Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 104 - One Hundred And Four : I Need To Sleep

Chapter 104 - One Hundred And Four : I Need To Sleep

Maya's POV

Niklaus was driving me crazy, what does he think he would achieve from doing these? Yes, he came to save my ass as he claims but if he thinks I'll be moved by this gesture, enough to accept him back, that would be in his wildest dream.

I choose to get drunk cause I seem to be able to handle situations well when I'm in that state. Once wasted, I'm bolder and bitchy - not my usual softheartedness - so people don't take me for granted.

But I was still reeling from tonight's event, especially the part where Sakuzi claims he's doing all these because Niklaus killed his son.

I have always had a feeling that the Spencer family has ties with some underground organizations but Niklaus killing someone? I haven't imagined that, not even in my wildest dream.

It was unreal, the Niklaus I know and seen, was kind; perhaps to me not to everybody, Considerate; not every time though, smart; extremely cunning

But the point is, I highly doubted Sakuzi's accusation until Niklaus arrived and confirmed it with his own mouth.

What was I expecting anyway, I hardly know about his past - if not for the ones I've heard from people and the facts I figured out myself.

Niklaus hardly tells me his plans nor secrets and does whatever he wants without my opinion even when we were still together.

I knew inwardly that whatever happened at the Gala tonight was partially not his fault and the fact Tina and his father were to blame but I still wasn't coming back.

Yeah, I love Niklaus, I admit that, but I don't want to be in such a relationship anymore.

A good relationship is supposed to make someone feel happy and secured but tonight I've felt nothing but drained and distraught.

I don't want to be in a relationship nor marriage packed with uncertainty.

Secretly, I tried to deny it but I've always been on tenterhooks in this relationship, nothing was sure and I couldn't tell when Niklaus would resort to his old ways.

Also, I don't want to be in a family where I'm not respected nor wanted. It was obvious Adam doesn't want me for his daughter-in-law, then so be it. I don't want to relive the same nightmare I went through in the hands of my own family.

I have had my own share of suffering and deserve some happiness even if for a moment. Niklaus is a great guy and all if you look beyond his flaws - we all have our flaws anyway - but I'm sorry, I have to let it go.

Sure it was not going to be easy to let go of the one I loved with all my heart, someone who made me feel alive after Andrew drained me, but I was going to try - I had to try.

It was for my betterment and perhaps in the future, I would finally find someone who I would love better and love me back.

Taking advantage of his discussion with Judy, I muttered a " Thank you for the meal " to Sakuzi, planning to head to bed.

I couldn't face Niklaus alone in that room, so I had to force myself to sleep before his arrival.

"Where are you going? " Sakuzi asked the moment I stood up from my seat.

"I have to call dibs on the bed if you know what I mean, " I told him and though he tried to hide it, I caught a hint of a smile on his face.

"Emerald would lead you there " He gestured to the tall endomorphic looking guard who already started to approach me.

"Let's go, " Emerald said to me and began to lead the way but I somehow noticed his voice was a bit gentler than earlier.

Throughout our journey, I couldn't say anything to this huge guy. I mean, what in the world would I even say to him?

Hello, how did you get to be so tall and huge? Did you come from a long line of giants? Or, are you married? Does your wife have to climb a ladder each time she wants to kiss you? did your height rub off on your thing?

Yeah, those were the lousy thoughts going through my head right now. And you can't really blame me, Emerald's height calls for a good imagination.

"Go in, " He said to me as soon as we stopped at a door " If you need anything, just use the intercom "

"Alright," I told him and shut the door, leaning against it afterward. I took a deep breath before taking in my environment.

The room was lavish and probably would be given a four-star if rated, but I was more grateful Sakuzi was considerate enough to fill the wardrobe with clothes - I wonder if he premeditated I would stay the night.

I quickly took a shower and changed into a cute red Micky print pajamas before lying on the bed. The shower helped sober me up a bit, I would probably deal with the headache tomorrow.

I hardly closed my eyes when the door snapped open and as expected, Niklaus strolled in.

I ignored him and shut my eyes tight, trying to force myself to sleep all to no avail, so I just lay like that.

My ears picked up sounds of somebody rummaging through stuff, so I peered over my shoulder curiously but was surprised when I saw Niklaus searching for God knows what in the wardrobe.

"What are you doing? " I asked and sat up, watching him curiously.

"Well unlike you who has made herself comfortable in enemy territory, I have to be ultra-careful," He said and almost immediately, discovered a bug hidden in the pocket of one of the dark blazers.

An "I told you " smirk was found on his face and I rolled my eyes, whatever.

What would Sakuzi gain from eavesdropping on our discussion anyway? He was probably just making sure Niklaus doesn't stab him on the back.

He went ahead to enthusiastically search the cabinet, under the table, bed, bathroom, the electric bulbs, and ended up with six bugging devices.

Niklaus gathered them and flushed them down the toilet before taking a shower, leaving me with the opportunity to force myself to sleep.

I tossed and turned on the bed, counted sheep from one to hundred yet, sleep didn't cross my eyes. I stared at the wall clock, it was already one in the morning and still no sign of sleep.

My senses were on hyper-alert when the door to the bathroom clicked open and Niklaus strolled into the room, shirtless.

My throat dried up at the sight while my pulse raced and I had to flush my brain free from dirty thoughts. Niklaus and I were no longer together - not official yet but he knows that.

I don't trust my body nor mind which was why I adamantly refused to share a room with him, but it seems luck was not on my side.

He came to stand beside the bed with his arms on his waist while staring at me intensely.

"What? " I asked him, why was he staring at me that way?

"Move to the side Maya," he said and tried to climb the bed but I quickly stretched myself fully on the bed, making sure there was no space left for him to occupy.

I snorted, "I'm sorry but I've called dibs on the bed " I turned my head and gestured to the pile of sheets on the floor.

"I was kind enough to order those for you "

His gaze moved to the thick blankets on the floor and then back at me. He cocked a brow, "Really Maya? "

"Yeah, really. "

I saw him wipe his face with his hands "Maya, I've had a long day today, I need to catch a wink right now "

The stress was evident and he looked a bit drained but I refused to be fooled; we are never sharing a bed, I don't trust him.

"Alright, you can knock yourself out "

He breathed a sigh of relief.

To his shock, I added "On the floor "

"Maya, be good… " there was an etch of warning in his voice.

"Or what? " I challenged him.

Suddenly, an evil smile graced his lips and he began to walk towards me slowly, the way a predator would close in on prey.

I panicked and began to crawl back with my hands until my back hit the headboard - a dead end.

"I swear to God if you come any closer, I'll call the police and have you charged for assault "

Niklaus paused, then started a peal of mocking laughter that left me stupefied.

"Sure, call the police. Have you forgotten where you are ?"

Oh right, I was currently staying in a mobster's house and planning on calling the police? Sakuzi's organization would definitely hunt me and my family down - hunting Kim's family? How delightful.

I gulped " In case you don't remember, I am a black belt so don't you dare come close else… "

But the more I kept talking, the more Niklaus kept crawling towards me until he closed in on me.

"I'm? sorry sweetheart but I need to sleep, " Niklaus told me and before I knew what was happening, he carried me off the bed and dumped me on the blankets.

You bastard!

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