The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 3: Empire's Stand - Chapter 573: A Terrible Parade

Garantulem soared across the sky, its loud rumbling mimicking the thunder. The journey had been halted for a few days since the incident near Catege City, but now it roared its way through the last region, the final haven within Wyrmir. Watching from atop the fortress on the Excrusier, Oscar fiddled with the ring on his left finger. As he peered over the ledge, he frowned deeply at the mass exodus of people, so many as the blades of grass in the fields. Faint were their cries of woes and wailing of tears, but they reached him clearly, his ears picking up many voices, all exhausted, saddened, and enraged.

'They don't have a home anymore.' Oscar thought, vivid memories of his farm burning, the house collapsing, and, most heartwrenching of all, Uncle Carlson's death clouding his mind. A pain spread from his eyes, and he rubbed them to find tears staining his hands. He buried himself in his hands, the tears leaking between the gaps and wetting the stone floor. There was no home anymore. There was no one from his childhood anymore. He had been so preoccupied during the past few days that it only began to settle in him, a cruel truth, that his old days had been burned away.

Another thunderous rumble joined Garantulem's bellow. The veil of clouds scattered into thin wisps, breaking apart as a vast fleet swept across, the mists glancing off the thick, steely hulls. In the center of the fleet was another Garantulem, identical in size and shape. The high flags identified the new fleet that came from the eastern borders. The reports mentioned that Artomos City, the ten great pillars, had been decimated and stamped out, a most harrowing read when he glanced over the pages.

'Why can't the war just end?' Oscar lamented in his heart. Couldn't it all be fantastic if it ended now? If only Gilbert could return in victory right now. Realizing the dangerous thoughts, he clenched hard on his furrowed brow, but he felt his strength fading and let his arms limp on the stone bench. His eyes squinted, oppressed by the blinding light of the two suns, and the cool breeze didn't compare to the chilling numbness of despair spreading under his skin. He had put up a strong front before Celestina, but even he admitted he was near his limits.

'After this…I should go somewhere quiet and live peacefully with Avril. Rebuilding the farm sounds nice.' Oscar closed his eyes. His imagination showed him pleasant possibilities. He saw himself farming as his father had while Avril watched and helped from the sidelines with a tender smile and how they would rest in each others' arms for a quiet night's sleep. Her deep-rooted ailments would heal with the Divine Essence extract, and they could have children together. He favored having a boy and a girl. Enliven by the possible future, he rose to his feet and basked in the sunlight, no longer blinding as before. That was right. He still needed to forge a future for himself.

'Child! What about the Fallen Heaven? Will you be spending the remainder of your days on a farm?! What a waste!' Ignyres spoke from within, a new partner resting inside his inner space. For now, only he knew about the Ancient of Fire since Ignyres warned him sternly not to tell anyone. The consequences of the Threads shifting may attract unnecessary danger to his surroundings. Very expressive, the Ancient of Fire ranted more, 'I didn't split myself from my heart just to watch you tend to a farm!'

'Exalts live for a long time. I still have around 150 years of life left. 250 years if I enter the Marshal Exalt realm. Can't I just have one long respite?' Oscar noticed the fleets drawing closer, and a new one appeared, hailing from the western borders. The presence of these fleets together meant they were nearing Dragonheart City. Putting on his helmet, he mounted Erden, who grunted inwardly at the Ancient of Fire, unafraid to rebuke the primordial for his words.

'Let Oscar do as he wishes.' Erden chided. 'What's a few decades of peace? We can still go to Fallen Heaven later.'

'The Caerulumen's plans may already be in play. That Gilbert Lockwood is certainly their herald. And thousands of years ago, they sent that Evelyn whom your golem friend dearly loved. If we are too late, our plans may be at risk.' Ignyres urged.

'Enough. Having someone else in here is quite an annoyance. Oscar, can we expel this intruder?' Demon made a verbal spit.

The three voices of Erden, Demon, and Ignyres tossed around into an argument, a discord of insults, shouting, and more. His head pounded in pain, reverberating the aches into his brain, and he shouted at them to stop and be quiet. Like the storm clearing up, their voices fell silent, and a relieved sigh escaped his lips. Erden and Demon together were harmful enough, but now three stubborn and insistent minds clashed in his inner space.

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'I made a promise to go to the Fallen Heaven. That was our pact as partners. But you need to hold up your end and teach me to be stronger.' Oscar rubbed his temples, loosening one strained vein at a time.

'Don't worry. Once you're in your estate, I'll begin instructing you. I can show you and Erden the depths of fire.' Ignyres boldly proclaimed, figuratively puffing his own chest. The Ancient of Fire had none of the otherworldly aura Oscar saw in the other Ancients. He supposed that being in a near-death state for so long had deteriorated Ignyres's mind.

Oscar left the council in his inner space and rode off the ledge, Erden's wings swaying as they flew over the city. After a few seconds, a dense metropolis of particularly tall spiraling towers came into sight, the nexus of activity and the heart of the Brilliant Drake Empire, Dragonheart City. A massive ground army stood in clear formations around the city walls, tens of thousands of flags uplifted high on the tallest spears, bearing the mark of the dragon. The exodus of people that had stretched on for miles met its end here, separated from the ground army by a thin stretch of ground, no more than a hundred feet wide.

Long lines of people formed and entered the army like rivers streaming toward the great lake. Oscar recalled Alec mentioning that the empire had to take slow, cautious, and necessary measures due to the rush and high volume of people to avoid any nefarious agents or spies entering the cities. There were hundreds of lines, but each took a while to check a single person. The fleets cast a dark shadow over the people and passed by from above. Instead of cheers, many people remained unresponsive and silent like corpses while others cussed out at the ships.

None of them deserved it. Oscar's worry reached out to all of the people. But that was the nature of war. The bells tolled, loud gongs echoing to all corners of the fleet and Garantulem. Oscar tugged, and Erden flew over to the large terrace where important figures like his master, Aunt Rosett, Gavir, General Krauss, Charles, Robert Raeven, and Celestina gathered with their personal forces. He landed softly, greeted his master, bowed to Celestina, and joined the remnants of his Black Aegis Order.

"Everyone!" Celestina raised her voice, her regalness in full display with her silver hair tied back, a brilliant cloak flowing from her back, and her body fully clad in her battle dress. Clicking her greaves together, she drove her rapier into the ground, her emerald eyes seeking out all their faces in a dazzling gaze, and asked solemnly, "I ask you all, who hasn't given their all to defend our home?!"

"None!" Many answered. Oscar held his voice back, wanting to listen but not partake.

"Even after we have been driven to a corner, do you yield to despair and wallow in misery as the enemy comes crashing onto our gates?" Celestina tapped her armored chest, the gauntlet bashing onto the plating.


"Then, no matter what happens. No matter the sins we have to carry! Will you follow me?!" Celestina lifted her rapier and pointed at them, the sunlight gleaming from the hilt until it settled on the tip, shining like a star.

"We will!" A rousing cheer erupted.

"What is she planning?" Oscar mumbled, trying to figure out why she asked these questions. Next to him, Alec looked horrified, his pale, wily face growing even paler. He wanted to ask but kept his mouth shut as Celestina ordered the officers and others to descend to Dragonheart City. Oscar led his Black Aegis Order and led them down to the streets of Dragonheart City.

It was almost like a parade. Celestina marched from the front along the wide streets packed to the brim with people who parted to allow her through. Behind her, Oscar and the other higher-ups followed, leading their respective forces. He gazed at his master, who turned back, somehow sensing his gaze, and shook his head.

Compared to the great parades he attended in the past during his rule of the Burning Valley and others in the streets of defended cities, this one was unlike any parade he had been in. The people shifted over, not sparing them much of a glance as they walked away, showing no enthusiasm for the return of the great army, even with the princess at the helm. It was a silent parade of unspoken emotions, perhaps disappointment or anger. Oscar couldn't retract his gaze, seeing the despondent faces of the masses they were supposed to protect.

Onward, the silent parade marched. Their feet beat against the paved streets of the empire's heart, but no cheers roused, and no passion arose. All were alive but not lively, like walking corpses. Celestina led them to the imperial palace. She told the guards to stay back and let her forces through, and they complied with a heavy expression. Climbing the steps to the entrance, Oscar finally understood her plan and shuddered to the core, the world becoming bleaker as his feet carried him forward.

Barging into the entrance, Celestina stomped into the imperial court, rows of ministers, leaders, and nobles lining the wide blue carpet that led to the throne where her father sat. She unsheathed her rapier and pointed it to a group of nobles. Her words sounded clear in the imperial court, specifically built to let all words be heard. "Kill the traitors!"

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