The Divine Healer Gets a Divorce after Reincarnating!

Chapter 539 - 539: It’s Not a Problem of Money

Chapter 539 - 539: It’s Not a Problem of Money

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Get these things, and I guarantee the person will wake up within three days,” Xia Wan confidently stated, completely unaware of Dr. Fang’s increasingly pale face.

Dr. Fang was screaming in his heart: ‘This is not a divine doctor here to save lives, but clearly a living grim reaper trying to snatch away lives!

‘Even if Shi Yu is saved, his reputation will be ruined in an instant, and he might even end up in jail!’

As Dr. Fang was sighing inwardly, he heard inquiries coming from outside. Before he could react, Xia Wan had already turned and walked out of the ICU.

“How is it?” Chen MO was the first to come up and ask.

“I have a way to wake the person up, but it requires the hospital’s cooperation,” Xia Wan said casually.

Dr. Fang was about to refuse, but then he heard Lin Chao urgently respond, “As long as you can save Xiao Yu, I agree to all your demands!”

Lin Chao’s words nearly scared Dr. Fang to death.

Fortunately, Professor Zhang was sensible and asked Dr. Fang, “What are the lady’s demands? Our hospital can discuss it first and provide help as much as possible.”

Dr. Fang opened his mouth but didn’t know how to clearly explain Xia Wan’s unreasonable demands.

Xia Wan didn’t give Dr. Fang time to hesitate and directly stated her demands.

After hearing Xia Wan’s demands, Director Tang and Professor Zhang also fell silent.

Zhang Cheng did not stand up but nodded politely, “Director Tang, Professor

Zhang… long time no see.”

“What’s the matter?” Director Feng looked at Director Tang, followed by a group of people, including the solemn-looking Professor Zhang and Dr. Fang, Lin Chao, and two young people he didn’t recognize.

“This…” Director Tang was at a loss for words.

Lin Chao couldn’t wait, “Director Feng, this woman said she could wake my brother up, but it requires your hospital’s cooperation to prepare some medicinal materials.”

“It’s just some medicinal materials, and Director Tang insisted on bringing us to see you.”

Director Feng looked at Director Tang and knew that if it were just a trivial matter, Director Tang wouldn’t have bothered him.

He looked at Xia Wan again and asked, “You said you can wake Shi Yu up?

“Are you sure?” Director Feng asked again.

“Sure!” Xia Wan answered without hesitation.

Director Feng stood up and walked towards Xia Wan, “Young lady, perhaps you Imow some medicine, but saving lives is not something you can achieve just by being assertive.”

“I believe you have some ability, but if you boast and can’t deliver…”

“As long as you prepare what I asked for, I guarantee this person will definitely wake up within three days!” Xia Wan didn’t give Director Feng another chance to doubt her..

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