Chapter 558: Save or Not Save

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: Endless Fantasy Translation

The people in the intensive care unit looked at each other, unable to make a decision for a moment.

Everyone’s eyes turned to Professor Zhang, as he was the only one who could give orders now.

Professor Zhang was also in a dilemma.

Adding more medicine to Shi Yu’s treatment posed a risk to his health, and the dosage was already well beyond the regulated limit. Increasing it further could put the entire hospital staff at risk of severe consequences.

However, if they didn’t follow Xia Wan’s instructions, Professor Zhang wasn’t completely confident that they could revive the patient. Offending Lin Chao would also bring trouble.

Professor Zhang pondered deeply, while Xia Wan calmly inserted silver needles into several acupoints on Shi Yu’s arms and chest, quietly waiting.

“I’ll give you ten minutes. After that, I won’t be responsible for him anymore!” Xia Wan said, stepping back to show her stance.

Lin Chao, who was standing outside, couldn’t hear the conversation but noticed Xia Wan’s detached demeanor and became anxious.

As Lin Chao was about to rush in, Chen MO grabbed him. “What are yc Don’t cause a disturbance inside!”

Lin Chao turned and glared at Chen Mo: “Why isn’t that woman treati Didn’t Shi Yu just wake up? Why did he faint again? What are they goi now? We have to do something, we can’t just stand by!”

Chen MO didn’t know how to respond, but he was certain of one thinf worry, Xia Wan won’t let him die.”

The assistant doctor hung his head in despair, continuing to diligently record Shi Yu’s condition.

When Professor Zhang and Dr. Fang returned, both were red-faced and breathless from running.

“We can increase the medication, but if he doesn’t wake up…” Professor Zhang was still struggling.

“He will wake up!” Xia Wan handed a written prescription to Professor Zhang,

“Prepare this medication. Once he takes it, I guarantee he will wake up.”

Professor Zhang took the prescription, nearly crumpling the paper in his ha and instructed Dr. Fang, “Arrange it. He must wake up today!”

“Okay!” Dr. Fang didn’t hesitate and rushed to the hospital’s pharmacy.

About half an hour later, Xia Wan removed the silver needles from Shi Yu an walked out without a word.

As Xia Wan left the ICU, Lin Chao stopped her: “Where are you going? You ce leave now!”

Xia Wan looked at Lin Chao’s anxious face and said calmly, “His condition is now stable. He will wake up once he takes the medicine.”

Lin Chao’s expression was serious, not fully trusting Xia Wan’s words.

Xia Wan reassured him, “I will wait until he wakes up before leaving. Don’t worry, he will be fine.”

Lin Chao’s tense expression didn’t relax as he instructed his people, “Take tk to rest..”

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