The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1344: Imperius Curse and Portkey

Harry Potter and the Alchemist Chapter 1344 The Imperius Curse and the Portkey Malfoy was right to worry. The little tricks he played in private really couldn't hide it from Albert, and his whole face was even more direct. Appears in divination crystal balls.

It was just that when it was determined through divination that Draco Malfoy was the culprit who caused Glop's death and Hagrid was in danger of being executed, except for Harry, Hermione, and Ron who were extremely angry about this, the rest of the Order of the Phoenix The members were uncharacteristically calm and didn't pay much attention to the matter.

"No one likes giants, not even Albert."

After leaving the shelter and returning to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, Ron made this clear to his two friends.

"Otherwise, with Albert's character, he will definitely take revenge on Malfoy. He has always valued his friends very much."

"I don't think it's the giant's problem, but it's not suitable to discuss this matter now." Hermione felt that Ron had missed the point of this matter. "The most important thing is to save Hagrid now. As for whether to take revenge or not?" Malfoy can wait until this is over."

"Do you think it will work?"

Harry's words interrupted their argument.

"What's the meaning?"

Ron didn't understand Harry's words.

"Albert is good at prophecy, so how could he forget to divination whether Hagrid can be saved?" Harry didn't think Albert would forget to divination for Hagrid.

He really forgot, or...

"I'll ask Albert directly."

Hermione felt inexplicably uneasy, and tried to contact Albert through the communication bookmark, but there was no reply for a while.

The mood of the three of them suddenly became heavy, and they regretted how they forgot about it at the beginning.

"Don't worry, Albert certainly doesn't want anything to happen to Hagrid." Hermione regained her spirits and did not forget to comfort the other two companions.

"Yes, as long as he is willing to help."

In fact, Ron didn't care about Hagrid's affairs. After Charlie's death, he also realized the cruelty of this wizard war, and he knew that there were some things they could do nothing about.

Ron even suspected that if it wasn't for Albert's help, the Order of the Phoenix might have given up on Hagrid directly. They really didn't have the ability to break into Azkaban to save people, let alone save Hagrid under the nose of the mysterious man .

What's more, the whole thing was caused by Hagrid himself who refused to listen to the warning and insisted on staying in Hogwarts. They couldn't take a huge risk to jump into the enemy's trap to save people, and that might fill everyone else in. .

Ron suspected that Harry and Hermione knew about it, but they just didn't want to mention it. After all, anyone who wasn't a fool could feel the Order of the Phoenix's attitude towards this matter.

Ginny's arrival interrupted the party of the three, because the three were not allowed to participate in tonight's secret operation, so Harry planned to go to Sirius and try to find out from him about tonight's operation.

However, they were doomed to be disappointed. Most of the members of the Order of the Phoenix went out to gather information, leaving only Mrs. Weasley and Fleur who stayed to prepare dinner.

"They're all out."

Fleur shared what she knew with Harry and the others.

"Moody felt that it was not safe to just control McNeil. They decided to use the Imperius Curse to control more Death Eaters, and they would have more opportunities if necessary."

"Don't worry about Harry, Hagrid will be fine."

Ginny kissed Harry on the cheek and placed the plate full of food in front of Harry.

"What about mine?"

Ron glanced at the food on Harry's plate, and raised his eyebrows at his sister.

"Over there, do it yourself." Ginny said very bluntly.

No one was there for dinner at night, and the atmosphere in the restaurant became very depressing. Harry patiently discussed the plan to save Hagrid with others, but the discussion was all about those things, and the only useful conclusion was to worry about the Imperius Curse Unable to completely control the Death Eaters, worried about accidents in the middle.

Under the influence of Dumbledore, members of the Order of the Phoenix seldom use black magic, let alone the Unforgivable Curse. Even if they know how to use it, can they really control those Death Eaters without accidents?

This worry is not without reason, Harry himself can break free from the control of the Imperius Curse, even the mysterious man can't use the Imperius Curse to control him, can those Death Eaters do it too?

Using compound potions to disguise as Death Eaters is also not acceptable, because Dementors identify a person through human emotions, and can easily distinguish people who use potions to disguise themselves.

Harry had been in a state of anxiety all night, but waiting patiently was the only thing they could do right now.

Trust Albert, he never disappoints us.

Harry could only comfort himself in this way.

At the same time, the Death Eaters were making final preparations for tomorrow's execution, and Yaxley would not be so foolish as to think that the Order of the Phoenix had fallen into a trap head-on and confronted them head-on.

He must prevent the other party from taking the opportunity to rescue Hagrid.

For this reason, Azkaban's defensive power has been strengthened unprecedentedly. Even the Mudblood cannot sneak into the prison and rescue people under their noses. What's more, the Dark Lord will personally watch over him. Anyone who dares to come will have to pay for it.

"What is it, Dolores?"

Yaxley looked at the deputy minister who appeared outside the office and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Tomorrow, on behalf of the minister, I will go to the stage to announce the crimes of that big man." Umbridge handed a piece of parchment to Yaxley, and said with a smile, "You know, half-blood giants are not really human beings."

"Very well, I think the group of reporters will like your manuscript very much." Yaxley returned the manuscript to Umbridge, "However, you'd better talk to McNeil about it , after all, he is the head of the Auror office."

"I will."

Naturally, McNeil would not refuse the deputy minister's trivial request, just like he offered to accept the important task of executing Hagrid.

However, McNeill didn't know that it was because of this incident that he encountered members of the Order of the Phoenix visiting his house as soon as he returned home from overtime work.

Even the McNeill family's manor is protected by ancient magic, but it can't withstand the visit of a large number of powerful wizards.

"The look in your eyes is really scary!"

Sirius smiled and raised his wand to cast the Cruciatus Curse for McNeil, not forgetting to shut his mouth tenderly.

"Okay, don't kill him. His eyes are almost protruding without looking at him. If it really explodes, we can't find other suitable targets." Moody stretched out his hand and pressed down Sirius' wand, Raise your own wand to extract McNeil's memory for the next plan.

Whether it is through Veritaserum or Legilimency, the answers obtained are similar.

The execution of Hagrid was indeed a trap aimed at them. The main goal was to target Harry, and by the way, revenge for the last time the Order of the Phoenix broke into Yaxley's house to rescue the prisoners being held.

After getting such a result, everyone fell into silence.

In fact, without Albert, none of them would have taken the risk to save Hagrid. After all, it was an extremely risky thing, and Hagrid was arrested largely because of himself.

The plan provided by Albert had almost no risks, and they saw the hope of rescuing Hagrid, and the probability of success was not low. Even the Death Eaters probably would not have imagined that they could do that.

"Alright Kingsley, let's get started!"

Moody interrupted the discussion and asked Kingsley to use the Imperius Curse to control McNeil.

It is safest for Albert to do this. Various evidences prove that Albert also possesses advanced black magic, but he is not willing to use it, just like Dumbledore.

But they can't bother Albert for everything. If they need to rely on Albert for everything, what else should they do?

Albert has also helped them too much.

"It's a success!"

After checking McNeil's situation, Kingsley couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. He handed a newspaper that Hagrid was about to be executed, together with the port key, to McNeil.

Next, just buckle Hagrid when he is escorted to the execution ground, and when the time for the Portkey is automatically triggered, you can easily rescue Hagrid through the Portkey.

This method is really hard to guard against, especially when encountering it for the first time.

It is also the best way they can think of at present.

According to Albert, only extraordinary wizards like Voldemort can see through, but Voldemort will definitely not appear directly.

Because there will not only be reporters, but also many wizards will come to watch the execution.

Albert will create chaos at the most opportune time to attract everyone's attention and buy time for Hagrid's escape.

"Next, I'm afraid I have to trouble you."

Moody handed Harry's invisibility cloak to Kingsley, and they still needed to see whether McNeil would break free from the Imperius Curse to ensure that the whole plan was foolproof.

"It should be fine."

After leaving McNeil's house, many people breathed a sigh of relief. The smooth progress of the plan gave them full confidence in Albert, and they all felt that it was really important to have a reliable leader.

"Go on," Moody urged.

"Isn't it already successful?" Heska asked puzzled.

"We need to control a few more Death Eaters to create some smoke for the next operation." Sirius explained.

"It made me feel like I was actually a Death Eater."

Looking at the Death Eaters controlled by Moody's Imperius Curse, Bill couldn't help but complain.

"That can't be helped, it's a war now." Moody glanced at Bill and said, "If you have a better way, I'd be happy to hear your opinion."

"Letting the Death Eaters die is better than letting our people sacrifice." Sirius sneered, "Since they joined the Death Eaters, they don't deserve our sympathy, not to mention, we didn't wrong him, this guy is volunteered to join the Death Eaters."

This night, many people are destined to suffer from insomnia.

But not Albert.

He was putting his arms around Isobel, whispering about his plan to save Hagrid tomorrow, so as to put her at ease.

"I dare say that many people can't think of this, whether it's the Mysterious Man or the Death Eaters, they will be surprised." Isobel didn't hesitate to praise him, "They are right, you are indeed the smartest guy in this century .”

"The Death Eaters have done that more than once. It's just that they can't remember it for a while. People are forgetful." Albert doesn't think the Death Eaters can see through his plan unless there is a problem with the Order of the Phoenix. .

If it really fails, it can only be considered unlucky for Hagrid. It is obviously impossible to take someone to fight the mysterious man and fish him out directly.

"No, I'm not talking about this..." Isobel stared at Albert and said softly, "You actually have other plans."

"Oh, tell me?"

Albert kissed Isobel's forehead, and asked with a smile, "What big conspiracy do I have?"

"Tear off the fig leaf of the Ministry of Magic, attack the prestige of the mysterious man, let other people see the weakness of the mysterious man, so as to attract more people to resist the mysterious man." Isobel continued to analyze, "By the way, it can also win over the Order of the Phoenix, so that They follow your orders."

"What else?" Albert asked with a smile.

"You plan to use them to achieve your purpose, although I don't know what your purpose is."

"Of course it is to completely eliminate the mysterious person. Everything I do is to eliminate the mysterious person."

"You are actually Dumbledore's favorite student." Isobel joked with a smile.

She only believed half of it.

Albert put too much energy into this, which is not his style, and there is obviously a greater driving force driving him to do it.

"Protected student, in fact, it's okay. I did inherit a lot of good things from Dumbledore." Albert laughed at himself, "Of course, there are no free things in this world."

"He asked you to help deal with the mysterious man?" Isobel raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Well, I also promised him to help Harry, but later I found out that this matter was his conspiracy from beginning to end. UU Reading" Albert said calmly, "As long as I If you get involved, sooner or later you will be feared by the mysterious person, and the two parties will eventually die together."

"But you knew it, but you still participated in it." Isobel was a little curious.

"That's why I say it's a conspiracy." Albert said helplessly, "I can't put down everything and hide with you after all, and wait for this war to come to an end by itself. There are too many uncertain factors."

"Actually, you never believed that the savior Harry Potter could defeat the mysterious man, right?" Isobel knew Albert too well.

This man is more willing to believe in himself than in the devil's savior.

"No, I believe it, but the future will change, so..." Albert shrugged, "I'd rather spend some time staring and watching the mysterious man die with my own eyes, than screw things up, and in the end Leave yourself an enemy."

You-Know-Who must die.

"It's also because you are not an ambitious person, otherwise everyone would probably be sweating."

If Isobel didn't know Albert enough from the beginning to the end, he would really have such an idea.

In her opinion, defeating the mysterious man is more like a incidental thing, a necessary process to complete something.

But Albert is indeed not interested in power, and he has no ambitions in the whole person. Even the person next to her pillow can't find many shortcomings.

"I'm not interested in becoming a third-generation Dark Lord." Albert shook his head and said, "Besides, I don't actually like using black magic."

"Maybe, you can consider becoming the second-generation White Demon King, like Dumbledore." Isobel said with a smile.

"Forget it, I just want to be myself."

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