The Duke's Passion

Chapter 507 - Happy Birthday, Law! VI

Chapter 507 - Happy Birthday, Law! VI

Noah led me to the balcony where he left Marquess Cameron alone. As soon as we entered the said area, my face brightened up at the man standing with his back facing us.

"Cameron!" I called excitedly, watching him turn around. "Oh, god… I'm so glad to see you again!"

I rushed towards him and before he could bow to greet me, I leaped and wrapped my limbs around him. Cameron had been my support from the very beginning. Although he stayed behind the scenes, there were so many things I wanted to thank him for.

"Your — Your Majesty," Cameron called awkwardly before I let him go and took a step back.

"Marquess Cameron, you don't have to act so distant, right? Noah?" I cast Noah a knowing look as he sauntered towards us, stopping at arm's length.

"That's right, Marquess. Even though she is now an empress, she hasn't changed a bit." Noah grinned, wiggling his brows at me, which made me giggle.

"See? That new title is just a title. I'm not even doing my duty."

"Even so…" Cameron trailed off helplessly when Noah and I tilted our heads, blinking cluelessly. "… may I, at least, greet you formally, Your Majesty?"

"Of course." I extended my arm, giving him my hand, which he clasped gently.

Cameron offered me a kind smile as he bent over. "I am honored to be in your presence, Your Majesty. Thank you for inviting this humble man to the prince's special day," he said, as he planted a peck on the back of my hand.

"The pleasure is mine," I replied as I drew my hand back.

"You're too humble, Your Majesty."

"Marquess Cameron, I'm certain you know our circumstances. My son doesn't know about his father or our real status in this empire. This may burden you, but call me by my name just in case someone overhears us." I smiled and requested kindly, but this was just an excuse so Cameron would loosen up. He had always been formal, but after five years, Cameron thickened the line between us.

Be it because he was always the person who was cautious of status differences or he was afraid that of crossing the line, I wanted Cameron to treat me the same. Because I would treat him the same, duchess or an empress, Cameron was my family.

"Addressing you by your name will burden me indeed, but if it's alright with you, may I call you Madam Roux, instead?" He suggested with a kind smile.

"Burdening you is the least I want. Madam Roux it is, then."

I glanced at Noah and caught the huge smile on his face. With that, we chatted and reminiscence our time together in the past over some glass of wine. They also shared their stories during the five years of my slumber. Apparently, the Remington's had to surrender their wealth when Sam ascended the throne. This was to clear Noah's name to the public and to show their sincerity to the new monarch.

The Remington was one of Stefan's biggest supporters after all. So, of course, they should stand as an example to other Stefan's supporters not to resist the new dynasty. Good thing, Noah had foreseen this before, so he made some investment, using the money he earned from working under me.

In other words, all the Remington's fortune was surrendered, but their house didn't fall because of Noah's broad mind. Also, by this, all the wealth in their house came from good sources. This made me smile and left me in awe.

Meanwhile, Cunningham was still… well, a peaceful dwelling of their cult. Right now, he told me some of them still had my portraits and prayed to me — not for me. But because of that, the people in Cunningham became the empress's biggest supporters. In case the emperor and the empress clashed for power, he told me I had some cards on my sleeve.

I appreciated Cameron's gestures, though. Although he reassured me he was just letting his people cling to their beliefs since it was already deep-rooted in them. And there was no way he was hoping that Sam and I would fight for authority.

"I'm glad that you…" I trailed off when I saw a figure from down the balcony, landing on the railing smoothly. "Fabian? Is there something wrong?"

At this point, Fabian's sudden entrance from down the balcony did not shock us. He jumped from the railings, smiling at us as if nothing happened.

"I'm sorry for the surprise. I was with the duke of Grimsbanne below this balcony, so I thought of jumping to save time," Fabian explained and I nodded in understanding. Although it was unusual that Yul and Fabian were together, it wasn't that surprising. Fabian was a friendly individual, after all.

"Is that so? Are you going back to the banquet hall?"

"Yes." He bowed slightly. "Also, madam, I'm sorry to interrupt your time with Marquess Cameron and Duke Noah, but you need to go back to greet the other guests."

"Ah, right?" The side of my lips stretched into a smile, glancing at Cameron and Noah. "Shall we head back inside?"

"Yes." The two of them answered in unison, returning my smile with a gentle one.

"This way, please." Fabian motion his arm and the three of us followed him inside the banquet hall to join everyone.

My chat with these two was cut short. Even so, I was glad to catch up with them. Cameron and Noah changed, but not too much.

Once we returned to the event hall, Cameron, Noah, and I had to go on separate ways. The two mingled with people they know — that was Klaus and Claude — while I returned to where my husband was. He was already with Law along with some men I have never seen.

As I approached them, my steps grew slower until I halted. Sam seemed he was already accommodating the guest and Law as well. I wasn't surprised at how welcoming my son looked, but Sam surely surprised me. He was smiling and engaging with people, making him look very approachable.

"Oh! There's my wife!" Sam snapped me out of my thoughts as he grinned while the people around him also set their eyes on me. I sported a kind smile, about to walk forward, when I stopped and looked around.

'Huh?' I looked back at Sam and he raised his brows while tilting his head. 'Maybe... it's nothing..' I mentally shook my head, tossing the sudden sense of dread that crept down my spine for a split second.

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