Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 103 - One Hundred And Three: Stay The Night With You

Chapter 103 - One Hundred And Three: Stay The Night With You

Nik's POV

I felt the urge to throttle the life out of Maya. What was she doing? Does she even have an idea of what she's putting herself in?

I was trying to get her out of the lion's den but she sure has made herself comfortable in it, like a lamb to the slaughter.

"You can't really be serious? " I let out a laugh of disbelief "You're serious? "

"Did I come off as someone who wasn't serious? I meant every word I said " She told me sternly, no hint of a smile on her face

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and said a short prayer. "Father Lord, give me the strength to handle her, but not enough strength to strangle her "

Trust me even if I don't strangle her, three or four spanks on the butt should be enough to bring her back to her senses.

"You are not staying here and that is final! " I declared furiously but she snorted derisively.

"And who are you to command me? " Maya challenged me with her raised brow " Brother? Boyfriend?? fiancé?? Husband? I don't think we still have anything to do with each other" She pointed out.

I gritted my teeth, curled up against my fist, and forced myself not to curse out loud. How did we get to this point?

One moment, I was planning to willingly spend the rest of my life with her but the next, my plans were extinguished like a flame and now I have to get away from her in order to keep her safe.

Then I thought of someone and reminded her slowly "You're still my daughter's nanny, remember? "

Maya rolled her eyes "Oh please, spare me the bullshit. " She inched closer and placed both hands on the table, staring at my eyeballs to eyeballs

"I quit the moment you kissed that bitch "

My heart sank and I felt the urge to explain things but I couldn't with Sakuzi around and watching our interactions. If I said anything that contradicted my earlier claim, then she would be in more trouble.

"Niklaus respect the girl's decision, " Sakuzi supported her but I bet he was scorning me inwardly, that sly man!

"Fine, you can stay " I concurred and saw a victorious grin stretch her mouth.

Unfortunately, the smile disappeared when I added " Since I'll be staying here with you anyway "

"You what?!"

The look on Maya's face was epic. Shell-shocked, she stuttered "Y-you can't b-be serious! "

I smirked " Oh yes I am "

It was her turn to be rattled. She glared at me for what lasted like ten minutes before facing Sakuzi,

"We won't be staying in the same room, right? " Maya asked for clarification

Sakuzi's gaze and I connected just as her question arrived, though I didn't say anything, my eyes said it all.

He scratched the side of his eye and told Maya "Sorry but I have only a room available "

Maya's Jaw dropped "Tell me you're kidding me! "

But when she saw Sakuzi's blank face, she knew he wasn't kidding but then, Maya wasn't one to give up without a fight.

She tried to argue "B-but there are numerous roo-"

"I have uncountable men to house and feed " Sakuzi interjected.

"But still I don't think it's - "

"Since you're so desperate, you can share a room with any of them " Sakuzi offered

My head jerked up, what is this evil man trying to do? He must be pulling my leg, right?

Maya's expression brightened " I can share a room with any of your men of my choice? "

Sakuzi nodded " Yes, of course, I give you my word "

I saw red, was he really to ruffle my feathers. There was no way in hell I was letting Maya share a room with another man, not in my watch.

I was about to speak the fear of God into her but Sakuzi beat me to it.

"But I can't assure you that my men would keep their hands to themselves. Moreover, they've been here for months without a female companion. "

I saw the smile curling her lips vanquish, her face fell. Maya sat back in her seat speechless.

I couldn't help but shake my head, I thought I was cruel but I've seen a better player.

Giving her hope and dashing it right in front of her? That was totally heartbreaking but it brought her back to her senses, so I'm in full support

He went further ahead with his question "So what do you say, Niklaus or my men? "

Maya glared at me openly while a self-satisfied smile graced my lips, she can scowl as much as she wants anyway; I don't care about her tantrums if it means I get to keep her safe.

"I'll stay with Niklaus " Came her grumpy reply.

I laughed inwardly. No matter what, Maya still chose me because the devil she knows is better than the angel she hasn't seen.

"Fine then" Sakuzi clapped his hand and two maids attended to him. "They'll have your room prepared "

"No problem, as long as you don't have us killed in our sleep " I pointed out my concerns.

"I've given you my word, your safety is guaranteed as far as you keep your end of the deal ."

His interest in the ledger was obvious, it seems Gerald has been giving him enough trouble.

"Besides, you said you don't love her so I'll it be a shame if I end an innocent life, right "

Sakuzi's question was clearly a warning, he's got his eyes on me. Like a viper, he was slowly watching and waiting for the right time to strike.

"Give me alone time with my guard," I told him and he acknowledged my request.

I excused myself and walked to a corner of the room with Judy trailing after me.

"Are you crazy?! What were you thinking ?! " Judy whispered yelled at me.

My expression was grim " You know I have no choice "

" Exactly! " he shouted beneath his breath " You should have just given up on her "

My eyes flashed and I gritted through my teeth "You're not seriously telling me I should have let her die in Sakuzi's hands "

"Your life is ten times worth more than hers "

"Because I'm the Spencer Group heir? "

Judy sighed and threw his hands up "Of course, Spencer Group is the reason billions of people aren't in abject poverty. And don't tell me you're seriously in love with Maya? "

"Of Course Not " I denied his accusation right away " I'm not in love with her I just… I just… "

"Just what Niklaus?!" He prompted me.

"I just care for her alright " I whisper-shouted back " My worst nightmare would be she dying in sakuzi's hands. Kay's death is enough"

"Then you shouldn't have gotten involved with her in the first place Niklaus" He chided me " Now Sakuzi has his eyes on her and there's no telling what he would do to her in the future, even if she escapes tonight "

I licked my bottom lips " Yeah you're right Judy, I shouldn't have gotten involved with her in the first place so? I guess I'm truly a heartless and selfish guy as they say "

A wry smile appeared on my face while I shrug " But she was just different from the other girls I have been with, there was something intriguing and original about her. so I decided to have her to myself without thinking about the implications. A little indulgence wouldn't hurt right ?"

Judy's face was neutral, I couldn't tell what he was thinking neither did I get a response from him.

"But you don't have to worry, after tonight I'm cutting off all ties with her. It is the best way to keep her safe "

Finally, he sighed and rubbed his face with his palm "And Gerald's ledger? "

"It's a done deal Judy " I reminded him " Her safety tonight in exchange for the Ledger "

"You know this would cost you a lot of trouble. Your cousin Eden might take advantage of this opportunity to kick you out of your position, not to talk of your father "

I sneered "They can try "

"Niklaus, I'm serious here. Maya is seriously not worth all this trouble "

I glared " Don't you ever say that again! " I warned him furiously "If she isn't worth it, then no woman other her would. You all are just blind, you don't see the potential In her "

Judy shot back "You sound like someone who is madly in love with her "

I growled at him "I just care deeply for her and stop forcing words out of my mouth and get me the damn ledger first thing tomorrow morning before the rooster crows "

"Fine " he gave in at last " I'll take half of the men and leave the rest here "

"No," I told him immediately.

"No? What do you mean no? "

"Take all of your men "

"What?! You can't be serious Niklaus. First the ledger, now this? " he asked frustratedly.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and tugged him closer

"I managed to cover up Maya's kidnap, so no one not even my father - save Eden who had his suspicions- knows about this.

If you return with all the men, Adam would think I'm throwing a tantrum by jeopardizing my safety because of the incident at the Gala tonight.? "

"But still Sakuzi might - "

"Sakuzi would not do anything to me tonight, he might be strong but he knows the Spencer clan would not let him go, which is why he can't hurt me physically, yet. " I assured Judy who seemed hesitant to carry out this mission.

"Judy, this is a request, it is not an order " I pleaded with him knowing what he was about to do was beyond his jurisdiction - Adam would surely not love the fact he was deceived.

"Fine, I'll do it. Now leave me the hell alone " He accepted my request reluctantly.

"Thanks " I smiled and patted him on the shoulder before leaving.

But when I returned to the table, Maya was nowhere to be found. I meticulously scanned everywhere but still couldn't find her.

My eyes darkened and my fist clenched, had Sakuzi deceived -

"I believe she said something about occupying the bed first," Sakuzi told me the moment he saw the murderous look on my face.

Occupy the bed first? Sure, that sounded a lot like Maya.

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