Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 122 - One Hundred And Twenty-two : An Annoying Fly

Chapter 122 - One Hundred And Twenty-two : An Annoying Fly

The third point of view.

A noise startled her peaceful sleep.

Emily's eyes snapped open when she heard the door to her place click open. Had a burglar managed to break into her place?

Her room was dim due to the fact she hated sleeping with strong lightning at night.

Heart pounding against her chest yet alert, she adjusted her eyes to the little light while feeling her way around and finally managed to take off the bat from the pegboard hook on the wall.

For a moment, Emily was grateful she had played baseball since childhood, seems like the skill would come in handy now.

Walking on tiptoes, she carefully stepped out of her room after making sure the door didn't creak. If the burglar was in her house, then he would most likely be in her living room, so she headed there.

As expected, Emily found him in her living room going through her stuff, careful not to make a noise. If she wasn't such a light sleeper, she wouldn't have even noticed someone broke into her room today; the thief was definitely a professional.

Hiding behind the door to the living room with clammy palms, Emily tightened her hold on the bat while biting on her bottom lips nervously having known many things could go wrong tonight.

What if she misses her target? Not only would she get robbed but be in danger too, most especially if the burglar assaults her? A huge loss that would be.

Unlike the males in her family who were handled with a primitive approach, she was pampered beyond measure.

Emily couldn't even remember the number of times Niklaus suffered abuse in the hands of their father all in the name of toughening him up while she was treated like a princess.

Well, it wasn't all that surprising since all Spencer males were raised with an iron grip but Niklaus's situation was two times worse thanks to the fact he was the heir apparent.

"If he can't take those beating, he is not worth being a man " Her papa would say whenever she dared to ask him the reason for his prejudiced treatment.

"Then what about me? Why aren't I treated the same way? " Emily would ask.

"You are my princess Emily, you are destined not to suffer throughout your life. A beauty to behold and not stained "

There were only two people on earth Adam didn't joke with and that was She and Isabella. Everyone knew he loved her so much because she was the carbon copy of his late wife.

She was tall but not model-like tall with the irresistible long legs and all, though had a petite build. God must have compensated her height with beauty cause Emily was so breathtakingly beautiful to the point one couldn't pass her by without turning around twice.

With olive-toned skin, she had a heart-shaped face that accommodated thick steep arched brows, straight-edged nose, her pink

rounded cupid bow lips and deep-set eyes with dark blue eyes.

Her lustrous wavy brunette hair cascading down her shoulder added the finishing touch to such a perfect creature. She looked no different from her mother at all!

Thanks to her father's attentive and unlimited love, Emily became the undisrupted princess of the Spencer Group. She was given everything and anything she wanted without asking twice.

At first, she enjoyed the privilege and attention she received but at a point, it became tiring. Though she could be gullible at times, she wasn't that stupid not to notice the flatterers and betrayals posing as her friends.

It was indeed a huge surprise to her that she didn't become tyrannical because of her background, guess her mom inculcated enough morals in her before she died.

During that period, she thought over her life and came to a startling realization that she had only been her mom's replacement in her father's eyes all this while.

So Emily moved out of her father's place, deciding to survive on her own for a while and discover her purpose in life. No, she didn't hate her father at all, despite the fact she was just a stand-in for his wife in his eyes.

But she knew inwardly, her father loves her, not just as a substitute, but as his daughter.

Well, who knew a burglar would break into her new place? She will tighten her security by tenfold if she survives tonight.

Gripping the handle of the bat strongly with both hands, Emily continuously made her way slowly and quietly towards her target who was dressed in dark articles of clothing that camouflaged with the dim environment while his back was turned to her, immersed in his search.

Within a close range, Emily swung the metal bat against the intruder, aiming for his arm but she missed him.

Just as the bat was about to hit him on the arm joint, the burglar suddenly dodged right on time, missing him just by a few inches.

Unfortunately for Emily, she had applied enough force to render him unconscious in the swing, so when it failed, she went awry, slipped, and almost brought herself on the ground had he not grasped her waist on time.

Her brows drew together in confusion, why was the intruder saving her? Wasn't he supposed to knock her out or in the extreme, do away with her so he could cart away with her properties?

But Emily didn't give up such a precious opportunity and strike at once by punching him straight on the face.

She had not been trained strictly like her brother but she definitely picked up one or two moves secretly during his training.

The intruder let go of her while cursing out in pain, a satisfied grin appeared on her lips - one point for her.

Emily at once tried to reach for the metal bat but he stepped on it before she could succeed.

"Fine" She cracked her neck in an intimidating manner, "Don't underestimate me, I am a black belt " She decided to threaten him albeit borrowing that line from Maya.

"Yeah, it's so obvious," He said but she could sense the sneer in his voice.

Confusion flickered in Emily's eyes, why did that voice sound oddly familiar. She tipped her head to the side trying to make out his features but his hood didn't help her sight.

"Do I know you by chance? " She asked, hopefully.

"Thought you would never ask " He spat sarcastically and pulled off his hood.

"Slap me, " Emily said inwardly. It was HSF: Handsome Stoic face. How could she not recognize him?

Ombre sun-kissed hair swept to the side and covering a part of his charming blue-green eyes. He was Niklaus's wingman? Chauffeur? Secretary? Bodyguard? Personal assistant?

Emily couldn't tell what he does exactly, all she knew was that you couldn't find Niklaus without him at his side. But what was he doing at her place at this ungodly hour?

"What are you doing at my place by this time of the night? You didn't even give me any notice, I mistakenly took you for a burglar" Emily questioned him severely

She then clapped loudly twice in a row and the light bulbs came alive, bringing life to her place.

"Do you know I almost harmed y.. ?" Emily trailed off when she saw the bruise forming around his eye. What the f*ck, she gave him a black eye! When did she even become this strong?

"I'm so sorry, that must hurt " She winced, her face scrunched up as if she were the one in pain.

"It's nothing " He grumbled, pulling off his gloves and tossing it on the glass table resting in the center of her parlor.

" Why are you here? "

"You moved out suddenly without informing your brother Niklaus, so he sent me here to ensure your place was safe and free of bugs. Who knew I would be the one in danger instead? "

Emily bit down on her lips, the guilt was gnawing at her but she refused to believe it was entirely her fault.

"I wouldn't have hit you if you had hinted me of your coming, at least I'd be prepared "

He glanced up with a mocking expression, "I tried your cell phone, fifty times, you weren't picking "

That was when she remembered, "Oh, sorry about that, I kind of silenced my phone earlier while working on something " she smiled apologetically but the person in question gave her a cold glare.

Fine, it was her fault. She would shoulder the whole blame and consequences.

"Take a seat, I'll be back," Emily told him as she left for the kitchen. She quickly made an ice pack, wrapping it in a towel to avoid making direct contact with the skin when applied.

"Tsk, he's so sharp,"? Emily thought inwardly, cause the moment she returned Judy's sight first fell on the ice pack in her grip.

"Thank you for your concern but I don't need that " He refused her help before she could even offer.

Unfortunately, She wasn't tagged

"annoying fly " by Niklaus for no reason.

Emily ignored him and took a seat beside him saying, "Since you don't want to help your face, I'll help your face instead "

Judy caught her hand before the ice pack could touch his face, why was she so damn annoying.

"Ouch! " Emily cried out in pain and he instinctively let go of her hand.

Niklaus would surely skin him alive if anything were to happen to his lovely sister, not to talk of Adam. A chill ran down his back, he was definitely a dead man.

But it seems this annoying woman was a fox because her shout of distress turned out to be a trick - she deceived him.

Yet, his skills still came to life.

Few inches from meeting his face, he swatted the ice pack away from her grip but in the process pushed the young miss.

Startled to see her flapping her arms in the air while slipping off the sofa. Judy rushed forward to break her fall, unfortunately for him, her weight brought both of them to the floor with their lips joined together.

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