The Duke's Passion

Chapter 550 - The Memory He Saw At Deaths Door II

Chapter 550 - The Memory He Saw At Death's Door II

The place was dark and as he walked through the hallway; the only source of light was the moon shining through the windows. Fabian figured no one seemed to live in this place aside from that woman, as he didn't encounter a single soul in this mansion. For reasons unknown, his feet dragged him in the direction she pointed at.

The woman didn't lie. The direction she pointed at led him to the kitchen.

"What a shabby place," he muttered as he looked around at the dusty kitchen. Out of habit, Fabian went through the drawers where there were kitchen wares, teas, and such. He waved in front of him as dust flew up to his face.

"Not only it is shabby, but it's dirty."

His butler's persona of taking care of the house slowly crept into his heart. This place just... urged him to clean it. If he had all the time in the world, he would start cleaning up. But, all he could do was to get find himself a glass of water to drink. Fortunately, there was this one clean pitcher that had clean water in it.

In this kitchen, there was only one clean plate, a pair of cutleries, glass, and a pitcher. Which only proved that that woman was the only one who lived in this place.

"What a strange place." Fabian made himself a tea as everything else still worked, even though it was unclean. Since he didn't want to use her things, he cleaned a new teacup and saucer and cutleries while boiling some water in the kettle.

As he did so, he paused and recalled the woman. He tilted his head while wiping the teacup dry. Why did she say 'kitchen?' Was she hungry? Or was she telling him to make himself something to eat?

Fabian was used to Samael's whims and how his lordship speak what he liked and disliked aloud. So, for someone who only spoke a word, he was a little piqued.

"Her long hair bothers me," he muttered as he turned off the burner and proceeded to make some tea. He wanted to rest for the night and come up with a plan. He trusted Charlotte was safe since that young lady's survival skills were top-notch. She would be fine and could blend in like she used to.

Fabian poured hot water on the tea carefully in the dark, but then paused when he heard the soft sound of a bell ringing in a constant beat. His brows rose as he gazed up. The sound wasn't loud, but in this silent place, it was echoing softly.

"Is she calling for me?" he wondered with furrowed brows. Fabian gazed down at the tea in silence while listening to the sound of the bell.

Since it seemed she welcomed him, he thought of serving her tea to show his appreciation. With that thought in mind, Fabian cleaned the food trolley and placed the set of tea after consuming a cup. He followed the sound of the bell, pushing the trolley through the hallway.

The sound led him to one of the rooms, knocking lightly on the door. The sound of the bell persisted, but no voice from inside reached his ear.

"My lady, I brought you some tea," Fabian announced in his usual kind tone, pushing the door slightly. He snuck a glanced inside before going in, seeing that lady who was akin to a ghost, sitting outside the balcony with a bell in her hand. She was staring at the bell while ringing it as if amused at how it rang whenever she moved it.

When Fabian entered the room, she looked back to see him pushing the trolley. She blinked, closed-lipped as her white hair flowed back along with the soft wind.

"I brought you some tea to enjoy, my lady," Fabian repeated with the same smile, staring at the woman on the balcony while he stayed inside. "Should I bring it there?"

The lady in white just stared at him in silence. There wasn't curiosity or anything in her eyes. She was just staring before ringing the bell once again. Her action caused his brows to furrow for a bit. This lady looked detached from this world, doing just what she thought amusing, like ringing that bell.

A shallow breath slipped past Fabian's lips as he pushed the tray to the balcony. Since she said nothing, he would serve her tea to make himself feel better. Without speaking a single word, Fabian arranged the table while she rang the bell.

"My lady, please have some," he said after pouring a cup and serving it in front of her. The lady stopped ringing the bell and gazed up. But instead of responding, she rang the bell once again while keeping her eye contact.

Fabian smiled, closed-lipped. "It's not poisoned." He tilted his head down and walked away to leave her alone.

When he was by the door, he looked back, only to see her still staring at him while still ringing the bell. Fabian knitted his brows momentarily, but he didn't dwell on it as he left the room.

Standing outside the room, Fabian stared at the shut door. He was still hearing the constant sound of the bell.

"What a strange person," he muttered before sauntering through the empty hallway.


Meanwhile, as Fabian shut the door, the lady stared at the door for a very long time. She peeled her eyes away and set them on the tea in front of her, still ringing the bell in her hand. But instead of drinking the tea, she turned her head in the woods where she could see a battalion from the royal family surround the entrance of the forbidden forest.

Her white eyelashes fluttered ever so tenderly and rang the bell once again. She didn't speak as she slowly peeled her eyes away, picked up the tea, and took a sip. Her reaction was still the same after drinking the tea, putting it back on the saucer, and staring at it.

"Soran," came out a soft, harmonious voice before the sound of the bell came once again.

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