The Duke's Passion

Chapter 508 - Happy Birthday, Law! VII

Chapter 508 - Happy Birthday, Law! VII

Sam introduced me to the local noblemen who were associated in the fort and Sam's business in the south. Of course, I had to smile throughout. They were kind people — not pure, but at least amiable. They mostly spoke about how my husband bragged about his wife and his genius son, which made me giggle.

Since they were all spewing the same thing, I couldn't help but believe them. Not that I didn't. I knew Sam, and how he would brag to the point he sounded like selling something.

Either way, Sam handpicked these people who would be associated with him, so I was certain they were individuals who had a clean record. They even gave the young earl, who was also listening to them with Jaime Malum, equal respect towards a man — not a child.

"Oh, my!" Suddenly, our discussion was interrupted by yet another familiar voice. Even before I could see who it was, I already cast Sam a look while he shrugged.

"If it's not rude of me, I would like to greet His Maj — Sir Roux and Madam Roux for the success of the young master's birthday banquet." I took a deep breath, sporting a smile as I faced the woman who wasn't invited to this event.


"Although I am heartbroken that Madam Roux seemed to forget our friendship."

"Lady Beatrice, how can that be?" my smile remained, noticing how some young noblemen leer at her.

With her dazzling beauty and lavish dress in a light shade of yellow, Beatrice looked like a shining star for the night. If I was being honest, she was the prettiest lady at this banquet. So, it wasn't a surprise she was garnering a lot of attention. Her mysterious identity was just a bonus for their interest.

"Is that so? Perhaps, I was just reading into it too much." Beatrice smiled beautifully, gazing down at Law, who was staring at her blankly. "Greetings, young master Roux. I am pleased to finally meet my best friend's beloved son. Oh, how time flies so fast. I can still remember how Sir Roux wept when he first carry you in his embrace. Now, you are a fine young boy. I am sincerely delighted that you finally celebrated your birthday with Lilou."

"Thank you, Lady Beatrice," Law replied in a polite tone, making me exhale a shallow breath. Beatrice sounded utterly sincere with her remarks, and I knew she wasn't faking.

"My... so polite... unlike someone I know." She glanced at Sam and then at me, hinting to us that we were the rude people she was talking about. Well, not inviting her to our son's birthday was discourteous, but well, she was already here anyway.

"Lady Beatrice, surely, there were a lot of rude people in this world. But I'm glad my son is not one of them," Sam replied with a bright smile, winking at Law, who gazed at him. "Anyway, since you are already here, I would like to introduce you to these gentlemen."

Anticipation instantly dominated the noblemen's faces as soon as Sam said that. However, Beatrice chuckled, and she moved her gaze in a certain direction.

"Sir Roux, as much as I appreciate your courtesy, I had to excuse myself first. Something important arose which I needed to settle." She curtsied, offering a bright smile at the noblemen. "I hope you don't find this rude. "

"Haha! Of course, my lady! How dare we interrupt a beautiful maiden such as yourself to settle important matters?" one man answered heartily, attempting to leave a good impression on her. Beatrice exchanged flatteries briefly so she could get away without troubling us with this discourtesy.

Surely, Beatrice was a professional in flattering people, especially men. She knew what they wanted to hear and calculated every movement she does. From how her eyes fluttered to how wide her smile should be. With that, she finally excused herself and rushed in a certain direction.

Out of curiosity, my eyes followed where she was heading. As soon as I did, I secretly winced. Where she was heading was in Yulis's direction, and when the latter noticed, he cringed and tried to run away.

'Gosh, Yulis. I'm so sorry,' I apologized internally, watching how Yulis fade away in the crowd while Beatrice still followed him. 'I tried, Yul, but... she still came. Good thing she is not someone who holds grudges in these petty things.'

I tossed Yulis's problems at the back of my head and focused on the people around us as the host of the party. Shortly after, we had to greet other guests as a family, thanking them for attending and receiving their wishes and greetings and their gifts for our son.


Meanwhile, Yulis stopped in the corridor away from the banquet hall. But alas, he winced when he felt Beatrice's presence from his back.

'Damn it,' he grumbled internally, closing his eyes as he took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, he pivoted on his heel to face her.

"Your highness," he called, closed-lipped. Beatrice was only three meters away from him, narrowing her eyes as she scrutinized him from head to toe.

"Your Grace, I mustered my courage to attend a banquet I wasn't invited for you. How can you be so heartless as to avoid me?" she sighed, batting her eyes coquettishly. "Didn't you miss me? You always visit the east and now the south, but you don't visit me when the capital is closer in Grimsbanne."

"Beatrice, just how many times will I have to tell you to stop until you understand its meaning?" Yulis breathed out, quirking a brow as she took slow steps towards him. She stopped a step away from him, tilting her head while clipping her fingers on his buttons.

"Until when?" she repeated, gazing up at him mischievously. "Until you understand I won't, Your Grace."

"If not for Hell, I would've slit your throat myself." His tone lowered as his eyes sharpened, gazing down at this fearless lady. Yulis held her wrist before pulling her hand away from him, making his jaw tighten as he did so.

"Beatrice, I don't understand why you are so persistent in upsetting me, but there's a limit to my patience, and it's already running thin."

"Haha! Really? Now that is even more appealing, Your Grace." He held her wrist still, knowing she would just cling to him once he let her go. "It makes me want to see it, Your Grace. I mean, you, losing your patience."

The corner of her lips curled up, unfazed by his piercing gaze.. Suddenly, Beatrice suddenly stood on her toes, tilted her head, and claimed his lips.

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