Sweet Beauty

Chapter 695 Qin Shanyuan’s Grievance

Chapter 695 Qin Shanyuan’s Grievance

  Liang Jiahao's tone didn't seem like he was discussing with Qin Yu. Nor did he have any intention of discussing it with her. He carried his luggage and went to the cloakroom.

  Qin Yu stood there stupidly for a while. Then she saw Liang Jiahao come out with hygiene items in his hand. In front of her, he openly put his toothbrush, razor and skin care in her bathroom.

  Qin Yu: "..."

  This man was too domineering!

  "Xiao Liang, shouldn't you discuss this important matter with me first before you decide to move in?"

  "What's there to discuss?" Liang Jiahao turned around and went back to the cloakroom.

  Qin Yu immediately lost her composure. Normally, Liang Jiahao respected her opinion, but why did he bring his stuff over at this moment without asking her opinion first?

  Qin Yu chased after him. Standing at the door of the cloakroom, she watched Liang Jiahao put his ties inside her hairpin drawer. He tucked them away neatly, one by one.

  She frowned. "This room is mine, and if you want to move in here without telling me, aren't you being too bossy?"

  Liang Jiahao raised his head and looked at her. He didn't say anything and just looked at Qin Yu with a pair of sharp eyes.

  Qin Yu's heart skipped a beat before she remembered that this was his house. Everything here was his, not to mention this room.

  Qin Yu didn't dare to admit it, but she still had to be stubborn. "What if my parents and brother come here one day and see this? The situation would be bad then!"

  Liang Jiahao continued to place his ties and shirts. "We are both engaged, what's wrong with sleeping in the same room?"

  Qin Yu: "..."

  These words made sense. Liang Jiahao had actually left her speechless.

  "Fine, you are the boss here, everything you say is right." Qin Yu pursed her lips like a coward. "Anyway, if they come here, you can explain it to them yourself. I won't help you when they break your legs later."

  Liang Jiahao said nothing.

  On the way to the Qin Family Resident, Qin Yu's heart still felt a little restless. She looked at Liang Jiahao and tried to persuade him once again. "Xiao Liang, how about you wait for a while before moving in with me? How about we take it slowly and step by step first?"

  Liang Jiahao tapped on the steering wheel lightly with his finger and just smiled.

  When Qin Yu saw that he wouldn't answer her question, she finally lost her temper and no longer bothered about this matter.

  She had already thought it through. She had already been eaten dry by Liang Jiahao, so what else should she be embarrassed about?

  If she continued to say too much, she would come off as hypocritical.

  In the end, she decided to just let this matter go.

  • • • •

  Liang Jiahao and Qin Yu stood in front of the Qin Family Resident's door, holding hands.

  At that moment, Lin Xiu, who was about to give Qin Shanyuan a lesson, heard the doorbell ring. She glared at Qin Shanyuan resentfully, "Why are you still sitting here? Open the door!"

  Qin Shanyuan replied with an "Oh" and walked to the door without any temper.

  He stood in front of the door and thought about who would come to his house so early in the morning. He looked at the video monitor and found that it was actually Qin Yu and Liang Jiahao.

  Qin Shanyuan opened the door and immediately pulled Qin Yu into the house. "Qin Yu, my little mistress, you must help your big brother block mom's cannon today. If you don't help your brother today, your brother will die!"

  Qin Yu snorted disdainfully. "Big brother, you know this is all your fault, right? Today is the weekend, just stay at home and accompany mom."

  "You won't even get hurt if you stand up and speak for me!" Qin Shanyuan was furious. He felt that his sister had been brought up in vain. Now that she had a man, she no longer felt sorry for her brother.

  "You don't live here anymore, and mom has no place to vent her anger, so I'll immediately become her black sheep. Qin Yu, have you forgotten? Back when you lived here, who was the one who defended you against mom's cannon? And who was the one who saved you from the abyss of suffering?"

  Qin Yu patted Qin Shanyuan on the shoulder. "Even if you take out the old debts and show them to me, I still won't be able to help you. Don't worry, Xiao Liang is here. He'll defend you from all the cannons today."

  Only then did Qin Shanyuan remember Liang Jiahao.

  With Liang Jiahao's sweet mouth, he would definitely make Lin Xiu smile and forget about Qin Shanyuan.

  Qin Shanyuan excitedly held Liang Jiahao's hand and said with tears in his eyes, "Brother-in-law, you must help me today."

  Right after he said that, Lin Xiu's impatient voice rang out from the living room. "Shanyuan, who's it? Why don't you ask her to come in?"

  Suddenly Lin Xiu thought of something. She immediately got up from the couch and walked towards the door angrily. "Qin Shanyuan, you bastard, you brat! You're not trying to run away again, are you?"

  Qin Shanyuan: "...."

  Liang Jiahao: "...."

  Qin Yu: "...."

  At this point, Qin Yu didn't even want to look directly at Qin Shanyuan, and just glanced at him from the corner of her eye. "Big brother, what have you done until you became this person in mom's heart?"

  These provocative words made Qin Shanyuan's teeth itch with anger.

  Lin Xiu went to the hallway to take a look. She immediately smiled when she saw Liang Jiahao there. She pushed Qin Shanyuan, who was blocking the door, away. "Aiya, Jiahao, why are you standing in front of the door? Come in, come in."

  Qin Yu was such a big person and she was standing in front of Liang Jiahao. Yet, Lin Xiu acted as if she didn't see her, and directly went around her to pull Liang Jiahao's hand.

  At this moment, Qin Yu could feel the deep injuries that came from her mother.

  "Mom!" Qin Yu was extremely unhappy. "I'm still here!"

  Only then did Lin Xiu look at Qin Yu. She said unconcernedly, "Oh, Qin Yu, you're here too. Mm, come in."

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