The Duke's Passion

Chapter 519 - [Bonus ]Are We Going To Die?

Chapter 519 - [Bonus ]Are We Going To Die?

"A rebellion arose in the fort! They had already seized the downtown and were on their way here!"

Silence. I could hear even a pin drop as everyone processed the news in dead silence.

My hand balled into a fist, grinding my teeth. 'Jaime...!' my chest moved in and out heavily. Just when I thought about rebellion, it would suddenly come true. Were they kidding me?

After a beat, when everyone already processed the situation, panic ensued. Even Jaime didn't seem to reckon that a rebellion would arise or would go unnoticed and unheard. With the growing voices resonating across the banquet hall, Jaime finally grasp his situation.

"Silence!" his voice thundered, causing everyone to automatically shut their mouth and look at him in horror. He gnashed his teeth, eyes glinting in malice.

"They dared raise a rebellion?!" he scorned, letting his fangs known to everyone. "I see if they can even advance!"

Jaime paused as he looked around, and his eyes lingered on us. People would think he was staring at Adam or Hazel, but no. He was holding my death glare.

When he averted his eyes from me, he exhaled sharply. "All of you! Stay in here. The Earl's knightage will secure this place. If you want to die, go ahead and leave. But I cannot guarantee your safety!"

No one answered his remark while he scanned everyone. Although this person was a pushover, he knew how to intimidate people. This was enough. Everyone, although weren't calm, at least, they were abiding by his orders.

Satisfied that everyone stayed out of fear, Jaime nodded. "My people will escort you all to a safer place. Abide by their orders."

After he spewed those, Jaime jogged down from the raised platform and walked away to deal with it. Some high positioned noblemen also followed him while the knights soon came after.

"My lord, your presence is needed." A knight approached, bowing at Adam.

'No. I can't protect him if he isn't close to me.' My lips parted, about to reject the knight I noticed Adam gazing up at me. There was a reassuring smile on his face, holding my hand to squeeze it lightly.

"Don't worry, Mother. I will protect you and Law." Adam shifted his eyes to Law, nodding encouragingly. "Trust me."

"Adam..." my heart dropped, unable to shatter the determination of this child. Adam didn't idle as he followed the knight with his chin up. I stared at his back, feeling conflicted about letting him go.

'It'll be alright. The knights of the Earl will protect him and they will put down the rebellion.' I convinced myself that all the history of rebellion since Jaime took control was all squashed down instantly. 'He will be fine, Lilou. He will be.'.

"Madam, let's follow the knights." Glory, who kept a safe distance from us, spoke from my side. I looked at him but said nothing. Bey was beside him and I could see her fear in a glance.

"This can't be happening..." Lady Hazel held her head, but I caught her shoulders before she falls.

"Lady Hazel, get yourself together." I shook her shoulder, searching for her eyes until I caught her gaze. "It will be fine. Let's trust the Viscount and the Earl."

"Madam Roux..."

"Don't worry," I reassured, assisting her to stand up properly. Once again, I scanned everyone. Glory already carried my son in his arms.

"Don't worry," I repeated, and forced a smile. "We will all be fine."

Bey nodded, although my words only affected her slightly. Glory remained calm while Law was sporting a brave face. I cast Lady Hazel a look, and she bit her lip, fear filling her eyes. I only nod at her but spoke nothing.


The south of Minowa wasn't my land, or this matter belonged to my jurisdiction. I could go out there and stop it myself, but I wanted to trust Adam. He may be a child, but he had worked hard to become a proper earl. Hence, I, together with my son and my company, followed the knights to this 'safe place.'

The House Malum was the largest estate in the south. Hence, staying inside instead of the banquet hall where the rebels were marching was safer. This was all for the safety measures.

"Mother..." my son called while I cradled him. "... don't be scared. I will protect you."

A subtle smile appeared on my face as I hummed. The situation obviously overwhelmed Law, but he was still thinking about me.

"Thank you. Mother is not scared now," came out a weak voice, stroking his hair gently before resting my chin on top of his head. I looked around the ladies inside this spacious room.

Currently, all the men were outside to protect this place while women and children stayed here. All of us were sitting on the floor, mostly cowering in fear while comforting each other.

"Are we all going to die..." A woman's voice trailed off when we heard muffled cries and yells outside the estate. "No, no, no! They're already here?!"

I closed my eyes as the frightened murmurings picked up their volume. I could sense that a fight was going outside the building and the shouts came from both parties. They manage to reach this place already? My jaw tightened. It had only been two hours since the news of the rebellion interrupted the banquet.

And now, some of them already snuck inside the estate.

"God..." I breathed out, opening my eyes as I looked at the ladies. Everyone was scared, while some ladies who could protect themselves stayed calm.

"Madam." Bey moved closer to me, staring at me worriedly. Her complexion was already pale as her eye shook.

"This is all the House Malum's fault." Someone voice out, silencing everyone as we turned to Lady Hazel on the corner. "If not for the Malum's viciousness and greediness, and if not for the young earl's naivety, this will not happen!"

"That's right! They were after the Malums! Lady Hazel, you should surrender!"

Their remarks that were clad with desperation and fear grew more vicious as they voiced out their opinion one after another. Lady Hazel could only hang her head low, clutching her skirt while everyone pushed all the blame onto her.

"Shut up," I said in a quiet voice, but it faded in the voices resonating in the four corners of the room. "I said, ENOUGH!"

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