Divine Power and Magic Body Strengthening

What will happen now? Even if Lydia Schmitt defeats Olivia, there's no reason for Olivia to regain her faith, thinking that she's nothing without divine power.


As Olivia activated her Magic Body Strengthening, the finals of the Unrestricted Tournament begin.

"I have a feeling... something's off."


Saviolin Turner and I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding after overhearing their conversation.

Lydia Schmitt is up to something.


Contrary to our ominous premonition, it was difficult to discern who had the upper hand between the two.

One thing was clear; Lydia Schmitt was an incredibly skilled fighter.

However, Olivia Lanze, who was fighting her solely with enhanced magical power, was not falling behind. This meant that if Olivia were to use her divine power as well, she would have an overwhelming advantage.

No matter how much Ares' power was focused on offense, there was bound to be a strengthening power in Owan's power. It would be easy for Olivia to secure victory against Lydia Schmitt if she were to use that as well.

What on earth is Lydia Schmitt trying to do? Is she trying to force Olivia, who senses her defeat, to use her divine power?

Olivia said that if such a thing were to happen, she would be subjected to a religious trial.

That's why she didn't use her divine power even when facing a set loss against Harriet.

"By any chance... what would happen if Olivia, who has officially renounced her faith, were to use her divine power?"

Although I had some knowledge about it, I wasn't completely certain, so I asked.

"...She won't end up in a good situation."

Charlotte replied in a pessimistic tone.

"...Those who use unauthorized divine power are treated as witches."

Saviolin Turner supplemented.

Priests or Holy Knights.

Regardless of receiving blessings or anything, there's a kind of certification for divine power. Even though students of this sort, who are like apprentices, are considered exceptions.

It must be to monopolize divine power.

Olivia wasn't someone secretly healing people in some remote countryside village; she was a person who had been called the Saint of Eredian.

When faith is renounced, divine power should disappear since it originates from belief in the divine.

However, not only did Olivia's divine power not vanish, but it became even stronger.

It's just that she mustn't use it. Divine power not used within the divine's embrace would be considered heresy.

"If such a thing were to happen, Olivia wouldn't be treated as a witch. However, she would be subjected to a religious trial."

If Olivia were to use her divine power, she would be using unauthorized divine power in a public place. That would create ample opportunity to entangle her with heresy interrogation or religious trials as an excuse.

Lydia Schmitt must be trying to force Olivia to use her divine power.

But how?

Olivia didn't use her divine power even at the moment she was defeated by Harriet.

In the tournament, Olivia considers it a power she doesn't possess and fights accordingly.

If she loses, she loses. There's no need to forcibly use divine power.

-Boom! Crash!

With the powerful strike from Lydia Schmitt, a heavy shock reverberated through the arena, and Olivia managed to block it with a single sword.

Not only did Olivia withstand the devastating divine power with her Magic Body Strengthening alone, she even managed to counterattack.

I wasn't sure about anything else, but was this truly a battle between humans?

That's how it felt.

"Amazing. Both of them."

The world's strongest monster praised them from beside me.

It was that intense of a fight.

Lydia Schmitt employed everything she could in the battle.

Olivia Lanze only used Magic Body Strengthening.

If it weren't for Olivia, wouldn't Lydia Schmitt be in Olivia's place?

That's how impressive Lydia's skills were. However, she didn't envy Olivia; instead, she wanted to return Olivia to where she rightfully belonged.

Not jealousy, but obsession.

In the end, both were exhausting.


A white light emitted from Lydia's sword, condensed with divine power, and stabbed into the ground.


It was so intense, it made me wonder if that was really divine power. The destructive divine power exhibited a force even greater than magic.

The arena, reinforced after Harriet's battle, was visibly being torn apart in real time.

To think she was a Holy Knight.

In fact, the term berserker seemed to fit better.

However, Olivia, who faced her, was just as incredible.

She either parried or dodged the dangerous, powerful attacks, and struck back with precise timing, preventing Lydia from regaining momentum.

Lydia took the lead in overall output.

However, Olivia pressed on Lydia with more precise and faster predictive attacks and counters.

Therefore, the outcome of the match could be predicted to some extent.

Lydia was doing well, but Olivia would win.

She wasn't underestimating her opponent like in the battle with Harriet.

Olivia was doing her best without using divine power and without letting her guard down.

Lydia Schmitt's hidden trump card.

If she planned to force Olivia to use divine power, what could that strategy be?

Olivia attacked Lydia sharply and precisely.

-Boom! Crash! Bang!

As if to end it in one fell swoop, Olivia's relentless attacks gave Lydia no chance to catch her breath.

One strike after another.

Olivia, who steadily attacked both the divine power and Magic Body Strengthening defenses of the opponent, finally created an opening.

This was the end.

Sensing her victory, Olivia thrust her sword toward Lydia Schmitt's chest.

At the moment when it seemed Olivia would take the first set.


I could clearly see the explosive red energy surging from Lydia Schmitt's body.

"That is...!"

Saviolin Turner stared wide-eyed at the scene before him, and Olivia stumbled back in shock.

"Lydia! What are you doing?"

"Olivia... You have to win, right? You need the money. That's why you joined the tournament, isn't it? To help the children?"

Lydia, enveloped in a sinister red aura, revealed a chilling smile.

"Defeat me with all your might. Give it everything you've got."

It was clear that Lydia Schmitt, shrouded in an ominous red light, was not in an ordinary state. Saviolin Turner mumbled as if he knew what the red aura was about.

"Berserk... Why? How can a mere student possess such power...?"

"What is that?"

"It's a power rarely used by the high priests of Ares."


Though they didn't know the details, the word itself gave them a sense of what it meant. Olivia cried out, her face turning pale.

"Lydia! Stop it right now!"

"That power... It consumes one's life."

It was an extreme method used by the knights of Ares when they burned their own lives to draw out their strength.

The knights of Ares were not just similar to berserkers; they were berserkers themselves.

Lydia Schmitt was now using that power in the tournament finals.

Lydia knew the reason Olivia had to win. She knew that Olivia had joined not for herself, but because she needed the prize money.

That's why Lydia performed such a reckless act, burning her own life to increase her power, so that Olivia couldn't defeat her without giving it her all.

Was Lydia going to such lengths just to make Olivia use her divine power?

Bang! Crash! Clang!

Lydia Schmitt, enveloped in the red aura, was relentlessly pushing Olivia back.

Charlotte looked at Saviolin Turner with a worried expression.

"Shouldn't we stop this?"

"Yes, but Berserk is an extremely rare ability among the powers used by the priests of Ares. Even within the Ares Church, only a few know how to use it. Olivia seems to know, but whether the organizers understand the situation right now, I'm not sure..."

To the untrained eye, it appeared as if Lydia Schmitt, who had been on the verge of defeat, suddenly unleashed her power. They wouldn't know that the red aura was consuming her life.

The atmosphere around Holy Knight Commander Eleion Bolton had turned tense.

Eleion Bolton watched the arena with a serious expression, while the knights accompanying him exchanged confused looks.

Even some of the high-ranking knights with the Holy Knight Commander did not know what Lydia Schmitt was doing.

With gritted teeth, Olivia withstood the powerful onslaught of Lydia Schmitt's attacks.

The match needed to be stopped immediately.

But if the organizers didn't understand the situation, the match would continue as it was.

Olivia was being pushed back by Lydia Schmitt, who was drawing out her utmost power. It would be best to subdue her in one go, but that would require the use of divine power.

That was not an option to consider.

She could endure without using divine power, but in that case, Lydia Schmitt would die on the spot once all her life force was drained.

Therefore, there was only one way to stop Lydia Schmitt, who was attacking by burning her life force.

Halting the match.


Olivia giving up the contest.

Those were the only two options.

"Lady Turner, stop the match immediately. I'll take full responsibility."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Charlotte spoke with a serious expression, and the moment Saviolin Turner nodded his head.

“I forfeit…”

Olivia, with a lost expression, declared her forfeit.

Olivia sat in the waiting room for the competitors, covering her face with both hands, trembling.

She had forfeited.

'I want to be like my sister when I grow up!'

'Heh, your dream is too small? You should aim to be much greater than your sister.'

'But my sister is the prettiest, kindest, and most amazing person I know.'

'Hey, don't flatter me too much.'

She forfeited.

'Thank you, Olivia.'

'No problem. It's my duty.'

'But now, with the circumstances... I hope you don't push yourself too hard.'

'Madam Principal, I'm still fine. I think I can earn a lot of prize money at the Temple Festival this time.'

'Prize money?'

'Yes, the tournament and other competitions... Um, there's that stuff anyway!'

She had forfeited.

She had no choice.

There is no second-place prize in the Temple Tournament.

Most of the audience was bewildered.

The highly anticipated final had ended all too anticlimactically.

Very few knew the details. A discussion was needed on whether Lydia Schmitt's actions warranted disqualification.

So for now, the tournament had to be concluded, even if it felt lukewarm.

Olivia couldn't even bear to watch the award ceremony.

It wasn't just about the prize money.

It was painful to not win, but more than that, Olivia felt like her head was about to explode.

She felt like she was going insane.

She couldn't understand why she was doing this to herself.

How long had she been sitting there in a daze?


Lydia Schmitt was walking towards Olivia.


She threw away the dazzling trophy, the symbol of winning the Unrestricted Tournament. As if she had no interest in it whatsoever.

Lydia approached Olivia.

"Why did you forfeit?"


"You needed the money, didn't you?"

There was not a trace of happiness in Lydia Schmitt's expression from winning.

All she wanted in return for choosing to burn her own life was for Olivia to use her divine power in public.

Because of that, she was willing to risk her life to be brought to a religious trial and forcibly made to walk the path of a priestess again. As if it was only natural to risk her life.

If she had used her divine power, Olivia could have subdued Lydia Schmitt, who had activated her berserk mode.

But Olivia did not do so.

If she had continued to fight, Lydia Schmitt would have met her death.

Olivia was forced to make a choice.

She had to choose between a life of poverty, unable to feed the starving children, or reluctantly living as a religious person. She chose one of those paths.

She had to make a choice, and Olivia made her choice.

"This isn't the Olivia I know."

Lydia didn't feel the slightest bit of joy in her victory. Instead, she was angry, staring down at Olivia.

"The Olivia I know would have subdued me in an instant, taken the prize money, and helped people. She should have done that, without a doubt."

In Lydia Schmitt's mind, Olivia wasn't someone who would forfeit in such a situation. She had participated in the competition to help people with the prize money, so she should have used her divine power without thinking about herself.

Everyone expected her to act that way.

And Lydia Schmitt was angry that she hadn't.

Olivia, her face pale, was trembling.

"Yeah, I'm selfish. I'm going to live selfishly from now on. That's how I'm going to live. This is me. This is who I am now... So, leave me alone."

"No, Olivia. No. It shouldn't be like this. You should have used your divine power just now."

Lydia Schmitt shook her head adamantly.

Then, she knelt down in front of Olivia, looking up at the terrified girl.

Her dark, abyss-like eyes stared at Olivia.

"Olivia, you can be a good person again. Look at me, I put my life on the line, not caring about myself, just to help you. I wasn't always like this. I admired how you always helped people, Olivia, so I tried to become someone like that too. That's why I acted this way. So now, let me help you, Olivia. If this continues, you'll only suffer more. More hardships will come. More cruel things will happen. No, this situation, where you're drifting away from the divine, is already unbearably cruel for you. It's not for nothing that I did this. This was the only way to avoid harming anyone."

Olivia couldn't even properly hear Lydia Schmitt's rapid speech.

She didn't want to listen in the first place.

Lydia Schmitt thought the person she admired was falling apart.

That's why she believed it was time for her to help Olivia.

"I never asked you to do that... Please..."

"No. No, Olivia. I'll give you my prize money. I don't want you to become a bad person. You can help the children. But promise me one thing. Promise that you'll return to the divine's embrace. It's not too late. It's not too late."

No words would reach the ears of one who would not listen. Olivia could no longer bear to meet the eyes of Lydia Schmitt, so she tightly shut her own.

In the end, Olivia burst into tears.

"Please, don't do this to me... Please... Just leave me alone... I beg you. Why me? Why does it have to be me... Please... Just leave me be... I don't think I'm wrong. I don't think I'm doing something wrong..."


Lydia shouted, as if she couldn't let that particular statement slide.

"Olivia! You mustn't say such things! You were chosen by the gods! A perfect person like you, who was born with the blessings of all five great deities, cannot deny the gods! Yes, yes, that's right. You're going through a period of wandering. Oh, the gods are giving you this trial to make you even more perfect. Oh yes, this is all part of the gods' will to lead you to greater glory. So, let's think about it slowly. Starting from going back to the temple. No, from talking about their grace with others, starting slowly..."

"Damn, you talk a lot."

At the sudden voice from the hallway, both Lydia and the crying Olivia turned their heads.

"Why do you keep trying to convert someone who's not interested? Even street preachers don't cling like this."

The one approaching with rough strides was none other than Reinhardt. Reinhardt strode over and forcibly pulled the weeping Olivia to her feet by her hand.

"If they spout nonsense, why don't you just slap them instead of listening to such drivel?"


"This isn't your business, Reinhardt."

Lydia Schmitt said to Reinhardt with a stern expression.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Reinhardt pulled the trembling Olivia behind him, as if to hide her.

"It was never your place to meddle between us in the first place."


"You should mind your own business."

Reinhardt grabbed Olivia's hand and began to drag her away.

"Hey, where are you going! You can't take Olivia! You mustn't do this!"

At Lydia's cry, Reinhardt shot her an icy glare.

"Leave it be. Stop babbling nonsense."


Olivia, with her head hanging low, was led away by Reinhardt's hand. Lydia watched with clenched teeth as Olivia was taken away, powerless to resist.


That name, like a thorn in her throat.

Olivia, who was once delicate and gentle, had become unbending in her stubbornness.

But she was infinitely generous to that one person alone.

The pure saintess, who should maintain her purity, behaved as if she loved him.

No, it was only since becoming close with that Reinhardt that Olivia had changed like this.

He was the root cause of it all.

If only he would disappear, the problem would be solved.

Everyone was focusing on the wrong thing.

"He shouldn't be touched," they say.

And yet, they are trying to sacrifice another pitiful child.

'Parasite, trash. A demon-like creature.'

In Lydia Schmitt's eyes, Reinhardt was nothing more than the person responsible for leading the once-righteous Olivia astray.

He must be gone.

Only without him can Olivia return to her original self.

Return to the proper path.

Lydia, clenching her teeth, stared quietly at the hallway where Olivia had disappeared.

'That's right... It's you...'

She could do anything for Olivia.

'It would be better if you died. If you die instead of Adriana, Olivia will be alright... All we need is for you to be gone... Why should a child embraced by the gods be sacrificed because of someone like you... No, it can't be. It should be you. A single unbeliever like you is all it takes to solve the problem.'

Lydia Schmitt's eyes were wide with rage.

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