
Today is the Miss Temple Contest and the finals of the Unrestricted Class Tournament.

Olivia Lanze, who must participate in both events, is sure to be extremely busy. The first-year students of the Royal Class don't seem particularly interested in the Unrestricted Class Tournament, which starts from the semi-finals, since none of their classmates are competing.

Ellen, Liana, and Cliffman all appear to be busy preparing for the contest.

However, when Ellen runs into me in the morning, she gazes at me quietly.


I know what she wants to say.

"Aren't you going?"


Ellen has watched all of my tournament matches. Even if she hadn't, there's no reason not to attend the Miss Temple Contest today.

I have to make Cliffman Mister Temple, even if I have to use some kind of trick, and I still don't know what to do about Miss Temple.

There's no reason for me not to go to the contest. Ellen hesitates for a moment, then looks at me with a determined expression.

"...Make sure you come."

"Alright, prepare well."


After the contest, I wonder if she has something to say.

That's the impression her expression gave me.

Ellen leaves those words behind and goes somewhere with Liana to prepare.

The other guys seem to be enjoying the festival on their own, but I've decided to move alone during the day.

Without anyone joining me.

I'm going to watch the Unrestricted Class Tournament finals, which are now out of my classmates' interests. Of course, there may be some who will watch, but I still plan to go alone.

I have a lot to apologize for to Olivia. She always takes care of me and does anything for me, but I always treat her poorly. Yesterday, I even openly supported Harriet.

Being good at everything doesn't mean you're strong-willed in every situation.

I don't know if there are others who will watch the finals separately, but I intend to go to the Unrestricted Class Tournament finals without joining anyone.

The matches begin from the semi-finals, but in the end, there are only three matches. So, even if I watch up to the finals, the time spent wouldn't be too long.


The cheers of the crowd were enormous.

The fact that Harriet lost didn't change anything.

However, just because the result matched my expectations doesn't mean the process was similar.

Like my tournament had various twists and turns, the Unrestricted Class Tournament had a few surprises as well.

So far, Olivia has only lost one set, and that was the set Harriet took.

As I wait for the match to start, I hear someone calling me from behind.

"Reinhardt, you came to watch the finals too?"

"Ah, Charlotte."

It's Charlotte.

Although I planned to watch alone, the seating area was assigned, so I couldn't help but run into someone if they came.

Anyway, I wonder if Charlotte has any reason to watch the finals.

The reason was right behind her.

"The teacher came too?"


It seems that Charlotte isn't here for herself, but because Saviolin Turner wanted to watch. Charlotte can't leave her side, and the teacher must have wanted to watch the finals.

Charlotte wasn't a fool, so she had interpreted Turner's mood and decided to go watch the finals.

"If you were going, you should have said so. Why did you come alone?"

"Ah, just because."


She had thought it would be better to watch it alone rather than bring someone along, but she didn't intend to move seats or anything now that they had encountered each other.

Naturally, Charlotte and Saviolin Turner sat down beside me.

Charlotte looked around and folded her arms.



"Oh, nothing…"

This area was for Royal Class VIP seats.

That meant there were other VIP seats as well.

Charlotte had just been looking at the seats reserved for distinguished guests.

"Count Bolton is here."


As I cocked my head, Saviolin Turner looked at me.

"Didn't you exchange greetings with him at the last patronage party?"

"At the patronage party?"

I had forgotten the names of the people I had greeted at the patronage party. Bolton? Who was that?


'His memory isn't great, is it?'

I could feel Saviolin Turner's gaze pass by with such thoughts, but only for a moment.

"It's Sir Eleion Bolton, the current commander of the Holy Knights."


That's right.

It was a familiar name. Eleion Bolton, the new commander of the Holy Knights who took office after Riverrier Lanze's dismissal.

I didn't know much about him, and I hadn't supported him, so I had completely forgotten about him.

Charlotte wore a subtle smile.

"I didn't see him yesterday, so I was wondering if he was coming. I guess he's here for the finals."

"…Maybe because he doesn't want to see Olivia win?"

"Well… I don't know what Count Bolton is thinking, but it's probably going to be an unpleasant sight."

How would the current commander of the Holy Knights, a prominent candidate for the next religious leader, feel watching a talent who abandoned her faith win the tournament without using divine power?

It was clear he wouldn't feel good. As I recalled his name, I recognized his face as well.

Different from Riverrier Lanze, he had a stern and unyielding appearance. He was not wearing knightly armor but formal attire, and around him were those who looked like his close associates, also likely to be Holy Knights, silently watching the arena.

Saviolin Turner, who had been quietly listening to our conversation, tilted her head.

"Rather than worrying about Olivia, he might be supporting someone else."

"Someone else?"

"Don't you know the other top four contestants?"

"I can't remember anyone other than Senior Olivia."

Charlotte laughed scornfully, as if she didn't bother remembering things unrelated to her.

"Among the top four, there's a student whose entry into the Holy Knights is confirmed after graduation."

"Ah… really?"

"He might be hoping that the student will defeat Olivia."

It was inevitable that Olivia had given up her faith.

So, it would make sense for the future Holy Knight member to wish for a victory against Olivia, who didn't use divine power.

Certainly, among the contestants of the Unrestricted-class tournament, there were quite a few who seemed to aspire to become Holy Knights. Most of them possessed skills that could not be ignored.

Royal-class 6th grade A-3, Jordan Windsor.

Royal-class 6th grade B-2, Lydia Schmitt.

Lydia Schmitt.

The person who was curious about what Olivia and I had been discussing.

She seemed like a good person, but I had felt something peculiar about her.

She was an incredible talent who used both Divine Power and Magic Body Strengthening.


Since Olivia had been held back for a year, Lydia Schmitt and Olivia had actually spent a long time together in the Temple.

Had their relationship soured when Olivia abandoned her faith?

If Lydia Schmitt were to join the Holy Knight Order, she could very well be jealous of Olivia.

They would have been compared to each other in many ways. Lydia Schmitt was incredibly talented, but ultimately, she hadn't surpassed Olivia.

I would have seen her if she belonged to the Religious Club Grace, but my first meeting with her had been a brief conversation in front of the dormitory last time.

If someone with a perfect talent upgrade had always been above oneself, it must have been a painful experience.

While we were exchanging various stories, the announcer began to move the competition forward.

Royal-class 5th grade student, Olivia Lanze, who has only one loss in the set so far!

With the cheers of the crowd, Olivia was teleported onto the stadium.

Even though there had been a minor accident yesterday, Olivia had regained her relaxed smile.

However, what had changed was that Olivia, who had been fighting with bare fists until now, was holding a sword this time.

Did she think there was no need to take a penalty from the semi-finals on? Or did she judge that she might lose a set unexpectedly if she was as careless as yesterday?

Besides Olivia Lance, the top four contestants were two 6th grade Royal-class students and one 5th grade student from the Orbis-class.

The Royal-class students were all in their final year of the temple's grade division.

Olivia Lanze's opponent in the top four was a 5th grade Orbis-class student, Melanie Benier.

It must have been bitter that the Orbis-class disappeared just before graduation.

The Orbis-class had been a cradle of revolutionary forces, and most of the students and teachers involved had either withdrawn or resigned from teaching.

Those who remained were either not captured or had decided to stay in the temple after being captured.

The revolutionary forces.

It made my head throb every time I thought about it.

Regardless of my concerns, the first match of the top four started soon.

The process was not very important.


It was a complete victory for Olivia Lanze.

Had Harriet had a chance against Olivia because she used magic? Or was it because Olivia, wielding a sword, was even stronger?

The opponent seemed to struggle, but they were no match for Olivia.

Above all, the opponent seemed somewhat annoyed, but their expression was not that of being absorbed in defeat as if they knew the outcome would be like this.

The next match of the semi-finals.

Royal Class 6th Year A-3, Jordan Windsor.

Royal Class 6th Year B-2, Lydia Schmitt.

Naturally, those who had advanced to the semi-finals possessed unquestionable skill. I had watched the previous matches of Lydia Schmitt and Jordan Windsor.

Lydia Schmitt favored double buffs, while Jordan Windsor was exceptionally skilled, even without the ability to use divine power.

Of course, both were formidable opponents who I couldn't even hope to challenge at my current level. Even if Harriet faced them, she wouldn't have been able to secure a victory.

It wasn't just Olivia who was a monster; the other upperclassmen of the Royal Class were monsters as well.

The most talented individuals had honed their skills for six years. Although there was an exceptional monster like Olivia, they were monsters in their own right.

Talent doesn't just run away.

Frankly, even if Erich seemed like a waste of space right now, it didn't mean he'll still be one six years later. He seemed to be putting in effort lately, so there was a chance he'll awaken his Magic Body Strengthening after three years. And three years after that, he could become a monster who can compete in the Unrestricted-Class Tournament.

Olivia Lanze was originally in the same grade as the 6th-year students. Excluding the 5th-years who participated in the Demon World War, she would have spent her entire time at the Temple with them.

Thus, she was likely closer to the 6th-year students.

Facing off against fellow Royal Class peers in the finals of the Unrestricted-Class Tournament would be quite a fascinating and enjoyable experience.

If the Gate incident hadn't happened, perhaps Ellen and I would have faced each other in the finals of the Unrestricted-Class Tournament as we advanced in grade.

… But I would probably lose.

Even if I made it to the finals, imagining myself losing to Ellen…

Honestly, it didn't seem like it would feel that bad.

The second match of the semi-finals turned out to be quite thrilling, contrary to my expectations.

"Good luck, Lydia."

"You too."

Both of them smiled and exchanged greetings, showing that their relationship wasn't that bad. Despite being in different classes, they seemed to be on friendly terms, perhaps due to the long time they spent together.

However, that was only for a moment.

Their expressions hardened.

The friendly atmosphere vanished as if it never existed, and their battle of exploration began.

Melanie Benier, the 5th-year from Orvis Class who had just been defeated by Olivia in a 3-0 shutout, was undoubtedly much more skilled than me.

And now, these two were 6th-years from the temple.

This would be the last time they faced each other in a setting like this tournament.

Regardless of their usual relationship, this special kind of battlefield would be the last time they tested each other's strength.

So, they had no choice but to be serious.


Blue magical power wrapped around Jordan Windsor's body. It didn't have the explosive, blazing sensation like Ellen's.

It was the complete opposite.

It focused on control and stability.

The compressed and refined power had no unnecessary magical operation; it was like a finely sharpened blade.

It wasn't that the scale was weak.

The technique involved using an extremely efficient Magic Body Strengthening, applying just the right amount of force where it was needed. Perhaps the method Ellen and I should learn from the most is the one similar to Jordan Windsor's Magic Body Strengthening.

Lydia Schmidt's case was a little different.

She suddenly thrust her sword into the ground of the arena.


The metal sword pierced the stone floor, and from the ground, white thread-like lines began to crawl up and wrap around the sword.

The white light that enveloped the sword soon began to coil around Lydia herself.

But that wasn't all.

Not only was Lydia's body surrounded by the white light, but blue magical power also flowed simultaneously.

Strengthening the body with divine power and supporting it with Magic Body Strengthening.

A method of adding strength to strength.

Though I, capable of Self-Suggestion, shouldn't be the one to say this, that double enhancement seems unfair. Saviolin Turner quietly speaks as he watches the spectacle.

"The divine power of the War God Ares..."

Having already seen Lydia Schmidt's match, she knew she used Ares' divine power.

"There is nothing important about Ares' divine power..."


It's something I'm also aware of.

The War God Ares.

"Divine power that focuses all its energy on attack, unable to use the power of healing..."

While the power of divine protection isn't limited to healing, most divine powers can use healing to some extent.

However, the priests of the War God Ares cannot use the power of healing.

A power specialized only in destruction and breaking.

A power focused on slaughter and massacre.

That is the divine power of the War God.

Having absorbed enough divine power from the earth, Lydia Schmidt pulls out her sword, now shrouded in white light, and stares at her opponent with blue and white light wrapped around her body.

-Here we go.


They are not just superhuman, but among the superhumans, they are some of the most skilled.

The two monsters, who could be called the essence of the Royal Class, collide.


Although it was just the clashing of swords, I could see the shockwave distorting the air with my own eyes.

As the level of confrontation was high, it was clear that the weapons provided were powerful artifact-grade weapons that could withstand any ordinary battle.

Therefore, the real battle of the superhumans had begun.

In the second match of the quarterfinals, Lydia Schmidtt from Class B was victorious. The set score was 3:1.

Jordan Windsor excelled in Magic Body Strengthening, but Lydia Schmidtt was able to use Ares' divine power.

That was the biggest difference.

The divine power focused on destruction was so intense that it sent shivers down my spine. Jordan Windsor was defeated by Lydia Schmidtt, who was aided by divine power.

It's not unusual for Class B to surpass Class A when it comes to upperclassmen.

Still, seeing it with my own eyes was a different experience.

I could see Jordan Windsor grinding his teeth in defeat.

Regardless of their usual relationship, ultimately, the decisive difference that led to defeat stemmed from their training throughout their time at the temple.

Accepting defeat is difficult for anyone.

I didn't particularly empathize with either of them. Olivia was the only one I could have felt that way about today.

Of course, unlike me, the audience didn't have anyone to relate to, so they seemed quite satisfied with the spectacle provided.

But is this really a situation where Olivia can win?

Olivia can't use divine power, while Lydia Schmitt can use her full strength.

What exactly is the relationship between Lydia Schmitt and Olivia?

If Lydia Schmitt had been jealous of Olivia throughout their time in the temple, she would want to defeat her with everything she's got.

After a brief pause, the finals were about to begin.

In the end, it was a match between classmates.

Olivia Lanze, A-1.

And Lydia Schmitt, B-3.

The final match was a bit different from what I had expected.

Olivia's usually relaxed smile was gone, her expression stiffened, while Lydia Schmitt was smiling.



The atmosphere between the two was tense.

Before the match, Lydia Schmitt's gaze and smile seemed different when talking to Jordan Windsor.

Lydia Schmitt.

There was something akin to madness in her eyes.

"Your divine power feels stronger than before."


"Return to the embrace of the gods, Olivia. You were born for it. You were made to live nowhere else but in the embrace of the gods."

"Lydia, I..."

"Come back, Olivia."

It wasn't jealousy or feelings of inferiority that I had anticipated.

Lydia Schmit felt something completely different for Olivia.

"I told you. I've given it all up. I've been saying it over and over again..."

"No, Olivia. Your divine power, your talent, your character—all of it. You are the only person truly capable of uniting the Five Great Holy Faiths. You are the only one who can put an end to this long history of faith and lead us into the next era."

Lydia Schmitt smiled as she spoke to Olivia.

Olivia wielded the divine power of Owan, while Lydia Schmit wielded that of Ares'.

Even though they were both part of the Five Great Holy Faiths, their beliefs were different.

Despite this, Lydia Schmitt was trying to bring Olivia back to their faith. Olivia looked troubled.

"Come back, Olivia."

"I'm sorry, Lydia. I have no intention of going back."

It was then that I realized I didn't know the specifics of Olivia's time in the temple.

Just as Riverrier Lanze didn't want to lose Olivia's talent,

Many people must have felt sorry for her, including classmates who had been touched by Olivia.

After giving up her faith, she must have continued to hear such things. Not only from religious figures, but also from the numerous classmates she had been close to up until then.

When they had been maintaining their faith, they had gotten along well. But as soon as Olivia gave up her faith, they relentlessly tried to persuade her to change her mind like this.

Olivia must have been exhausted by it all.

In the end, contrary to my expectations, Lydia Schmitt didn't feel jealousy towards Olivia Lanze but was, in fact, one of her fervent admirers.

"What are they talking about?"

As Saviolin Turner and I were focused on the two far away, Charlotte asked Saviolin Turner.

"...She's trying to convince Olivia to regain her faith."


Charlotte sighed.

"It must be tiring for that senior as well."


A fatigue close to despair was evident in Olivia.

She must have known that she would face such situations for the rest of her life.

Olivia had endured more than I had thought.

"There's only one answer, Lydia. I have no intention of returning to the gods' embrace."

Upon hearing Olivia's words, Lydia closed her eyes for a moment.

"I see... Then prepare yourself."


"Yes. Prepare."

Lydia Schmitt once again drove her sword into the ground of the arena.

"Prepare to endure the sadness."


Lydia Schmitt didn't seem like a malicious person. She had even given me a gentle smile when she briefly spoke to me. I must have mistakenly felt uneasy around her.

However, when talking to Olivia, Lydia Schmitt was a completely different person.

The laughter had vanished from her face, and a different feeling could be read in her expression compared to the semi-finals.

Madness and obsession.

"Everything that happens from now on is the will of the gods, meant to guide you, who have lost your way, back to the right path."


Divine power erupted from the ground of the arena, enveloping Lydia Schmitt.

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