Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 121 - One Hundred And Twenty-one : She Shot Niklaus At The Chest

Chapter 121 - One Hundred And Twenty-one : She Shot Niklaus At The Chest

Maya's POV

I was more than relieved when Eden managed to capture the snake without getting hurt. It was not like I liked him or something, but I couldn't bear to see him get hurt especially with Annabelle being so young. The girl shouldn't lose a father at such an age unlike me who has no idea about my real father.

I don't even dare to dream of meeting my biological father, a man who had the heart to do such a thing to my ex-mother doesn't have the right to claim fatherhood.

But each time, I still curiously end up wondering about him, does he know about me? I hardly doubted that, would a rapist care if his victim delivered his child or not?

I bet he must have a family somewhere without knowing he made an innocent child's life miserable. If people weren't going to take responsibility for their actions, why do it?

His family probably had no idea what he did, truth be told, somewhere deep down, I wished he doesn't have a complete family so he could feel the pain of disrupting one.

Kim's mother had told me several times I was the mistake she hoped she could erase. In fact, those very words had become so stuck in my head, I couldn't push it away no matter how hard I tried.

Even if I did, the stigma was there and would keep reminding me every single day of my life that I was a curse, an unwanted child.

Which was why no matter how much I disliked Eden, I still admired him secretly. He loved Annabelle with all of his heart and treated her like she was the world to him - I envied that relationship.

Niklaus was not left behind, though he hardly expressed his love for Isabella his daughter, I could see it from the looks in his eyes. He was just too stubborn to admit it, does that guy have love phobia or something?

I was startled when my eyes connected with Eden at the dining table and a blush crept up my face, why was he staring at me intently?

Ah, the kis-peck from earlier. I was still pretty pissed off at him for that, how could he do that to him without me asking him to. I just came out of a messy relationship and wasn't looking for a replacement.

Moreover, this time, I was going for love! No more flings, rebounds nor contract relationship. This time I would date a man who loves me back unconditionally even if he doesn't have all the millions in his bank account.

Being happy and content in a relationship was far better than having all the riches yet suffering abuses from his ex-girlfriend and family members.

So, Eden and me? Absolutely impossible, it was never going to happen. Besides, I would like to focus on my career and make more money at the moment.

The sight of numerous zeros in my account was pretty motivating; Niklaus had paid in the compensation and damages as he promised yesterday - he even paid extra, not that I'm complaining.

I just never dreamt of becoming a millionaire at all. Since I left my parent's residence years ago, I have been struggling financially. There was rent fee, feeding, water and electricity bills, wardrobe expenses, and the most depressing of all, student loans to pay off.

All those years it wasn't easy at all, I had to work several part-time jobs in a day while schooling, land small yet difficult roles in a movie in order to earn some cash, and most of all, share my apartment with backstabbing girlfriends to curb its cost.

Sometimes it got so tough, I just thought of giving up, no one cared about me anyway, so why live on?I developed depression during that period but still managed to pull through.

So-called parents didn't inquire whether I was dead or alive and thinking about it now, I must have been really stupid stopping Niklaus from destroying them.

It would be so satisfying if they experienced the same amount of suffering I went through; if they had to depend on one square meal a day just to keep their head above water.

Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise being in this situation I am today. If I had not moved away and continued suffering in silence in their residence, I wouldn't have met Niklaus nor become one of the world's richest nanny.

"Are you crying? " Anabelle asked out of nowhere, generating everyone's searching gaze on me. I myself didn't even realize tears were falling off my eyes.

"No, I'm not " I sniffed, wiping away the tears on my face with the back of my hand.

"You're crying " Isabella insisted, and turned to the most likely suspect, Eden. "What did you do to Maya? "

"I didn't do anything " He was dumbfounded.

"Like I believe you " Isabella sneered. "One moment she's blushing and afraid of looking into your eyes and the next she's crying, do you take me for a fool? "

" What are you trying to say? "

"You might have done something to her emotionally, psychologically, or even financially - did you promise her something and failed to fulfill it? " Tyrannical queen Isabella continued her interrogation.

Eden retorted, " Little devil, I am not like your father who promised her the world but failed to accomplish it "

The chair squeaked loudly as I stood up, chest heaving with anger and jaws working.

"Okay this is it, I'm done with all of your shit. I came all the way to this secluded countryside to have a peace of mind not pick up pieces of my mind. You people are so impossible! " I yelled and started up the stairs with huge strides, banging my door so hard the house literally shook.

I was so mad at them, was it such a hard task asking for some peace and quietness in this house. What kind of family was this, always at each other's throat?

It was as if I was stuck in a Tom and Jerry cartoon, one moment everyone's getting along, the next, chaos breaks out.

Thankfully, In my room everywhere was so quiet that the only thing I could hear was the chirping of birds and insects - peace at last.

I lay back on my back and shut my eyes close, weariness washing over me. The events of the past days were still fresh and vivid in my mind, the kidnap, breakup, and scandal. It all happened so quickly.

I must have fallen asleep - slept really thoroughly- cause when I awoke it was night and someone was hugging my waist really tightly.

Looking down, I was stunned beyond measure when I sighted the figure, Niklaus. What was he doing here? How in the world did he get in here?

As if to answer my question, a cool breeze touched my cheeks and my eyes fell on the open window, he must have sneaked in through there.

I tried to move my body but rouse him from sleep in the process.

"Maya " He whispered, his smoldering hot gaze bore into mine causing my heart to skip a beat.

I hardened my expression "What are you doing here? What if someone saw you? Besides, we've broken up already, why are you still pesterin -?"

" I missed you "

I froze, heart-melting completely. But this was still not right.

Unfortunately, Niklaus began to lower his head but I turned away just in time, his lips brushing across my cheek instead, but still sending a delicious shiver to my body.

"We can't do this," I told him as I placed my hand on his bare chest trying to put some distance between us.

"No, we can. I want you, Maya "? He insisted and this time pinned both of my hands to the bed.

I began to panic but Niklaus was oblivious to my feelings or rather he chose not to care, it was obvious he was determined to have his way with me tonight.

"Niklaus, don't do this " I cried out but he ignored me and instead took my lips.

I hated this feeling yet my body craved it, I didn't want to have sex with Niklaus in this manner.

I whimpered in pain when he bit my lips because I became unresponsive to his kisses.

"You are mine, Maya. Mine and mine alone " He declared, pressing his erection against my hips.

Hungry for air, he finally broke the kiss but his hands grabbed my shirt and ripped off the buttons with a dark delight in his eyes.

I didn't like this, he was scaring me. This was not the Niklaus I knew or perhaps he was this Niklaus all along, he just didn't show me this side.However, something mysterious happened.

Somehow, I managed to lose one of my hands from his iron grip and searched around blindly under my pillow as he continued to undress me.

My hand touched something and I pulled it out and shot Niklaus straight at the chest.

" Y-You " He choked, a mixture of surprise, disbelief then pain flashed across his features.

My hand still gripping the gun shook terribly, why was I having a gun? What did I just do? Did I shoot Niklaus in the chest?

"Why did you betray me? " He managed to say just as he spat out a mouthful of blood that fell on my face.

Then he began to fall towards me. But just as his body was about to slump on me, I awoke with a loud scream that could wake up the dead.

My heart was beating so fast I was surprised I wasn't having a panic attack yet. I was sweating so much while my hands were still shaking from the horrific effect of the dream.

A knock sounded on my bed and I held my breath. Throughout my life, I had never been so scared to answer the door until now.

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