The Duke's Passion

Chapter 367 - [Bonus ]The Death March

Chapter 367 - [Bonus ]The Death March

I spent my last day in Grimsbanne just doing what I usually do while everyone else was busy. Yul argued with Jayden, the twelfth prince, because they want us to depart a day before scheduled. We didn't mind, though, but my authority was at stake. If I let them dictate us what to do, it would put a strain on the authority I held. So, in the end, Jayden didn't have a choice.

"Is everything prepared?" I asked, looking over the entrance of the mansion where everyone waited for me in this freezing weather.

My eyes first landed on Silvia, in her knight winter uniform. Beside her was Klaus. Their steed was awaiting them not far away from their standpoint. Mildred, along with the servants and a few knights, lined up to the side. Then Jayden and the people of the king.

A subtle smile appeared on my lips as I turned to Yul, who stood beside me.. "Shall we?"

Yul only smiled back, offering his hand, which I clasped. We marched towards the carriage in silence. It was quite the ceremony, almost like a death march.

When we reached the carriage, my eyes shifted to Jayden. He bowed slightly without a word.

"Thank you for your consideration, Your Highness," I said, only to receive silence in response.

I looked back at the mansion's entrance. My eyes softened. This felt like de javu.

Almost two years ago, I was in this same position. I also looked back, just like right now. But the difference was distinct; the people around me, the intention in my heart, and even myself. I wasn't that hopeful young maiden anymore.

"This will be the hottest winter I will ever experience," I murmured, staring at the mansion a little longer before turning around. "I will miss this place."

"Don't worry." Yul offered me his hand as I hitched inside. "Grimsbanne will wait for you."

I smiled at Yul's remarks as everyone already dispersed. Mildred should ride with me in the same carriage, but I preferred having Yul as my company. He was my lover, and spending the entire journey with him would only make sense.

Our journey started when Yul hitched inside the carriage. Klaus and Silvia would travel by their steed to secure my ride and to keep a close eye on Jayden.


We had an arduous journey and traveling in winter was proven a hassle. But with experience, we avoided simple problems we encountered last year. It didn't take long when we reach Whistlebird.

"Yul," I called under my breath, staring at the window and the people outside. "Goodness. This looks like a funeral march."

A chuckle escaped my mouth as the townsfolk in Whistlebird were standing on the pavement. It was as if this was a parade.

"How bold." Yul chortled lightly. "The king will surely hear about this."

"Teddy Brown had grown bold over the year." I humored.

I kept in touch with Teddy Brown as he became my other informant. His people had become my eyes and ears inside the country. There was a lot of trade going on in Whistlebird, so it was helpful. I was kept up to date about the current state of affairs.

"I didn't think they will give you such a walk of honor. You're not making a sacrifice." Yul let out another chuckle, and I kept my eyes outside.

My eyes caught Teddy Brown standing outside his establishment. Our eyes met, and he took a bow while I smile subtly.

"This winter is quite warm, don't you think, Yul?" I asked, peeling my eyes away from the window to Yul.

He was staring outside, smirking. "The fire in their eyes kept the cold weather bearable."

"Let's not underestimate our enemy, Yul. Just like us, they had prepared for our return. Stefan will not let me go easily this time."

"Even so, he didn't have a choice." Yul slowly set his eyes on me as they glinted. "If he held on too tightly, he will lose an arm."

"We'll start from there." I smiled brightly. "But before that, you should be careful, brother. I won't lose my life even when I ran my mouth, but I'm certain he wouldn't let my lover go. You might lose an arm before him."

"I might cut my ears myself before that if you keep calling me your lover." Yul scrunched his nose up in dismay. "Give me a day of peace without being called your lover."

"I'm sorry." I raised my hands, chuckling as he glare at me.

"I will have to live my entire life being the duchess lover." He sighed, shaking his head dejectedly.

"I'm sorry, Yul. The good side of it is, a lot of men is chewing their handkerchief for having such a title."

"And the downside is they all want to kill me." He rolled his eyes, making me chuckle loudly.

I didn't mind his complaints. Yul just accepted everything I threw to him in the past, so hearing his complaints brought this strange relief to me.

"I will make up for you in the future." I smiled gently, seeing him look at me with a frown.

"You better not die or else, my efforts will go in vain."

"I won't." I shook my head, taking a deep breath. "This time, I'm serious — cross my heart."

Yul gazed at me for a long time before letting out a weak sigh. His eyes spoke a million unspoken words, but he simply just smiled and nodded.

"I will hold on to those words," he said under his breath. "This is a burden you must carry, sister, and I felt no remorse in reminding you that. If you die, every single one of us will die as well."

"Just trust our preparations."

"It's not whether I trust our preparations or I had doubts. I just know you and that person. You're too unpredictable and we might not catch up with your pace."

"You will." I asserted, grasping the hint of who was the other person he was talking about. "Don't doubt your instinct, Yul. You know me better than I know myself, and it sometimes scares me."

"I doubt."

"You will understand me someday." I offered him a smile before shifting my focus onto the road. Yul might not understand it, but there were many occurrences that he had read me accurately but simply turned a blind eye to it.

And just like that, we exited Whistlebird with Yul and me talking just about anything to kill boredom.

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