The Cursed King

Chapter 92 - Loriel Teaches Julian A Lesson

Finally, Marc told his uncle the truth. He decided to call and explain what happened. Honesty is the best policy, right?

"Uncle, I know where they are now, but we cannot do anything to them since they are staying at St. Laurent hotel. It's owned by the Schneider Group," Marc said haltingly. "Terrence Chan will laugh in my face if I tried to forcefully buy their hotel."

"Who is Terrence Chan?" Loriel asked. He didn't read the news and didn't know that both Marc Sanderman and Terrence Chan were known as the most eligible bachelors in New York and they hated each other.

Marc was the president of Sanderman Group and Terrence was the president of Schneider Group. Fortunately, their businesses didn't overlap, otherwise, their competition would become so much fiercer.

"Okay. Then, just let me know which room they are  staying in. I will pay them a visit," said Loriel.

He had waited for Elise to fall asleep first so she wouldn't know about what he was about to do… Now that she had gone to her bed and rest, Loriel was itching to slam Julian's head into a wall right now.

It was something that might have scared people in this modern age.

But Loriel lived in a time where kings, people, and their kingdoms fought and slew one another to obtain what they wanted. So in his mind, just bashing Julian's skull was actually pretty tame for him.

He didn't survive all of his sisters' treachery by acting soft or forgiving.

There was no mistake this time.

"Well, Alex bribed the reception guy and he told us the couple is staying in room 1080."

"That's good enough. You did well," said Loriel. He ended the call.

Marc looked at his phone with a broad smile. Huh? His uncle said he did well? He was so happy to hear that.

Loriel went to his room and changed into an all-black outfit. It was to hide blood splatter.

When he left his room and walked toward the door, his steps halted when he saw Elise walking out of the kitchen.

"Hey, why aren't you sleeping?" he asked her. 

Elise shook her head. "I was thirsty. So, I got water for myself."


Elise narrowed her eyes and observed Loriel's appearance. "Are you going out? It's really late."

"I cannot sleep. So, I will jog a little around the block and get some air."

"At this hour?" Elise couldn't believe his words. 

"Yes. Do you want to jog with me? It's good to get a good night's sleep." Loriel lied. "I usually do that when I have trouble sleeping."

Elise shook her head. "Maybe next time. I have to rest because I still have to work tomorrow."

"Then, you should sleep now. I won't bother you." The man headed to the door. Before he closed the door behind him he waved to the girl. "Have a good rest, Elise."

"Thank you. Good night, Loriel."

Loriel closed the door and walked to his private elevator. He got off in the basement and drove his car to the St. Laurent hotel.

Tessa and Julian didn't know what was coming for them.


The hotel that Tessa and Julian stayed in was a really respectable and luxurious property even for the rich. Tessa's family didn't have much money. That's why they really wanted to get their hands on the York's wealth. 

However, she liked to present herself as someone from the upper class. That's why she insisted to always stay in the most expensive hotels and eat in Michelin-starred restaurants.

Julian's family actually was not too shabby. His father owned a small law firm in Connecticut, but the man loved gambling. This bad habit of his had depleted their family's money severely. 

Finally, they saw the opportunity to get back into the rich people's scene by getting Julian to marry the autistic daughter of the Yorks, one of their important clients.

However, Julian fell in love with the other York girl, the poor one, much to his father's annoyance.

After he could convince his father that he would still marry Madeline York, Julian made plans with Tessa to send Madeline to a mental asylum several months after his wedding to her and Julian would then act as his wife's conservator who would oversee all her wealth.

However, that damnable girl ran away from home before they could execute their plans. They immediately hired private investigators to search for her.

One reliable private investigator reported that they found Madeline's tracks in New York.  That's why Tessa and Julian went here to  try to find her.

Tessa and Julian saw it as a good omen when they saw her eating dinner in the restaurant where their hotel was located.

That little mouse was so shocked and left immediately. Ha. That's okay. Julian had a way to find her.

When Loriel arrived in front of their room, he overheard their conversation.

"Hah, what a bitch." Tessa's voice sounded. 

"Madeline really gets on your nerves, doesn't she?" Julian chuckled. 

The woman was currently resting in her bed and unwinding as she eyed her boyfriend. "It seemed like she landed herself a man to survive in the city. I suppose that's how she operates. I can't decide if she's a leech or a parasite. What do you think, Julian?"

"Well, it wouldn't matter once we expose her identity," Julian said as he loosened his tie. "I think it'll change the man's mind once they figure out that she's Madeline York who's in very much need of psychological treatment.  Asylum rather."

"You should have acted better. How are you going to get her to marry you with how you acted earlier?"

Their conversation was cut abruptly by a sudden knock on their door. The two of them exchanged looks. "Did you get room service?" Tessa asked.

"No. But who else will come out here?" Julian frowned.

Tessa rolled her eyes and motioned at him. "Well, open the door, will you?" 

"Fine, I'll get the fucking door," Julian grumbled underneath his breath and swung open the door. He placed a fake smile on his face and didn't even bother looking at the newcomer, "Hey, we didn't ask for room serv—"

Loriel's fist hurled down on Julian's face. 

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