The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 2: World Beyond - Chapter 394: Envoy

"Here are all the records and censuses of our Ashwolf Clan." Fenu placed a pile of papers and scrolls on Oscar's table. The sheer volume nearly made Oscar click his tongue, but he held it down and started to read each record, passing one to Avril when finished. Within thirty minutes, he read through it all.

"Your clan pays a lot more to the Lord of Brightburn. I can't believe these tributes." Oscar tapped his finger on the table. The Ashwolf paid three times as much as the Firebear gang. This staggering amount surpassed his imagination and was only for one faction in the outer region. How much wealth did the Four Lords have? How expensive will the route home be when keeping up trading routes to nearby places took thirty percent?

Quickly calming himself, Oscar couldn't let this get him down. He needed to stick to the plan and become as wealthy as possible. Though, he had to admit the system the Four Lords had set up was very straightforward and effective. Desmond couldn't give a complete picture of it. Adam and Sevon pretty much never explained much. But Fenu's long history and knowledge provided everything to fit the puzzle.

"The ones in charge of territories pay tributes to the Four Lords, and they, in turn, can receive a spell or armament from one of the cities. Anyone who shows great promise can receive an offer to serve or train in the center region. So, the ones in the center region grow up with all the benefits while the outer regions pay tributes." Oscar repeated to himself to review. "Those who don't pay tribute are deposed or killed. Though, why would anyone want to ruin their chances of entering a better life?"

"It's a circular cage of needs and wants. The Four Lords and their predecessors have long since established this. Even if a new Lord arises, they maintain the system because it's the most beneficial." Fenu explained. He sighed and stroked his chin. "I couldn't make it to the city because of my failures in the past, and now I can't in my advanced age. The best hope for my clan is Fen. She boasts a Grade Seven Exolsia, and with all our resources pooled into her, we are sure the envoy will recruit her."

"No need to worry about an Envoy. From now on, I'm the new leader. We will destroy the Four Lords." Oscar declared. Fenu's face turned to shock, and his wrinkles shook.

"Is that so wise? With your capabilities, you can be recruited and may even become a successor. To think of destroying the Four Lords is suicide." Fenu was flustered and stammered on his words. It seemed the Four Lords had quite an impression on him.

"There are no Marshal Exalts here because the conditions are too poor for them to stay. Most former Four Lords must have left for more affluent lands, passing on their titles to their successors. You're right that I can join them. But I don't have time to wait." Oscar didn't back down. Seeing Fenu's conflicted expression, Oscar smiled and said, "If you feel I'm crazy, stick with me until the next envoy arrives. If you're not convinced, your clan can leave without consequences."

The truth was he needed the Ashwolf Clan and everyone else he could accumulate in the eleven months until the deadline. His confidence to allow Fenu to leave came not from himself but from the power of Adam and Sevon. A powerful backing would reassure any other dissenters and doubters.

Oscar went outside with Fenu, Erden, and Avril. The Ashwolf Clan and the Firebear Gang were sparring with each other. They noticed his arrival and stopped, bowing their heads. Oscar raised his voice with Ein and spoke to his growing Azure Sea Company, "As we grow, we will appoint captains. For now, there are two captains, Desmond and Arc Ashwolf. They will appoint their squad leaders, each squad comprising five people."

"It is my honor to be the captain. I must ask, however, that Arc may not be up to par for the job." Desmond smiled and quipped at Arc, who flashed a scowl. The air became tense between the two as they neared with rising Eins.

"The meat-brain doesn't have the smarts to lead as captain. His Firebear Gang was more muscle and brute force than an actual group." Arc spat on the ground near Desmond's feet. They were about to brandish their weapons.

"Enough!" Fenu shouted. "Leave your petty quarrels for later. Right now, our lord Demon is speaking."

"Thank you, Fenu. In the coming months, we will train and invade. We will fight and grow stronger. I expect everyone to keep up, and spells, armaments, and elixirs are rewards for those who show great progress." Oscar had the collection of spells he got from Ashen Grove. The spell-holders were too precious to use, but he had enough manuals and recordings. "Our time will come in eleven months. Let us prepare!"

"Yes, Lord Demon!" Everyone shouted.

Oscar felt odd hearing everyone say Demon, but it was fitting for his role in this place as a conqueror. It was the only name he could think of. He didn't want anyone to know his real name here. He had no idea the ramifications of such.

Stolen from its rightful place, this narrative is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

After rousing everyone's spirits, Oscar returned to the main hut to train. In his hand was the ataerstone, but instead of the teal glow it once had, it was dull and almost similar to a regular rock if not for the teal-ish tinge it still had. It began to run dry after a certain point during the six months of training with Adam.

"Now, you are the one to leave me," Oscar closed his eyes. He could see himself down in the Ataer Pits, digging this piece out, wondering what it was, and meeting his master right after. Oh, his master. Oscar lamented as the stone crumbled apart into dust, his memories of his master contained in each flake. He worried about his master's health and state of mind.

"Are you alright? Every time I walk into you, you're always brooding or just depressed. She looked at the dust in Oscar's hand and knew what it was. Thinking of your master?" Avril asked.

"Aunt Rosett always said that he was normal around me. That, somehow, being my master made him human again. If he thinks I'm dead…I don't know what he'll do." Oscar titled his palm, the dust falling off gently onto the floor.

"Then, all the more reason for you to go home as fast as possible," Avril walked over to the table and grabbed a sheet of paper.

"What about you?" Oscar looked at her. "You said you have no home or place to return to. Our long adventure might end when we're out of here. Where will you go?"

Avril opened her mouth and then thought for a moment before closing it. She sighed with her shoulders dropped. "She doesn't know. The memories from before are sometimes hazy. She wonders if she had a different life and family before the misfortune. Maybe sticking with you for a while is better."

"Then, I welcome you to my home anytime. How is your alchemy going?" Oscar asked to change the topic.

"It's getting there. I think I can do what you need." Avril winked and smiled cheekily. "Definitely within eleven months."

"Then, eleven months it is." Oscar wiped his hands and secluded himself in training for the rest of the day as the two forces got acquainted.

With a stockpile of Knight Exalt cores, he and Erden made significant progress, pooling their Eins into one. He wasn't the only one. Avril finally advanced to the Middle Knight Exalt realm, and Fenu showed signs of breaking through with the resources Oscar gave him, precious things he could never get in the outer region.

Month by month, Oscar recruited and trained his forces. Month by month, he created new armaments to equip them. Month by month, he led them into battle to conquer their surroundings and more. With Fenu's wisdom by his side and the strength of his forces, Oscar became an overlord. Eventually, the entire outer region under the Lord of Brightburn's hold became his. The Azure Sea Company was ready for its first major war.

Finally, the eleventh month was ending. Oscar stepped out with Avril and Erden. The small base he had taken from Desmond had grown into a large fortress created from brick and metal. Oscar turned to look at the castle, which replaced the main hut. He turned to his forces, three thousand strong. "Everyone, the moment has arrived. This fortress and castle were built with your great efforts. But now, we will step into something greater. Today, we begin our conquest of the Burning Valley."

"For the Azure Sea Company! For Lord Demon!" His army shouted. All of them were clad in ordinary armor, a full set of blue armor reminiscent of the Blue Ocean Pavilion. If he had an army, he would let them be known and recognized as such.

At long last, five dust trails could be seen on the horizon, approaching the gates. Oscar noticed some of his troops stirring. The feat of the envoys was still ingrained in them, something he could not fully detach them from, even with Demon's cold demeanor.

"My lord…." Fenu frowned, clenching his sword.

Oscar watched as the five envoys came to the gates, their faces full of shock and awe at the height of the walls. One of them stepped forward and shouted, "It is unprecedented that one power should hold authority over the outer region. We all heard about the Azure Sea Company and converged here from our original posts. Let your leader step forward and swear his allegiance to the Lord of Brightburn with a bow and the tribute, which we have calculated the amount in this scroll."

"Everyone!" Oscar shouted. His soldiers stomped once. "If you have doubts, let them come forward and see. Witness how history will change from here on now."

Oscar exited the gate with Erden and Avril. Fenu trailed from behind, along with the ten captains of his army. He caught the scroll from the envoy's toss but didn't read. Instead, he dropped it to the floor and stomped on it. "Let your Lord of Brightburn know that we are coming for him. He can surrender now if he wishes."

"Impudence!" The five envoys flared with anger, their Eins rising from their bodies. Three were Greater Knight Exalts, and two were Middle Knight Exalts. The strongest one with the deepest Ein pointed at Oscar with a sneer. "A mere Middle Knight Exalt dares to challenge the Lord? I will bring you before him to have you kneel and submit."

Oscar stayed silent. His silence made the five envoys chuckle and jeer in contempt. Behind him, he heard the rustling of Fenu and the ten captains, clear signs of their fear and confusion. Finally, Oscar heard a distinct step. It wasn't so much a hearing as it was feeling from his foot—a slight reverberation targeted specifically at him.

"What a shame. It seems you're the ones who will suffer." Oscar sighed and turned to his right. "What took you so long? You should have arrived earlier."

Everyone also turned and saw what he saw—a man dressed in a white shirt with a bowtie and long black pants with suspenders over his shoulders. His grey eyes gazed with delight at the five envoys, and his white hair was oiled to stay up. Adam finally arrived.

"The main should arrive fashionably late, no?" Adam laughed. "Hello to you five envoys. I'm the butcher. Nice to meet you." His smile widened as the thrill overcame his face. He truly was a battle maniac to love the prospect of fighting these five. "Don't hold back now. I haven't had a good fight in a while. I want to feel it all."

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