The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1343: Revenge from Malfoy

In Berkshire, England, in the living room of Parkinson's Manor, Draco Malfoy put down the "Daily Prophet" and discussed with Professor Parkinson opposite him about dropping out of school.

"Are you really not going to reconsider?"

Professor Parkinson looked at the pale Draco, and said softly, "Severus has always hoped that you can return to Hogwarts to continue your studies."

"For me now, it doesn't matter whether I continue to complete my studies." Malfoy looked up at Professor Parkinson opposite him, slightly twitching the corners of his mouth, and laughed at himself, "It is the most important thing for me to let the Malfoy family continue. Things to do."

Yes, Draco Malfoy is married.

Just half a month ago.

The bride is his ex-girlfriend: Pansy Parkinson.

Their wedding was a quiet one, with only a few acquaintances present on the wedding day.

Such a wedding was definitely unacceptable to the Parkinson family, but Severus Snape helped Malfoy convince the old Parkinson.

After the old Malfoy lost his life inexplicably, as a former friend, Severus Snell usually went to discuss the marriage of Draco and Pansy with Mr. Parkinson in person.

Originally, Snape was not qualified to represent the Malfoy family to discuss this matter with the Parkinson family, but Lucius Malfoy has already gone to the street, Narcissa Malfoy is also missing, and Bellatrix Lai Strange even disappeared directly, and the remaining Andromeda Tonks was obviously inappropriate after being expelled from the Black family. Handle it with the heavy-handed Snape.

Thanks to Snape, who is Voldemort's right-hand man and the current headmaster of Hogwarts, he is a ruthless character that everyone needs to give a little face to face, so that the young couple can get married smoothly.

The combination of Malfoy's family and Parkinson's family can be regarded as a good match, and the resistance they receive is actually not great.

Pansy Parkinson was originally Malfoy's girlfriend. After receiving Draco's marriage proposal, although she felt that it was too early for the two to get married, she still agreed to marry Malfoy without hesitation. Watts dropped out of school.

Nor was a Hogwarts credential essential to two men who inherited large fortunes.

Old Parkinson was quite satisfied with Malfoy, the only problem was that Draco was the only one left in the Malfoy family, and he was actually worried that Draco would lose his life because of his status as a Death Eater, making his daughter a lonely family.

It was not for nothing that Lucius was concerned that the Malfoy blood would be cut off.

The Dark Lord doesn't seem to like the Malfoys, which is why Lucius wants Draco to be protected by the Parkinsons.

Perhaps, this is the result Lucius wanted to see.

Noticing the old Parkinson's gaze, Professor Parkinson sighed softly, and stopped forcing Draco any more.

He actually knew what Draco was worried about. The Dark Lord really didn't like him, so he couldn't say that Draco's choice was wrong. At least he had his own heir as soon as possible, and he didn't have to worry about the bloodline of the Malfoy family being cut off.

"I heard that the Ministry of Magic plans to use that big man to attack the Order of the Phoenix recently?"

Old Parkinson picked up the newspaper on the table and changed the subject.

As a pure-blood family that supported Voldemort, the Parkinson family lived more comfortably than usual, and naturally hoped that the obtrusive Order of the Phoenix would disappear completely.

"They hope to use this to get rid of Harry Potter." Professor Parkinson seemed worried that others would hear him, so he deliberately lowered his voice.

"Get rid of Harry Potter?" Old Parkinson was surprised, "Isn't the Dark Lord..."

"The Dark Lord suddenly allowed others to kill Harry Potter. That big guy is Potter's good friend, and Mr. Yaxley thinks Harry Potter will take action for him." Professor Parkinson suddenly turned his head to Mal Fu said, "It's really thanks to Draco. Mr. Yaxley is very satisfied with the information you provided."

"Although I really hope that the plan will be successful, this matter may not go as smoothly as expected."

It was indeed Malfoy who intended to provide information to Professor Parkinson, mostly for revenge against Anderson and Potter.

The Malfoy family would have ended up like this, and those two guys could be said to have contributed a lot.

Of course, Malfoy didn't like Yaxley either, he was a terribly hypocritical fellow, and he'd hit him more than once.

"That Mudblood has a close relationship with that big guy, Hagrid. I'm afraid he won't watch the Ministry of Magic execute Hagrid." Malfoy actually didn't care whether Yaxley could get his wish, he just revealed it to the Everyone.

"That Mudblood is a real problem, but everyone thinks highly of him."

Professor Parkinson doesn't know Albert well, but he has also heard some rumors among the Death Eaters, and there are even rumors that those Death Eaters who lost their lives in the past were all helped by the Mudblood with the help of the Minister of Magic. Killed, which made many Death Eaters fear that Mudblood.

"Many people think that Mudblood is Dumbledore's most beneficial student, and even think that he will surpass Dumbledore soon."

Malfoy bought some heaped food for himself without hesitation and ate the crowd. Anyway, whoever is unlucky in the end is the result he is happy to see.

"Tell me his story." Professor Parkinson was very interested in Albert.

"When I first entered school, that Mudblood was already a man of the school, a genius recognized by everyone, and almost everything could not stop him. Later, he showed extraordinary strength in the Triwizard Tournament, and many Everyone thought he was Dumbledore's favorite student. What impressed me the most was that he single-handedly brought down all the Ministry Aurors."

"A formidable opponent," grumbled Professor Parkinson.

"No, he is more difficult than you think, because he is a prophet himself, and because he is good at prophecy, he has helped the Ministry of Magic to predict our actions many times."

Speaking of this matter, Malfoy's face became paler. If that guy was good at prophecy, would he know that he deliberately revealed the secret?

Professor Parkinson didn't pay attention to the change of expression on Malfoy's face, and remembered another theory.

The reason why the Dark Lord allowed the Death Eaters to kill Harry Potter directly was because he had an enemy that he feared very much, and that enemy was the Mudblood, so the Dark Lord couldn't wait to get rid of Harry Potter Leigh Potter put all his mind on dealing with that Mudblood, and only then did he take this action.

After keeping this matter in mind, Professor Parkinson said why he came to see Draco tonight.

"How much do you know about Dumbledore's Army? Mr. Yaxley hopes to completely disintegrate the resistance of Dumbledore's Army, because there are rumors that members of Dumbledore's Army are all alternate members of the Order of the Phoenix."

"Dumbledore's Army originated from the Defense Association formed by Albert Anderson," Malfoy frowned deeply, carefully recalling all his knowledge of the Defense Association, "Harry Potter used dA to reorganize Dumbledore back then Years against Umbridge."

"So, you think that Dumbledore's Army is likely to be an alternate member of the Defense Association." Professor Parkinson's frown deepened. If that's the case, Dumbledore's Army must be completely disintegrated anyway.

Although Longbottom has disappeared, Professor Parkinson believes that this organization still exists, because the Room of Requirement cannot be entered anyway, which means that there are people inside.

However, Draco couldn't help much in the Room of Requirement.

The two sides talked for more than an hour before Professor Parkinson left with Draco's suggestion. After all, he didn't know much about Hogwarts. If Draco returned to Hogwarts to continue his studies, he would be happy to let the other party assist him in solving the big problem of Dumbledore's Army.

When Draco returned to his bedroom with the newspaper, Pansy had already showered and was sitting at the bedside table combing his hair.

"I thought you would be happier. I remember that big guy hurt you." Pansy put down the comb, sat next to Draco, pulled out the newspaper from his hand and put his hands on Malfoy. On his shoulders, he pushed Draco directly onto the bed, UU reading www. uukanshu. com "Maybe, it's time for us to do what we have to do."

"I don't think things are going that well," Draco said suddenly.

Lucius had eaten countless times at Albert's place, and Draco naturally knew how terrifying that guy was.

He suddenly regretted, regretting why he provoked that guy

"Okay honey, don't discuss other things while making out." Pansy stared at her husband with some dissatisfaction.

"Sorry Pansy, I'm just a little... scared," Malfoy laughed at himself.

"That's not like something you'd say, dear." Pansy restrained her emotions, trying to appease Malfoy's emotional changes.

"I actually hate him very much. I suspect that more than half of the disasters in the Malfoy family are related to him. I even suspect that my mother was killed by that guy in some way." Draco said to his mother Narcissa There was no longer any hope of being alive.

"Not long ago, I provided Professor Parkinson with information about Hagrid, which resulted in the death of that big Hagrid."

To be honest, I'm a little scared, afraid that the big guy will die, and afraid that the Mudblood will get revenge on me and even hurt you. "

Pansy opened her mouth and looked at her husband who said the astonishing words in surprise, she was a little confused.

"Don't worry about Draco, the Dark Lord possesses unimaginable power, he will wipe out that Mudblood completely, I don't think anyone will tolerate the existence of such a guy." Pan Xi comforted.

Draco was actually right. The fact that he revealed the news to Yaxley has already been learned by Albert. After all, he is a real master of prophecy. It is not difficult to find the target through divination. .

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