Chapter 557: Increasing Dosage

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“In the process of treating the patient’s right upper limb, he suddenly experienced convulsions. We’ve administered 50mg of phenobarbital, which has alleviated the symptoms,” the assistant physician continued.

“However, the patient has fainted again, showing pupil dilation and a continuous rise in blood pressure.”

“Set up an imaging test immediately!” Professor Zhang directed the assistant physician to urgently contact the imaging department for further examinations of Shi Yu.

“But…” The assistant physician hesitated, his face showing concern.

“What are you waiting for! Every second counts in saving lives! Do I need to remind you of that?” Professor Zhang said sternly, his tone unusually harsh.

“The imaging department is undergoing equipment maintenance today, and currently, it might not be operational…” the assistant physician said timidly, bracing for Professor Zhang’s response.

Panic momentarily seized everyone in the ICU.

The medical facilities were limited, especially in this small county town.

Even the county hospital lacked an imaging department, let alone the military hospital. For imaging tests, they relied on equipment from other hospitals.

Xia Wan released Shi Yu’s wrist where she had been checking his pulse.

“Haven’t administered the medication?” Xia Wan finished his sentence.

The assistant physician remained silent.

Without pressing further, Xia Wan once again grasped Shi Yu’s hand, feeling for his pulse.

After a moment, she released his hand and decisively stated, “Increase the medication.”

“Increase it?” Doctor Fang’s voice rose in alarm, echoing beyond the observation room.

“Yes!” Xia Wan confirmed without hesitation, “Initially, the medication was to be continued until his awakening, then gradually reduced over three days.”

“However, due to your negligence…” Xia Wan’s gaze shifted from Doctor Fang to Professor Zhang, “the dosage now needs to be increased, and he must continuously take it for 15 days.”

“Absolutely not!” Professor Zhang immediately objected.

He had been unable to refuse Xia Wan’s previous unconventional approach due to various constraints.

But now, with the patient showing signs of consciousness, continuing this prescription could jeopardize his health!

Medication is inherently toxic, and they were using potent drugs!

“The dosage is already triple the normal amount. Given the patient’s inability to eat independently, how can his body withstand this?” Professor Zhang argued, hoping to dissuade Xia Wan.

Xia Wan, however, remained unwavering. “If you want me to treat this patient, follow my instructions and increase the dosage.. Otherwise, I will not take responsibility for his condition!”

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