Chapter 551 - Tilly

When morning came, Fabian finally saw the real state of the mansion. Dusty floors and furniture, cobwebs on the wall, and everything to make a butler like him cry in distress. All night, he had been idling while waiting for daytime in the mansion's lobby. However, once the sun rose, he couldn't help but pinch the space between his brows.

Fabian sat on the dusty settee that was covered in a white sheet. His arms rested on his thigh, hands linked, trying to ignore his dirty surroundings. There was this tiny path on the floor that wasn't covered with dust as if it was being swept constantly. But it was obvious that wasn't the case.

That tiny clean path was the cause of that lady's long hair and long dress. Her hair was too long that reached the floor. Hence, whenever she walked, her hair and dress were like sweeping the floor.

'I have no idea why they stop chasing after me after entering this place, but if I stayed here for a long time, they will surround me,' he thought solemnly before he arched a brow, raising his head at the faint presence in the lobby. He raised his head, setting his eyes on the lady, pushing the trolley tray back to the kitchen.

Fabian only watched her in silence, and she didn't even cast him a look. His gaze followed her figure until she was out of sight, entering the way towards the kitchen. His eyes remained there until she returned without the tray. But this time, she was holding a spoon in her hand.

His brows furrowed as she sauntered in silence, walking on the same path while her hair and the hem of her dress swept the floor. She just followed the same path she had taken earlier, as it was clear as day that the rest of the floor was covered with dust.

'This woman...' his thoughts trailed off as the woman halted in front of the stairs. She slowly turned her head in his direction, blinking blankly without saying a word.

Fabian sported a smile as he stood from his seat. "Are you hungry, my lady?" he asked politely, but she only looked at him in silence.

"I will make you..." he trailed off when she suddenly resumed in her strides to go back to her room. This time, he frowned as he cocked his head. His eyes fell on the spoon in her hand, making him wonder what she was planning to do with it.

"Does she even have food to eat?" he wondered before walking towards the kitchen to fill his stomach before leaving. Fortunately, there were some eggs and for him to eat. How there was a limited supply of food was a mystery to him, but probably, the woman had her ways of surviving.

While Fabian cooked and made breakfast for him and that lady, he heard the bell once again. He had been hearing that all night to the point it was annoying, but he was slowly getting used to it by now. Once he was done cooking, Fabian ate and placed the rest of the breakfast on the trolley tray.

Just like last night, Fabian pushed it to the room where he took the tea last night. He knocked on the door, but no one answered. So, he announced he would come in with her breakfast and entered. This time, the lady wasn't on the balcony. But instead, she was sitting on the chair near the window where the sun hits her pale face.

The side of his face twitched when he saw she was using the spoon to ring the bell. He had thought of many things this woman would do with the spoon, but it turned out she simply wanted to ring the bell in another way.

"My lady, I brought you breakfast," he said while serving the food on the small table, ignoring her ringing bell. "There wasn't much in the kitchen, so I only prepared what I can."

Fabian explained in a polite tone, stepping back from her once he was done serving her. She finally stopped ringing the bell, shifting her eyes on the food before her. As usual, she didn't speak as she raised her head towards the balcony. Fabian glanced at the shut balcony and caught a shadow standing outside.

His eyes instantly sharpened as his pursuers seemed they had finally caught up. But instead of fleeing, he glanced at the woman as the latter stood and approached the balcony. She stood in front of the door to the balcony, Fabian took a careful step back. He didn't care if this woman would be in trouble or if she was letting them in to catch him.

He served her tea and breakfast, so they were even for letting him stay for the night. But as soon as she reached for the knob, she stopped and didn't open it.

"There is some intruder in the forbidden land. We believed he went in this place." A voice from outside stated his reasons, making the woman open the door for him.

This time, Fabian took another step while caressing his ring. Running away was futile. He would rather use that balcony to flee. Just as he prepared to slay the man outside, the woman finally spoke.

"He is not here," she denied in a soft voice — it was the softest voice he had ever heard in his life. The man outside, wearing noble clothing — not like the uniforms the vampires Fabian fought last night — peeked his head in and set his sharp eyes on him.

'What a terrible liar,' Fabian thought, thinking that this woman was lying when the evidence was just behind her.

"Tilly," called the nobleman as he gazed at the woman with respect. "My father told me to take this man with me. He is dangerous."

"Tilly's guest made me tea and breakfast."

The man let out a helpless sigh, baffling Fabian. He could sense that this man was strong enough to force his way in, but he was just standing there and talking civilly with that woman, Tilly.

"Fine. Suit yourself." To Fabian's surprise, the man didn't even argue with her as he just agreed — just like that. "You should come out sometime instead of staying in this place."

"I will disappear if sunlight hits me," she replied in the same tone, making Fabian's under-eye twitch.

She would disappear if sunlight hit her face? How could she say that with a straight face when the sunlight was literally beaming at her face?! Surely, she was a terrible liar.

The man raised his hand to shade her face. "You never change, Tilly. I will tell Father that you took the intruder as your guest then." He then glanced at Fabian without saying a word before leaving.

Tilly waved weakly, leaving the door ajar as she walked back to where she sat earlier. Again, she said nothing to Fabian and resumed ringing the bell.

"Why?" he asked after some time, staring at the woman. "Why did you lie? Are you, perhaps, protecting me?"

She stopped, lifting her head up, and stared at him. "I didn't lie, and I'm not protecting you. You can protect yourself."

"Then, if you already know that, why didn't you let that man take me with him?" Fabian's countenance grew cold while holding her gaze.

Tilly didn't answer immediately, and only when she averted her eyes away, her lips parted. "His boots are dirty. If he goes in, he will dirty the floor," picking up the cutlery to eat.

Meanwhile, Fabian chuckled in ridicule, gazing at the already dirty floor.

"What a terrible liar."

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