The Duke's Passion

Chapter 368 - [Bonus ]The Dinner In Cunningham

Chapter 368 - [Bonus ]The Dinner In Cunningham

The last time we journeyed the same way as this wasn't a long time ago. It was only a year since we returned to Grimsbanne with a heavy heart. But this journey back to the capital felt the complete opposite.

We had prepared for this. The last time, we were like defeated soldiers, but now, we're akin to determined soldiers going into the frontline of the war.

"Your Grace, Marquess Cameron sent a word." Klaus trotted beside the carriage, looking at me through the window. "Shall we take a rest in the Marquess Estate? He said he would be disheartened if you refuse his invitation once again."

"How can I refuse him twice?" I chuckled, glancing up at Klaus. "We will take a rest in the Marquess Estate tonight. It will also be better for everyone."

"Yes, Your Grace." Klaus bowed, closed-lipped, before trotting away to inform everyone.

"That's surprising." Yul voiced out as I covered the window with the curtain. "I thought you didn't want to make a stop in Cunningham and go straight to the Capital? Also, why did you close the curtain?"

"To spice everyone's imagination?" I shrugged nonchalantly, only to see his face distort. "Kidding."

"No, you're serious." He sighed, massaging his nape in irritation. "And I understand you want Stefan to have lots of things to think about. I should sleep as much as I can since it seemed I won't have any once we reach our destination."

Yul crossed his arm as he leaned back, stretching his feet towards me. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes to rest.

I felt bad for him, but I couldn't just stop this 'affair' now. All I could do for him was to protect him and keep him alive, no matter what.

"Thank you, Yul," I whispered, and he didn't respond. I let him sleep as he deserved a rest.


Yul rested until we reached the Crawford's estate. As expected from Marquess Cameron, he welcomed us with a grand entourage. Yul assisted me outside the carriage and Cameron bowed politely as soon as I stepped out.

"Welcome back to our humble abode, Your Grace," Cameron greeted politely. "I wanted to say more formality, but in this cold weather, I will invite you inside first."

"Thank would be better, Marquess." I smiled and followed Cameron into the manor.

As we walked with the people tailing behind us, Cameron and I could only talk about unimportant things. It was a good thing I had already sent him a letter about some important details he must know.

"Your Grace, you must be famished. We had prepared a banquet for you and for your entourage." Cameron faced me squarely with a smile.

"I appreciate your effort, Lord Cameron." My smile remained as he escorted us to the dining hall.

I couldn't expect anything less from Cameron's hospitality. He surely had prepared a banquet for everyone. He assisted me to sit on the host seat, while he remained seated on my right side.

One after another, my knights had also taken their seats. The king's knights just stood guard on the side, so I ordered them to dine with us. They didn't have a choice but to eat with me.

As usual, the knights around the table didn't eat in peace. They were loud, but it was just what I preferred. Cameron and Yul had also conversed with me every once in a while, but nothing was important.

My eyes landed on Jayden, who was staring back at me. I reached for my cup of wine, raising it to him as I smiled. That guy the king trusted... a person who was always present, but no one noticed.

Yul told me Jayden wasn't as remarkable as his other brothers, but not any less than them. His character had piqued my interest the first time I noticed him, and this curiosity only increased when Heliot mention it in passing.

I asked Klaus and Silvia about Jayden as well, but they said the exact words Yul told me. I knew Jayden was more than that. It could be either he was concealing his strength for a reason, or I was wrong. The latter was more unlikely.


A moment later, one knight suddenly fell unconscious — his face fell on his plate, but the chattering continued. The corner of my lips stretched broader as Jayden furrowed his brows.

It didn't take long when every single one of the king's knights fell unconscious one after another. The chattering also subsided as we all watched Jayden fight to keep his consciousness.

"Klaus," I called calmly.

"No problem." Klaus planted his hand on the armrest, pushing himself up.

"What are you…" Jayden forced himself to stand up, only to stagger back and stumble down.

"Don't worry, little brother. We won't kill you." Klaus stopped a step away from him, squatting down. "We just want you to rest early."

As soon as those words escaped Klaus' lips, he beckoned a chopping move against Jayden's nape, which knock him unconscious. He checked his breathing and nodded approvingly before he stood up and faced in my direction.

"What now, Your Grace?" he inquired as he spread his arms. All eyes slowly shifted in my direction.

"Confiscate all their weapons." My tone was firm and cold as I set my eyes on Cameron. "You know what to do with them."

"Yes, Your Grace."

I nodded approvingly. "Silvia, erase their memories and rewrite them. Make them believe the dinner went smoothly, and we all went to rest."

"Sure. You can count on me." Silvia winked, cupping her cheek with a smirk on her lips.

Pleased that everyone seemed they already knew what to do, I returned my eyes back to Klaus. A glint flickered across his eyes as the corner of his lips curled up into a smile.

"There were more people trailing us, but they are already being handled. Go back to Whistlebird and meet Teddy Brown. Make sure to come back before sunrise." I ordered him, and Klaus bowed his head.

"Yes, Your Grace."

"Good." My smile grew brighter as I clapped and faced Yul. "How's the illusion barrier holding up, Yul?"

"No one notices it, so I guess it's good?" Yul shrugged nonchalantly, as he had already put up an illusion the second we entered Cunningham.

"Wow, wow, wow!" Suddenly, a voice from the end of the dining hall reached our ear. "Cameron is always the best!"

I turned my head in Sam's direction, smiling at him as he strutted his way towards us.

"I didn't know you will come up, Your Grace." Cameron greeted politely as Sam reached my seat, picking up a piece of meat from my plate to his mouth.

"My wife had arrived, Lord Cameron. What do you expect me to do?" Sam grinned and then cast me a knowing look. "Alphonse is just around the corner. You should double the illusion barrier, Cameron."

"As expected, he is also here." Cameron nodded calmly. "I had been feeling this strange and pungent smell."

"Worry less. We have reliable people." Sam winked and then cocked his head to me. "Do you want to see the dungeon?"

"Is he there?" I perked up, batting my eyes.

"He was a pleasant company." The side of his lips curled up into a smirk, making me smirk as well. "He killed my boredom while I wait for you."

I set my eyes back to my people. "Let's get moving," and everyone had gone to execute their orders, while Sam and I headed to the underground dungeon to meet an important person.

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