The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 381 - Leader And Guardian


〈System Alert: The «Dominus Household»'s magnificence shall radiate throughout all the Nihilistic Rings.〉

〈System: Please choose the respective «Guardian» and «Leader» of the Household. Its creation isn't complete until these roles have been assigned to your trusted subordinates.〉

Silently, Apollo browsed through the information linked to the positions: Guardian and Leader. Although there were more positions, the Household wasn't mature enough to unlock this power. The intricate powers required a concrete stronghold to facilitate that power.

Nevertheless, Apollo gained enough information to determine his choice. A Guardian, as the name entailed, oversaw the protection of the household. Typically, this role was taken up by the strongest demon in your repertoire. And, that title indisputably belonged to Fuhrer. 

In his absence, Apollo knew he could always rely on Fuhrer to maintain the security of the Household. Thus, Apollo instantly assigned him as the Household's sole Guardian. Although this position was only headed by him for the time being, once the Household grew, it held the chance to acquire more.

After all, a single person wouldn't be enough to surveil the stronghold once the number grew obscenely large. Once that hap[pened, at least 2 or 3 more would be needed. Meanwhile, the Leader's purpose went beyond a Guardian's. Similarly, it was a more demanding position.

While it wasn't the highest position under the Ruler, it gave the assigned demon the ability to form their own squad and use them to govern some of the lesser subordinates. Furthermore, having this role was a prerequisite to being a contender for some of the higher roles later on.

Since the Households operated on a merit system, it required said subordinate to have the respective qualities and experiences before even being considered for the job. 

Thus, that position was assigned to Typhir, which shocked him. After all, there were two demons who were much stronger and ever more useful than him. In fact, even the newly changed Sapphyr was stronger than him since Apollo's current form didn't hold back her transformation.

Yet, Apollo simply smiled when he saw Typhir's current expression.

〈System: «Erus Fuhrer» has been assigned to be the first «Guardian» of the «Dominus Household».〉

〈System: «Typhir Estrada» has been assigned to be the first «Leader» of the «Dominus Household».〉

"My Lord, are you sure this is a good choice?" Typhir questioned. Although he was ruthless to others, when it came to filling any roles for Apollo, his confidence was insufficient and he felt lacking.

However, as someone chosen by Apollo and trained by Fuhrer to be the next Tenebrous Sword's successor, how could that be so?

"Absolutely. I feel this is the best course of action. If there is anyone I place my unhindered trust in, then it is you," Apollo answered. 

Afterward, Apollo turned towards Valac and command him. But, unlike the prior situations, Apollo wasn't forced to use the Absolute Order power at all. 

"I'm coming, young Lord! W-what do you need of me? Valac questioned with a respectfully bowed head. Moreover, he was even trembling as he kneeled before Apollo.

After witnessing this sight, Furcas sputtered while choking on the smoke from his pipe, "Bwahaha. Who would have thought he could be so respectful. It appears his defiance has been absolutely broken."

"Y-yes, young Lord," Fuhrer mocked while clutching his stomach in boisterous laughter. Even Jorgun, the giant demon, joined in with raucous laughter.

In response, Valac seethed causing his face turned red from fury and even embarrassment. This was something he didn't typically do, so being mocked by Furcas infuriated him beyond belief and it showed from the crimson color of his eyes. "DAMN YOU!! Shut up before I rip your faces off."

"Y-yes, young Lord," Furcas mocked again. This time wiping a tear that fell from his eyes. Even Apollo chuckled a bit as he witnessed this teasing. 

Valac became speechless as heard this chuckle, "not you too young Lord. This is unfair! I always promised to listen. Why do you torture me so?!"

"Relax. You're just being overdramatic over essentially nothing. You've been through far worse. Don't you recall when Asteroth made you wear his arm like a glove? Bwahaha, hilarious!" Furcas continued.

But, this piece of information surprised Apollo. Although it didn't seem vital, it gave Apollo some insight into Asteroth's personality. 'If Asteroth is one of the demons who blame the Monarch for his disappearance, is also prone to this type of behavior, then I understand Fuhrer's warning. I'll have to be strong enough beforehand if I meet someone like that.'

Since Apollo's thought took a serious turn, he eventually raised his hand before making an official announcement, "We've become an official Household, which means, when we move, we move as one unit. If our individual strength is lacking, we'll simply overcome those odd with overwhelming numbers and then conquer.

"With that being said, many of you need to become stronger. Now that I've grown stronger, the restraint on your bodies should have loosened. However, as the Leader, the first one to receive the assistance of my newly awakened power should be Typhir. Any objections," Apollo questioned while panning his calm gaze amongst his demons.

All of them shook their heads, not daring to refute Apollo's passive order. Regardless, they all felt that even if they voiced why they were the better choice, they'd have to take that up with both Fuhrer and Apollo. And, after seeing what he did to Valac in this blend of Suprana and Iraym Form, none of the demons wanted to experience that.

Of course, before he did anything, there was also something else he needed to address, "Sapphyr. Do you still have control of Xezym?" The whole reason he demonized her while in the odd state was to confirm whether breaking the imposed restriction of the others races was possible.

After all, if she demonized while first being in an irregular state, then surely the results held the possibility of becoming irregular as well. Unfortunately, only testing his speculations would provide answers, hence why he used the readily available Sapphyr.

For a while, Sapphyr was silent because following her change, the only thing she did was examine her personal changes. She didn't even attempt to contact Xezym mentally, until now.

There was some type of static at first, but the more she focused, the more the issue was resolved until finally, Sapphyr could feel the established link to Xezym! 

"I think so," Sapphyr admitted before performing further tests. Gradually, Sapphyr verified each of her prior links to Xezym and found that some of them have even strengthened after becoming a member of an upper race.

Be that as it may, receiving confirmation also raised further questions in Apollo's mind. 'While their link remains, what are the chances of it effecting each?' Assaulted by this question, Apollo couldn't let it rest until he received an answer.

"Destrys, I recall you saying you possessed a contract with the Old Monarch. How did it affect you two?" Apollo inquired.

"It didn't. At least, not directly. Because of our origin, the only type of contract we could form was a mutual one where both sides were equal. If you're asking about this lass here, then it remains true. Although their link remains, the fundamentals have already morphed. At most, she and the Spirit lad are partners now," Destrys answered.

This information was better than Apollo expected because he thought there was a chance of some upper echelon of the Spirit Race interfering in what he had just done. But, if it's mutual, then the odds would be low.

Because, a Demon of similar strength would need to move to revoke this union as well. But, what Demon had the gall to do such a thing to an individual carrying the insignia of the Dominus Household?

Nevertheless, Apollo released a sigh of relief, "I thought that so-called Arclite would interfere."

"Impossible. I'm untouchable because I was once the Arclite until I abdicated the throne. Any of the Primordials can become the Arclite. All it requires is for them to win against every Primordial," Destrys revealed.

Apollo's expression turned odd, "You gave up a seat of strength?"

"Everything isn't as black and white as it seems. Once you hold the highest power, you'll realize that absolutes aren't what truly matters. It's the greys that truly encroach upon your limelight," Destrys answered mysteriously.

However, Fuhrer's expression changed as soon as he heard this, because he understood just what Destrys was hinting at. 'It would seem we aren't the only ones facing the woes of struggle.'

Before moving, Apollo allowed everyone to situate themselves before choosing Typhir. "Come here, it is time for you to undergo your first awakening."

A demonic rune appeared on Apollo's both hands. However, the side possessing the Suprana Form carried a grey rune whereas the side that took the Iraym Form carried a black rune. But, while they differed in color their structure was identical.

It just possessed two different Sin signatures. 

"I've chosen you because my current state is the exact configuration of Sin Path. Thus, besides you, there is no better candidate. Fuhrer's strength eclipses my own so this is no use to him. Therefore, you Typhir, shall enjoy your next evolution alongside me," Apollo announced.

Desire welled inside Typhir's eyes as he kneeled before Apollo, "I await your gift, my Lord. With the guidance of the Tenebrous Sword, I shall become the infernal sword which destroys all that clouds your path."

"Correct. You will. And, you will take pride in doing so while watching the fruits of bathing the world in your wrath," Apollo responded. An evil grin crept upon his face as a mysterious energy mixed with traces of Sin converged at his palm.

〈System: «Sacrificial Evolution» invoked. [Current Experience Pool: 4,555,000.〉

〈System: The chosen follower possesses the potential to evolve. [Current Evolution: 75%]〉

〈System: Sacrificing 111,000 Experience is needed to raise the follower's evolution 1%.〉

〈System: Do you wish to precipitate your follower's evolution. [Y/N]?〉

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