The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 382 - Sacrificial Evolution


A black shroud covered Apollo's body as he activated his newly acquired ability. Typically, this wasn't something he would do. Before testing out any of his abilities, Apollo was prone to gathering information about it first. Although the system gave a good description of the skills, sometimes it omitted things like the consequences or even terrible its requirements were.

However, a skill like this—Sacrificial Evolution didn't raise any flags. One such reason was that it operated solely on experience. Instead of siphoning Apollo's Sin Energy, the ability exhausted experience. In other words, the highly versatile energy "Experience" took on the properties of the energy it needed to emulate.

In this case, it was extreme amounts of purified Superbia and Ira, hence the reasons for the discolored symbols on Apollo's palms. Those acted as a turbine that churned the experience into something reminiscent of Sins Energy. Afterward, it was Apollo's prerogative as to just how much experience he implanted into Typhir.

As of right now, a complete evolution for Typhir would only require just under 2.8 million experience. However, just reaching the baseline sounded odd to Apollo. Outside of elevating their current evolution, Apollo wondered if sacrificing experience held any other hidden use.

But, that answer would only be procured to acting upon his speculations. Thus, Apollo began the process with haste. Not only was Typhir the first to experience the marvel of the system's power, but he was also, in a sense, a test subject. After all, this was the first time any of the demons witnessed such a spectacle.

〈System: «Sacrificial Evolution» invoked. [Current Experience Pool: 4,555,000.〉

〈System: The chosen follower possesses the potential to evolve. [Current Evolution: 75%]〉

〈System: Sacrificing 111,000 Experience is needed to raise the follower's evolution 1%.〉

〈System: Do you wish to precipitate your follower's evolution? [Y/N]?〉

"Yes," Apollo muttered, which caused a horrifying storm of dark energies. It didn't just possess the two aforementioned Sins, there was always energy drawn from the void as well as a lurid aura. If it wasn't for Apollo's presence, everyone present would have thought this phenomenon signified the descent of the deity of death!

Everyone in the vicinity took a step back as to not be affected by the turbulent aura. The way all of them collided yet seemed overpowered shocked everyone. Even Fuhrer. This was a first for him, to control rampant aura likes this, to the point of forming a union drill was beyond even him.

To even meld Ira and Superbia required him to use Tenebrous Energy as a medium. Yet, what laid before his eyes was such a scene happening without a medium!

On the other hand, Apollo became fascinated upon watching this scene. 'Perhaps this is why it is sacrificial. The forceful elevation must be the consequence of letting these powers run amok. However, if it was left alone then the recipient would undoubtedly die.'

However, that possibility wasn't an issue for Apollo and the others. Because the system controlled everything to a tee. Besides, why would a tool, which was created to make him and his followers unparalleled, result in their deaths? It would be too anti-climatic. Though, placing your complete trust in something posed its dangers as well.

For example, Azridan's past. It was all spurred by having the trust to compete with honor towards the Monarch's name. Yet, Irzanach and the other trampled upon both that trust and honor, leaving Azridan to bask in his inevitable doom.

"A-argh," Typhir groaned as his knees caused deep cracks in the ground. Despite its appearance, the energy burrowing into his body was extremely heavy. Since it was so dense, it increased Typhir's weight several times before it could even raise his evolution progress by 10%.

At this rate, another monster would be created as a result of the system. Granted, this is exactly what Apollo sought. If not, how would Typhir fulfill his role as the Leader of the Dominus Household? It was a role that required ample strength to accomplish properly.

Because, households weren't as amicable as they seemed. Progression was achieved through gruesome battles. Although the permission of death was set by the ruler of the household, being severely beating wasn't an odd occurrence.

And, after becoming the Ruler of the Dominus Household, all of this information flowed into Apollo's mind. Previously, it would have been some information that unsettled Apollo, but now, he looked forward to having his subordinates prove themselves, especially since one of his ultimate goals was to reenact the War of the Titans once again.

Typhir's roared crescendoed until finally, a large implosion took place. A gust of infernal winds burst his body to reveal a towering demon, on par with Jorgun in size, except the emanations Typhir exuded were horrifying!


Apollo threw a simple punch without any indication. 

Initially, Typhir's head was bowed, but it raised upon sensing danger. Almost instantly, he reacted by catching Apollo's fist, which resulted in a deafening echo. The hollow bang from their arms colliding was confounding for the others to watch!

Directly after, Typhir retaliated by turning his body. This allowed him to launch a wide swing. But, Apollo retracted his fist and use the same hand to catch this blow. A sound even worse than the prior one resounded, however, Apollo smirked.

'Physically, stronger than I am. But, let's see what his control is like,' Apollo thought before dashing in. 


He delivered a strong kick to Typhir's torso to give him a window to act. Albeit minute, Apollo managed to produce an astonishing amount of Sin to utilize.

Reflexively, Typhir drew his greatsword, which immediately surged with Ira, but hints of Superbia swarmed his sword hilt. Although his control wasn't strong enough to simultaneously use them at identical levels, he was still strong enough to produce traces of this power.

Straightaway, Typhir's lower body was covered in a dark mist. Not only did he use his time to train in the sword, but he also spared time to hone his usage of the Baneful Steps. As of now, he managed to master the first step, however, the difficulty of the second step continued to stump him.

Upon realizing his actions, Apollo reciprocated them, but much stronger, 'Perhaps this will be the inspiration you need. Sometimes even the littlest things can provide the most substantial impression.'


The aura of darkness blanketed Apollo's body allowing him to disappear in the next second. But, rather than stay hidden, he reappeared at a speed akin to teleportation and unleashed another furious punch.

This time, Typhir blocked the strike with the blunt side of his greatsword, but there was also a playful expression on his face, "Let's go for a little ride my Lord."

The muscles in Typhir's sword-wielding arm swelled just before he unleashed a simple upward slash. However, the momentum behind it was absurd—strong enough to send Apollo into the air!

At the same time, Typhir exhausted a leap which caused the ground to explode while he traveled behind Apollo closely.

"You can't fly yet you wish to have aerial combat?" Apollo questioned. He also tried to mitigate the force of the swing, but he was shocked to find that doing so took more than he estimated. 'Is the extent of his unleashing the entirety of his physical strength? If so, bravo.'

"I don't need the ability of flight my Lord, I have this," Typhir said before creating a tiny platform composed of the same energy used to wield his sword. Now able to gain a footing, TRyphir unleashed another frightening burst of momentum.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A rapid exchange of relentless blows took place yet Apollo nor Typhir seemed to be on the losing end. For every strike, there was a guard or even a successful counterattack!. As a result, both sides suffered some damage. But, both sides still hid a reserve of strength. 

The only issue was, Apollo couldn't justify wasting his energy like that. This was only meant to gauge Typhir's next strength as a Greater Demon. And, Apollo's first analysis told him that Typhir was stronger than Jorgun, even when he was still a Greater Demon.

'Plus, according to Fuhrer, Typhir is a berserker like him. Meaning, if he tapped into that strength this his attack power would balloon beyond his limits,' Apollo thought but then a sharp glint appeared in his eyes.

Both the markings on his spine and arm surged with an oppressive aura, "It's my win, but you did well."



Typhir's flew towards the ground rapidly before producing a cataclysmic explosion. Meanwhile, Apollo remained suspended in mid-air with heavy breaths as he gradually descended. His last strike resulted from stimulating two Stigmata simultaneously and delivering a two-handed heavy smash.

His original target was Typhir's body, but shockingly, Typhir managed to raise his swords at the last moment and dissipate some of the force.

"Ughh," Typhir groaned while lifting a boulder off himself. He then looked up towards Apollo and shook away the residual pain. "It's your win. But, we'll fight again when I can control both of them!"

"I look forward to it," apollo exclaimed. 

Moments later, he finally touched the ground. At this time, his transformation reverted to his normal demon state. Exhausting anymore Sin would require him to absorb ridiculous amounts of Sin. Something he couldn't do just yet. First, he needed to round everyone up before venturing back into the Nihilistic Rings.

"Fuhrer, we'll be gone for much longer this time. And, we'll need everyone. But, what do you suppose we do with Erebane?" Apollo voiced.

Both Destrys and Fuhrer thought on this matter. Sooner or later the orb would reinstate access to the students, but Erebane couldn't just remain here. Not to mention, once Destrys disappeared, the mirror space would collapse. 

Eventually, Destrys came up with an idea. "I'll hide him somewhere in the world. When it's time, the last will be able to sense him."

Since no one held a better idea, Apollo agreed to it.

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