The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 2: World Beyond - Chapter 393: A Leader's Burden

With the loyalty of the Ashwolf Clan secure, Oscar went over to the main battlefield to identify their losses. The bodies of the people he had come to know for the past month were lifeless, covered in ashes. Using his Ein, he cleaned off the ashes and ordered Desmond to wrap them carefully. Desmond hurried over with rolls of thin leather.

Something was caught in Oscar's throat. His chest felt uncomfortable. The unsettling feeling didn't die down as he watched Desmond and the others wrap up their fallen Exalts. Oscar remembered the fields of corpses in Ashen Grove. However, unlike before, this time was worse because he was the one who ordered them to fight, to give up their lives. The responsibility was suffocating and nausea-inducing.

'If this bothers you, don't think about returning home. Frankly, I'm alright with you staying in Shattirma.' Demon said in a chilling voice. His words were more unsettling than before.

Oscar ignored Demon and turned away from the bodies, six in total. A hand grasped his shoulder reassuringly. It was Avril, smiling weakly at him with mellow eyes. She somehow always knew when he was troubled or distracted. Oscar smiled at her to let her know he was alright and refocused on Fenu and the rest of the Ashwolf Clan.

"How are your losses?" Oscar asked.

Fenu sighed with a shake of his head. He seemed older and more weary than ever. "We lost seventeen of our people and more injured. It's never easy to look at the consequences and the price of war."

"Indeed. But it is what it is." Oscar rubbed his forehead and glanced at the Ashwolf Clan members grieving for their loss. He had killed many people from other factions in the past, yet it was uncomfortable to rule over the ones he had killed. Talking and dealing with the Ashwolf Clan would be like walking on eggshells from now on.

"I can tell what you're thinking, young lord. Leave the Ashwolf Clan to me. With proper guidance and time, their wounds will heal. For now, I offer you sanctuary in our home. Do you wish to enter our town? Fenu asked with a bow.

"No, have your time to mourn. Come to my base a week later with some of your forces. We have a lot to discuss. Here's a list of what you need to bring me." Oscar turned and left after Fenu complied.

"We're not staying with them? She wonders what their home looks like. Maybe in the future." Avril said. Her eyes stared in interest at the opened gates of the Ashwolf town.

"There's no need. I want to go back and rest in our place." Oscar didn't want to say it to her. The main reason was that there was no knowing what Avril might see in the town. He wanted to avoid setting her off into another strange episode. Also, he didn't fully trust that he and the others would be safe there. Oscar lifted his buckler as Erden stomped his hooves. "We return home."

After a swift journey back, Oscar and the others returned to their headquarters. With Desmond's announcement of victory, the entire place erupted into cheers and praises, breaking out the blood wine and filling the plates with food. Stopping Avril from drinking the wine, Oscar raised a glass to everyone.

"Let us not forget the ones who gave up their lives. May they rest peacefully in death." Oscar said.

"May they rest." Desmond and others said solemnly. They downed their cups, but Oscar didn't sip from his. He had enough alcohol for now since the party with Adam and Sevon.

The festivities continued for the rest of the day. The servants, recruits, and oldtimers all danced around to the sound of drums and strange flutes made from beast bones. Many clapped along as others laughed. Many of the women came to Avril to ask her to join them in the celebration, but she refused awkwardly without saying a word.

Oscar watched and smiled at the people having drinking contests and bouts of strength. His expression turned sour when he saw a few kneeling beside the new graves where their newly dead were buried. Letting out an exhausted sigh, Oscar left his seat and told everyone to enjoy themselves before entering the main hut.

This narrative has been purloined without the author's approval. Report any appearances on Amazon.

"Oscar, are you alright? She's worried for her friend." Avril entered after him with Erden.

Oscar slumped in his chair, feeling a weight in his chest. He wiped his face with a wet towel, not satisfying at all due to its lukewarm temperature. Staring at his hand, Oscar clenched it and closed his eyes. "I've killed many others, sometimes for survival, others on orders, and most for my home. I've seen many others die, their bodies resting in rows. But I've never ordered others to fight and die."

The table cracked with the slamming of his fist. Oscar felt his insides churning. His hand rubbed and covered his eyes. "It's horrible. What a horrible feeling. I can't breathe. No wonder she was always like that. But what she had to deal with was far worse. Far worse."

He was this affected by sending people who he had known for a month. How much did Celestina suffer when she had to send her precious subjects and people to fight on her behalf, all because of her status as royalty? No wonder she always wanted to talk, a way to find relief in that agony.

"Oscar. Hello?" Avril sat beside him.

"What?" A sickness in his stomach made him uncomfortable speaking long sentences. Oscar uncovered his eyes and saw her smile.

"Let's play the usual word game. Mountain." Avril started as she always did. This game had its uses in teaching Avril vocabulary and recalling words, but she had long since grown past that. Still, she stared at him, waiting for him to continue.

"Nest. Your turn." Oscar felt a cold sweat forming on his forehead. It was tough to talk.



As the laughter and music from outside died down, replaced by snores and whispers, Oscar continued to play the word game with Avril. After the hundredth word, his opponent scrunched her brow and tilted her head in pondering. Oscar chuckled and stood up. "I surrender. Thank you. I feel much better."

"Alright! She's excited to get her first victory but even happier seeing Oscar return to his usual self." Avril cheered while brushing Erden's fur. "Maybe next time, Erden and Demon can play with us."

"I'm fine. The two of you can keep playing without me. I'm quite comfortable here." Erden yawned. "We should get our rest. It's been a hectic past few days."

"Good night, Oscar and Erden. I'll see you tomorrow. If you're still feeling sick, then have some of this elixir. It's only grade one, but it can help." Avril waved her hand and went into her room.

Holding her crafted elixir containing a purple liquid, Oscar stowed it away and retreated to his room. Laying down, he stretched his body out and thought to himself. He couldn't stumble here. He couldn't let what happened yesterday affect his plans. He needed to get out with Avril.


A week later, a group from the Ashwolf Clan arrived at his base. They were led by Fenu and Arc, who Desmond accepted with open arms. Oscar watched and waited for them from the main hut window. By the time they arrived, he sat down to greet them.

"Fenu Ashwolf has come to fulfill his obligations to the young lord," Fenu bowed with the rest of his delegation. "I recall I haven't asked the young lord for his name. What shall I call you?"

"You can call me…Demon. That is my name." Oscar referred to his alter ego. "Boss and young lord are still acceptable."

"Very well, young lord. Allow me to introduce you to the rest of my entourage." Fenu introduced the twenty people he brought individually, starting with Arc. One of them was the wind user who Avril fought, and she strangely blushed when introduced, looking away from Avril.

Oscar resisted the urge to laugh as Avril's expression became more indiscernible, like a stone. However, Fenu's next introduction made him shocked. She was a charming girl with wavy black hair tied into two large braids.

"This is Fen, my beloved descendant. If the young lord will have her, she will be your concubine." Fenu spoke so plainly Oscar thought he didn't realize what he said.

"Excuse me?" Oscar was flabbergasted. Did Fenu just offer him his descendant's hand in marriage? What sort of ridiculousness was this?

"I will be of great support to the young lord. Is there any displeasure about me?" Fen lowered her head. She looked to Fenu, who shrugged.

"I have zero intentions of taking in a consort, concubine, or wife at the moment. Fen does not have to be tied to me. This is no slight against her, only a difference in what we are focused on." Oscar resisted the encroaching headache and waved for them to stop.

"But the Four Lords take on multiple spouses and concubines. As the one in power, you have that right." Fenu explained, urging Oscar to marry Fen.

"And I have the right not to exercise that right. There is no need to form such relations with me." Oscar noticed Avril struggling to keep her laughter in check. Finally, she was getting revenge for his past teases. "Everyone can leave for the time being and discuss with Desmond. I will convene everyone later to announce the new conditions and plans for the future."

Fenu looked saddened and left with a sigh, taking Fen and Arc with him. Once the main hut was cleared, Oscar groaned and turned to Avril. "You can talk now."

"Hahahahaha!" Avril broke out into uncontrollable laughter, using the table to support her.

"Oh, laugh it up. Geez." Oscar sighed.

"It's just too funny," Avril wiped a tear from her eye. "Guess we both have our problems there. She wonders how to fix the problem."

"Get home as quickly as possible. That's the solution. The question is how to be prepared for what's to come." Oscar stretched his arms and called for Fenu to enter. He could use some advice from an expert.

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