The Duke's Passion

Chapter 520 - [Bonus ]Can You Even Carry A Weapon?

Chapter 520 - [Bonus ]Can You Even Carry A Weapon?


This time, my voice thundered after taking a deep breath. My eyes were on Lady Hazel as she raised her head to me, revealing her helpless countenance.

"Gosh..." I ran my fingers through my hair in distress, asking Law to sit on Bey's lap before standing up. As soon as I stood in front of them, my eyes traveled from their faces.

"This is not helping anyone. This... everything you all said was nonsense. And even if it's the truth, that can't change our situation right now." My voice was calm yet firm, making eye contact with everyone every passing second. "Right now, people are fighting and dying and your cowardice is nothing but a disgrace. It is only inciting more fear, anger, and everything we don't need in this situation."

Silence. That was their answer, but at least they finally regained their senses.

"Let's trust..." I trailed off as I felt this dangerous aura from a distance. Marching footsteps were growing louder and closer. Not good.

"All of you, remove all the first layers of your skirts. Accessories, purses, and anything that adds weight to you, remove them all," I ordered as I ripped the hem of my skirt. After that, I tore the tight sleeve from my shoulder, knowing it will only hinder my movements.

"Mother, what are you..." I stopped when Law's voice reached my ear. I glanced up, seeing their shock as I 'undressed' in front of everyone.

A sigh slipped past my lips. "We will flee this place. It's not safe. If you want to stay and wait for the rebels to get you, suit yourself. But if you want to live, follow as I say."

They didn't respond immediately, processing my words in silence. They only snapped back to reality when the ripping sound of fabric caressed everyone's ears. We slowly turned our heads to the source of the sound. There, Lady Hazel was taking off all her accessories.

"I don't know how we are all going to survive this, but I am with Madam Roux," she said in determination, staring at me straight in the eye. "I'd rather do something instead of waiting for my death in here.

After she spouted her remarks, the sound of fabrics being torn and accessories landing on the floor resounded. I nodded at her, and she only smiled weakly. We all busied ourselves taking off the extra weight in us, not even bothering with the valuables we would leave behind. Our life was far more valuable.

Once everyone was done, they all faced me. I studied them; some took everything off and stood in their chemise, while a few just took off some unnecessary decorations in them while keeping everything else. I didn't force them, but I wouldn't let them lag us all behind if the weight of their dress and jewelry slowed them down.

"Right now, it seems the rebels are more troublesome and large in numbers. Taking the Earl by surprise is a smart move, but I know his lordship will figure things out." I took a deep breath and exhaled it sharply, studying them all. "Until then, we will keep moving before they reach this place. My estate is far from here, but I'm sure they haven't reached that place just yet."

The looked in their eyes had a mix of doubt, worry, fear, but what reigned in them was their determination to live. I rocked my head, looking down at Law, who was clutching his hand close to his chest. I bent down to my knees, holding his bicep, and smiled subtly.

"My son, don't worry, alright? I know you want to protect Mother, but let me protect you this time, hmm?" my smile persisted, etching his face into my mind. "Will you listen to mother?"

Law pressed his lips into a thin line before he nodded. "I will listen to Mother."

"Good boy." I ruffled his hair gently, feeling sorry that he had to experience such a terrifying situation. After Sam's effort to raise him in a violence-free environment, this happened. I could feel a hand clenching my heart, but I had no choice.

I stood up slowly, setting my eyes to the terrified Bey. "Bey, protect my son, will you?"


"I will entrust him to you. So please, I'm begging you to look after him and I will look after everyone." I planted my hand on Bey's tensed shoulder. Her eyes were sweltering, but she still nodded.

A weak smile appeared on my lips as I patted her shoulder, shifting my attention to everyone. I took a deep breath once again and released it slowly through my mouth.

"Carry the children so they won't get left behind. If you want to live, put your life in my hands. I know this sounds absurd, but please trust me," I humbled, albeit with conviction. "I will make sure you will all see the sunrise."

Reluctance filled their eyes, but none of them opposed me. Be it with the way I spoke or the sincerity I was showing, it didn't matter. As long as they all wanted to live, I would make sure these women and children would go unharmed. After some ladies carried the children, my lips parted.

"Then, we shall -- "


The women in front of me jumped and squealed as someone intruded inside the room we were hiding in. My shadow stretched towards their feet before I slowly turned around to see a man standing by the door. My eyes fell on the bulky man on the ground.

"Madam Roux..." the ladies called in a shaking, horrified voice. I ignored them, keeping my gaze on the man, trying to stand up.

"Glory," I called and waited for him to raise his head. "Are you alright?"

"Madam... I — yes."

"Teehee~! Of course, he is alright since I only tossed him inside~!" the man, standing by the door, giggled excitedly while Glory sat up with difficulty. "Oh, my~! So many ladies~! No wonder I keep smelling fresh aroma coming from here~!"

The man chortled in anticipation, licking his lips to reveal his short fangs. I didn't feel this man's presence because I was too busy reassuring these ladies. Just one glance and I could tell he was enjoying the fear that was reigning among us.

As the fear behind me increased, my mouth gaped open.? "Ladies, stay where you are --"

"Madam, I will --"

"Glory." I glanced down at him emotionlessly. "If you can stand, stand up. You will come with us."

Glory and I stared at each other before he backed down. "Yes, Madam."

"Oh, my~! Teehehe~! Such a fierce woman, but alas! No one can pass this door~! Tehehe!" the intruder kept giggling, covering his lips that showed his claw-like black nails. "Don't worry~! I only need Lady Malum~! And you will all die a quick and relatively painless death~!"


"Madam Roux." Lady Hazel's shaking voice came from my side, making me glance at her pale complexion. Her eyes were sweltering, imagining her fate that would come after.

Her brows furrowed when I smiled weakly and patted her shoulder.? I said nothing to her as I set my focus ahead. Glory managed to stand up, limping near us.

"I will not give you Lady Malum, nor I will let you stop us. You don't want to fight me," I said, taking slow steps forwards. I heard Law and the ladies call my name in a shaking voice as I approached him, but I didn't stop.

"Fight? You? HAHAHA! Can you even carry a weapon and — ack !"

Before he could finish his sentence, I leaped a meter, making me look I disappeared and reappeared in front of him. Without a second hesitation, I grabbed his face, lifting him up, unleashing all the anger, frustration, all violent urges I had suppressed in my grip.

"Can I even carry a weapon?" My voice was low and cold, tilting my head to the side, barely blinking. "Why do I need to carry a weapon when I can crush your head with my bare hand? Tehee?"

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