silent, his figure somber as his expression betrayed a hint of sadness, a crack in the emperor's regalness. Quickly, the emperor resumed his stoicism, cold and expressionless, but his hands trembled while clenching the arms of the throne, a movement that did not escape Oscar's sight. Truly, a father's love clashes with the responsibilities of the throne. From his small interactions with the emperor, he knew Julius loved his children dearly. Yet, a father forced the daughter to commit such a slaughter.

'How complicated….' Oscar pitied the family shackled by the burdens of royalty.

"Well done, my beloved daughter. You have proven yourself worthy to take the throne. Once my time has passed, yours will begin." Julius closed his eyes, almost as if holding back tears. Soon, they reopened, carrying the same draconic pupils and exuding a terrifying pressure. "Our legacy must not be brought down by those who change allegiances to the enemy, and not by those too weak-willed, who wallow in schemes for their own benefit."

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Julius raised his voice, anger laden in each word, and regarded the rest of the imperial court, "Remember this day! All of you! Some have forced my daughter's hand. Pray you won't force mine. Our home. Our empire will endure, no matter what the others say, no matter what ill tidings report back to us. Answer me!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The remnants of the imperial court bowed, knocking their heads on the ground, a few not minding the blood soaking their hair.

"That is the correct attitude. Wyrmir may have been used, but our spirits must remain strong." Caires, the Dragnar Ancestor, entered the court, floating above the bloody mess. His hand stretched out from the sleeve of his gold-inscribed silver robe and waved once. The blood cleared up, and the bodies vanished, leaving a sparkling shine on the clean marble floor and a deep blue hue on the carpet. The old dragon landed near Celestina and patted her shoulder, giving an approving nod. His boisterous voice boomed out, "It is settled. Now enter, the rest of you."

Many famous figures stepped into the imperial court, and Oscar recognized quite a few of them. There was Head Captain Vostolf Rudinberg, Aunt Ward, Abraham Raeven, Phillip, Vice Pavilion Master John Williams, Great Elder Robert Levitt, Record Hall Director Austell Jones, Arcsmith Brumdo Firehand, Royal Artificier Helmuth Reignn, Cauldron Lord Isaac Weiss, and many others, the generals and commanders. The top of the Brilliant Drake Empire had all gathered here, and surprisingly, even Elder Saul arrived together with the Pavilion Master. Quite a few of the generals and elders of the Pavilion stared at Draven. He recalled Aunt Rosett's retelling of how Draven put down many in the same generation.

The air was stifling. Heavy, nonexistent pressure, not from Ein or intent, quickened his heart. He had never witnessed a gathering of powerful Exalts like this one. A sense of security welled up in him. Right now, he was in the safest place in the wartorn empire.

Caires laughed heartily, "When has such a gathering happened in our history? The air is quite heavy from all of you here." The Dragnar Ancestor voiced the same thoughts Oscar had. "Now then, my valiant generals and commanders. The final battle will arrive soon. Preparations must be made before Wyrmir falls. I know those old bastards on the other side will have prepared for it. But I can see Wyrmir still standing for almost two years. They'll attack with everything they have once it falls."

"Lord Dragnar. If that is the case, what shall we do about the refugees and civilians? Chaos from within is a poison that must be tended to." Aunt Ward bowed.

"We will spread them to the ten remaining cities, Dragonheart, and the Blue Ocean Pavilion." Caires declared. "It pains me to say they will have to endure for two years until the results of the Primanomachy are out. We will allow them to pass by the cities without resistance and draw them to the Pavilion and Dragonheart. The defenses of both are unparalleled compared to the rest of the empire. We can draw out the siege for as long as possible."

"Our forces will split in two to defend both," Remulus interjected. "But that is in the future. For now, enjoy a brief rest. Tomorrow, everyone is to report in and work."

"Yes!" Everyone shouted.

The war was nearing its end. Outside, Oscar mounted Erden and rode off toward the Garantulem. Six others hovered in the sky, which was overrun by fleets of ships, so many that they dotted the horizon and the expanse above like endless flocks of birds frozen in the clouds. The entire army had gathered here. Everything here was the last remnants of a long war spanning nearly two decades, the final defenders. Oscar never thought it would come to this point, and seeing it now still stunned him.

Erden's hooves clanked on the metal bridge, and he found the two he was looking for, Renn and Gloria, the two children he saved in Orbis. Oscar floated off and took off his helmet, smiling gently at the young ones. They didn't notice his arrival; their attention was on the snacks on the table. Smiling, he poked them on their tiny heads, gaining their attention.

"Misa!" Gloria shouted, barely able to say the word, mister.

"Have you two been well?" Oscar rubbed their heads, ruffling their hair.

Renn fumed and tried to smack away his hand. But after he couldn't, he blushed slightly and said, "There's lots of snacks to eat. Why are you here?"

Oscar chuckled and picked them both up. "We won't be moving for two years. In that time, let's head to a better place."

"A better place?" Renn tilted his head, his sister mimicking the motion. These two children were quite adorable.

"Yes, it'll be your new home." Oscar raised them onto Erden and headed towards his estate. At the very least, he could provide for these two orphans. At least he could provide a warm home for them.

'Two years…I pray Wyrmir can last as long as it can.'

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