Sweet Beauty

Chapter 696 What Do You Mean By This

Chapter 696 What Do You Mean By This

  Lin Xiu's blank tone caused Qin Yu to suffer a violent blow on the spot.

  Forget it, just forget it.

  Qin Shanyuan snickered at the side. He was about to whisper a rebuke to Qin Yu, but Lin Xiu's sharp gaze suddenly swept across his face. "You still have the face to smile? I'm not done lecturing you yet!"

  "Mom!" Qin Shanyuan hurriedly rushed forward. Holding Lin Xiu's arm with one hand, he placed the other on Liang Jiahao's shoulder and said, "It's rare for brother-in-law to visit us. Why don't you have a chat with him, hmmm?"

  Qin Shanyuan and Qin Yu had entrusted Liang Jiahao with this serious task and as a trustworthy man, Liang Jiahao felt that he had to help this helpless siblings block off the gunfire at this very moment.

  He handed Lin Xiu the bag in his hand and smiled. "Mom, Qin Yu bought this for you. The last time she was here, she spent a long time on the computer searching for a good tonic before going to the mall the next day to buy it for you."

  "Oh, really?" Lin Xiu couldn't help but be excited. She took the bag and opened it curiously while walking into the living room.

  Sitting down on the couch, she took out the supplement from the plastic bag, and when she saw the words on the box, her expression changed to one of anger and awkwardness, but most of all, depression.

  Lin Xiu raised her head and held the box in front of Qin Yu's eyes. For the first time in Liang Jiahao's presence, she asked Qin Yu in a loud voice. "Qin Yu, what do you mean by buying this for me?"

  "I-I don't mean anything." Qin Yu said carefully, "I just feel that you might have reached your age and it would be better for you to eat this supplement."

  "Are you saying that I'm old?!" What Lin Xiu couldn't stand was someone talking about her age. In front of Qin Shaoqiang, she was still his little girl!

  Qin Yu's heart nearly jumped out of her chest when she heard Lin Xiu's roar. She braced herself and explained, "Y-your temper is a little strange right now. You get angry every time someone says something. I-I just wanted to-"

  "Just because I get angry easily, you think I'm going through menopause?" Lin Xiu raised her eyebrow in displeasure. "Qin Yu, open your dog's eyes wide and take a look. How old am I? Do I look like I'm in menopause?"

  Qin Yu: "..."

  And you still say you're not in menopause?

  Lin Xiu started to go berserk out of nowhere. If this wasn't menopause, then what was it?

  Qin Yu felt depressed. She just wanted to do something good. Why was Lin Xiu acting like she was doing something bad?

  Qin Yu thought Lin Xiu would be pleased when she saw the gift. But who'd have thought that instead of being happy, Lin Xiu would be so infuriated with Qin Yu?

  Qin Yu had truly offended someone.

  Seeing that the situation had turned bad, Liang Jiahao smiled and tried to smooth things over for Qin Yu. "How can you be old, mom? You look like you're in your early forties. You're still young."

  "Exactly!" Lin Xiu's face lit up with happiness. She really liked Liang Jiahao a lot.

  Qin Yu and Qin Shanyuan smirked at the same time.

  Liang Jiahao, aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning when you say that?

  Although Lin Xiu took good care of her health, she was still over half of her fifties. If you said she was only forty years old, you would be speaking without conscience.

  Liang Jiahao continued, "But mom, this gift is Qin Yu's filial piety towards you. She was afraid that something might happen to you, so she decided to buy this supplement for you just in case."

  "Is that so?" Lin Xiu touched her chin and nodded seriously. "You're right. Even though she doesn't live here anymore, she still thinks about me and worries about me. She really is a filial daughter."

  Qin Yu: "..."

  Was she really Lin Xiu's biological daughter?

  Why was it that her explanation of so many sentences was useless but Liang Jiahao's single nonsense sentence made Lin Xiu accept the medicine joyfully?

  Qin Yu tried hard to suppress her anger and pouted her lips in frustration.

  Lin Xiu put down the medicine and suddenly remembered something. She kicked Qin Shanyuan's leg. "Why are you sitting here? Go get your father and tell him that his son-in-law is here."

  Qin Shanyuan was the one with the least temperament here. Hearing Lin Xiu's order, he didn't dare to say anything unnecessary and stood up to call Qin Shaoqiang.

  Within a short time, Qin Shaoqiang came out of the study room. When he saw Liang Jiahao, he immediately laughed. "Aiya, Jiahao is here!"

  He turned around and glared at Qin Shanyuan. "My son-in-law is here, why didn't you call me earlier?"

  Qin Shanyuan: "...."

  Did he have such a low status in this family?

  Everyone will try to find an opportunity to criticize him!

  Qin Shaoqiang sat next to Lin Xiu. The more he looked at Liang Jiahao, the more satisfied he felt with this son-in-law.

  "How is it? You two got engaged yesterday, do you feel anything different about your relationship?"

  Liang Jiahao smiled and looked at Qin Yu. "I feel pretty good. I'm just waiting for Qin Yu to agree and get the certificate."

  "How come getting a certificate requires Qin Yu to agree?" Qin Shaoqiang frowned and looked at Qin Yu. "Since the marriage is already arranged, just find a good day and go get the certificate."

  "Dad!" Qin Yu was shocked. She didn't want to be married to Liang Jiahao so easily. She said anxiously, "I'm a big star now. My every movement is being watched by so many pairs of eyes. If I want to get married, I must first discuss this matter with uncle."

  There was something wrong with Qin Yu's words. After all, Han Yuanjun was only Qin Yu's third-generation cousin uncle. What did Qin Yu's marriage have anything to do with him?

  However, everyone present understood that Qin Yu's identity was too sensitive. She did indeed have to discuss this big matter with Han Yuanjun first.

  The marriage of a female celebrity was a big deal. Whether from the perspective of a company or a fan, this matter couldn't be treated lightly.

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