Chapter 538 - 538: Criminal Matters

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Dr. Fang, despite his dissatisfaction, still had someone bring over Shi Yu’s medical records.

He glanced at the few people outside the intensive care unit before saying, “Young lady, I advise you not to overestimate yourself. This young man is under Lin Chao’s care, and he’s not someone to be trifled with!”

Xia Wan, still engrossed in the documents, responded softly to Dr. Fang’s well-intentioned advice, “Thank you, I know.”

Seeing that Xia Wan was stubborn, Dr. Fang could only shake his head, sigh, and give up on persuading her.

After all, everyone has their fate, and if this young girl wants to court death, it’s not his duty to save her!

Xia Wan carefully reviewed Shi Yu’s records before attempting to examine him.

Just as she reached out, Dr. Fang stopped her, “Hold on!”

Xia Wan turned to Dr. Fang, “Is there something else?”

“I want to make it clear to you, Shi Yu’s condition is very critical and his life is at risk at any moment. If you…” Dr. Fang spoke quickly, and although some of his words were unclear, Xia Wan quickly understood his meaning.

“I understand! From now on, as long as I’m here, his life is in my hands!” Xia Wan didn’t hesitate and began examining Shi Yu, breaking free from Dr. Fang’s grasp.

She lifted Shi Yu’s eyelids for inspection and felt his pulse at the wrist where the IV was inserted.

Then, she straightened up and faced Dr. Fang, “This medication is wrong.”

“Moreover, although mylabris is not difficult to find, with the extraction technology here, it’s hard to ensure purity, it can easily…” Dr. Fang decided to drop the illegal matter and switched topics.

Xia Wan interrupted him again, “I have a way to purify it, but we need a large quantity of mylabris. ”

“A large quantity?” Dr. Fang’s voice soared again, “That toxic herb is only available in limited quantities!”

This girl isn’t here to save lives, she’s planning to get him in trouble!

“The dosage of ephedra is incorrect,” Xia Wan spoke calmly, without any fluctuations in her tone.

“Are you joking?” Dr. Fang was losing control of his voice, “The dosage I used is already at the medical limit, do you know that this thing…”

“I know!” Xia Wan interrupted him again, “But you can also see that this dosage is incorrect!”

Xia Wan spoke decisively, rendering Dr. Fang speechless.

In fact, Dr. Fang also knew that the dosage of ephedra he used was indeed insufficient, but he spoke the truth; the current dosage had already reached the medical limit for ephedra.

Ephedra is like a drug, once overdosed, it can cause a lifetime of addiction.

Additionally, ephedra has certain side effects, so it’s strictly controlled within the medical community.

However, for Shi Yu’s current condition, increasing the dosage of ephedra would indeed have a better effect.

But that would be illegal, and as a doctor in a regular hospital, especially a military hospital doctor, how could he….

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