The Cursed King

Chapter 93 - Humans Are Rotten To The Core


Something broke as Julian crashed backward. The man ended up getting tossed back by the strength of Loriel's punch. Julian collapsed to the floor as Loriel grunted. "Pathetic. Is one punch all that is needed to do you in?"

He had seen better than this pathetic excuse of a man. Gosh... he was embarrassed to fight someone this weak!

Julian was scheming and conniving, and not even a real man. Once Loriel heard all of their plans to have this guy marry his Elise and then send her to the asylum to get the riches for themselves, he couldn't contain his anger any longer. 

While traveling to the hotel, Loriel reconsidered stopping at a single punch and a warning, but that wasn't an option now. Loriel welcomed himself inside of the hotel room. 

"Julian? What the heck was that… Julian?" Tessa's voice was rather shaken up. And yet the sound of a crash didn't even make Tessa come all the way here—instead possibly made the bitch cower and lock herself in the bathroom.

Did she have her phone? Would she try to contact the police that her boyfriend was getting assaulted?

Well, it didn't matter.

Such things could be fixed at a later time, but not this man's face. Loriel watched Julian's eyes blear open in pain, with blood trickling down his nose as he tried to get up. 

It was clear that the man was no warrior. 

Loriel stepped forward and stepped on the man's hand, crushing it lightly. 

A pained scream strangled out of Julian's throat while Loriel glanced at him in revulsion. This was the man who thought he could marry Elise and then treat her as nothing but a stepping stone to wealth?

He had never seen such a man with such scummy ideals. 

"You're too slow. I can see why you and your woman needed to go through this pathetic little act just to have a chance. It's disgusting." Loriel barked. "Get up and fight me."

"I-I'll sue you!" Julian shouted in a hoarse voice. "I'm a lawyer—"

"I don't fucking care." Loriel threw another punch into Julian's face and knocked the man unconscious.

This really was ridiculous. Loriel stepped back and let the man go after pitifully passing out.

But suddenly Julian swung back to his feet and wildly threw himself at Loriel. A poor mimic of a battle-cry sounded from the man as Julian attempted to attack him—

It was too easy to dodge, but Loriel blocked it instead. 

Loriel grabbed the man's fist and twisted it slightly, causing another scream to recoil from the man's throat. As much as Loriel wanted to shove the man's fist down his own throat, he disgustingly threw him backward again. 

Julian's back hit against the hotel's walls and he sank down into the floor.

"Hah… I'll screw you up!" Gone was the mirage of any semblance of a well-functioning human. The appearance of a calm and collected lawyer was gone as Julian howled at him. 

"I'd like to see you try," Loriel said. "And yet you seem to have missed how badly you're doing right now. If this is what you people have amounted to, then I don't want to waste any more time with the likes of you." 

"You'll regret this!" Julian shouted. "Did Madeline put you up to this? That whore's got her little fingers wrapped around you like—"

Loriel snapped. He grabbed the man's collar and slammed him against the wall. "Don't you dare say anything about Elise—"

Julian spat some blood at him. "Is that how you know her? Geez, that bitch lied to you, she's not the person that you know. Can't you see? We've actually come to help her and put her where she's meant to be. I'm her fiance-"

Loriel grabbed the man by his throat. "If you dare call yourself her fiance again, I'm going to cut off your tongue and feed it down your throat. Do you hear me?" 

Julian stared at Loriel in shock. It was as if his words weren't reaching the man at all. 

The way that Loriel glared at him and said each word made it seem like more than just a way to scare him off. Loriel was actually willing to do all of those to him if he ever dared try to say Elise's name again.

Julian passed out in fear.

Loriel walked out of the suite with a disgusted face. Julian's face was barely recognizable when he left him. Ha. It would take him several days in ICU before the scumbag could do anything or even think about going after Elise.

Loriel took off his suit and threw it into the air when he was outside the hotel. He felt disgusted to have Julian's blood on him.

The suit went up flying, getting carried away by the wind, and landed on someone who was lying down on a sunchair with his eyes closed, on the top of a tall building.

"Fucking hell!! Whose laundry is this?" He shouted in displeasure as he yanked the suit from his body.

The man seemed to be moon-bathing beside his swimming pool in his birthday suit and was enjoying bliss when suddenly his relaxing time was ruined by the flying suit.

He quickly got down from his sun chair and cursed non-stop. Since he was not wearing anything. the blood splatter on the suit left red marks on his chiseled chest and even his handsome face.

"Eww.. blood!" He coughed violently and held his nose as if smelling the most stinking trash in the world.

"For goodness sake, you were the god of war, if anyone could love the smell of blood, it should be you," someone blurted from inside the penthouse. 

The naked man winced his eyebrows in disgust. "Look, I am a changed man, okay? I don't like war now. I have retired centuries ago."

"Yet, humans still love going to war to this day," the second person chided him. "You have ruined them. Now they are rotten to the core."



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