“You are correct, Professor.”

“Retreating out of fear will not result in victory. A truly strong knight confronts and battles against their fear!”

‘These crazy lunatics.’

Yi-Han shook his head from side to side.

If they were other tower students, Yi-Han would have joined hands with them and said, ‘Professor Ingurdel, please snap out of it.’ Unfortunately, the White Tigers tower students were the kind who wouldn’t listen to anything Yi-Han said.

Even so, it was hard to believe they would be so in favor of fighting against unleashed summoned monsters like that.

Isn’t learning how to avoid it a common thing?

Sometimes Yi-Han felt lonely, thinking he might be the only sane person in this school.

“I have good students, indeed.”

Professor Ingurdel nodded with a satisfied expression at the reaction of the White Tigers tower students.

He intended to reconsider it if there were any students who were afraid or wanted to avoid it. However, as expected of talented swordsmen, they tried to face their fears and fight instead of avoiding them.

While looking around, Professor Ingurdel’s gaze suddenly stopped at Yi-Han. Yi-Han reflexively shouted.

“That’s truly an excellent idea, Professor!”

“Thank you, everyone.”

Upon hearing Yi-Han shout like that, Professor Ingurdel smiled with a proud expression.

After contemplating various things and considering the idea that came to his mind, it seemed to be a quite good idea.

“Now, everyone please gather in groups of three and form a team.”

Fortunately, Professor Ingurdel still had some conscience left. He didn’t tell them to face the monster alone.


‘Ah. I’m doomed.’

Yi-Han realized that he was doomed.

For those who had difficulty making friends like Nilia, it would be suffocating to be forced to form a team like this.

Although Yi-Han wasn’t Nilia, there was no way the White Tigers tower students would join hands with him.

‘Let’s say one position will be filled by Dolgyu, should I forcefully beat another person and bring them over? Can I avoid the professor’s attention and pressure another student?’

“Professor, are we free to form the team as we wish?”

“No. Since I’ve prepared paper slips, each of you can draw one and form teams.”

Professor Ingurdel gave Yi-Han a slight wink.

Because Yi-Han is affiliated with the Blue Dragons tower, even the Professor was well aware that he wasn’t close to the other White Tigers tower students.

Knowing that, he provided this kind of consideration.


Yi-Han was thankful indeed.


‘…If you’re going to be this considerate, why not give us swordsmanship training or something instead of telling us to practise capturing escaped summoned monsters…’

His twisted way of consideration was truly the characteristic of a professor.

Yi-Han lined up and drew a paper slip. Number 4 was written on it.

“Is there anyone who drew the number 4?”

Dolgyu raised his hand. Yi-Han’s expression softened. The White Tigers tower students stared at Yi-Han, looking very worried.

Is he planning to use and play with Dolgyu like a chess piece again?

“Isn’t there one more person?”

A team consisted of three people.

Someone raised their hand at Yi-Han’s words.

It was Jijel of the Moradi family.



Not only Dolgyu and Yi-Han, but even the other White Tigers tower students were astonished.

‘Isn’t a bloodshed going to happen like this?’

On one side, there was Yi-Han, the essence of the Wardanaz family, who had mastered various malevolent magical curses even before entering the academy.

On the other side, there was Jijel, a born leader who led the White Tigers tower students with innate charisma. She hailed from the powerful Moradi family, one of the strongest knight families in the northern region.

Moreover, since they didn’t get along well with each other…

But instead of raising her sword, Jijel simply raised the corner of her mouth with a mysterious smile. To Yi-Han, that seemed even more ominous.

“Since we both made childish mistakes, can’t we take this opportunity to forget about them?”

“You can’t be saying that with genuine sincerity right, Yi-Han?”

Dolgyu looked at Yi-Han as if he was saying something utterly ridiculous.

Of course, if one looked at who initiated the dispute first, it was technically Jijel indeed.

However, in an emotional conflict, such a sequence of events was not important.

Moreover, judging by the intensity of the confrontation, Yi-Han was overwhelmingly dominant.

After putting her to sleep, Yi-Han passed the blame onto Principal Skelly who had sent him to the punishment room, who had led his friends to raid the lounge late at night to steal the flag, and so on.

While Dolgyu wasn’t particularly close with Jijel, being from the same northern knight family, he knew quite well what kind of person she was.

Given her arrogant self-esteem, even if it was not visibly apparent on the surface, she would undoubtedly be grinding her teeth strongly at Yi-Han.

To be honest, he was genuinely worried.

“Yi-Han, when we move together, make sure to keep me between you and Moradi. And never show your back to Moradi.”

“Thank you, Dolgyu. You’re really supportive.”

“Have you formed your teams?”

After confirming the teams, Professor Ingurdel continued his words.

“In a party, there should always be a leader. The person who draws the paper slip with a red corner becomes the leader. Leaders, please give the orders. The others, follow the leader’s instructions and face the monsters.”


Yi-Han recalled that the paper slip he drew didn’t have a red corner like that.

“Dolgyu, please tell me you drew the slip with the red corner.”

“…I’m sorry.”

Yi-Han and Dolgyu looked at Jijel. Jijel shook the paper slip with the red corner and once again flashed the same mysterious smile.

“Would you call me ‘Captain’?”


“No, you should put Miss before that.”

“Miss Captain.”

Jijel’s smile deepened at Yi-Han’s response.

“If you don’t want to be stabbed from behind, make sure to give clear instructions.”


There was a saying that knights who had witnessed white ice storms sweeping in beyond the northern mountains were not afraid of anything.

Dolgyu was also one of those people, but the current sight of Yi-Han and Jijel looking at each other genuinely scared him.


“So, what kind of summoned monster do we need to fight against?”

“I can’t tell you about that.”



All the White Tigers tower students tilted their heads in unison. Yi-Han felt something ominous.

“We’re trying to learn how to face unidentified summoned monsters, so wouldn’t it be pointless if we knew their identities beforehand?”

Professor Ingurdel kindly provided this additional explanation.

Many White Tigers tower students nodded in understanding, thinking, ‘Ah, so that’s the reason.’ However, a few students, including Yi-Han and some clear-headed White Tigers tower students, had their expressions slightly stiffened.

“Starting now, please enter the annex building one team at a time. There’s a summoned monster inside, so after dealing with it, you can exit through the opposite door.”

When Professor Ingurdel finished his words, a few students who were still clear-headed earlier cautiously threw a question.

“Still, Professor, it might be a summoned monster we can’t handle, wouldn’t some information be necessary…?”

“That’s right. Could you please give us at least a hint on how to deal with it?”

Upon hearing the words of the White Tigers tower students, Professor Ingurdel’s face showed a slight tinge of contemplation.

Upon reflection, he realized that the practical exercise might be too challenging for them.

‘Well, it’s true that even the experience of finding ways to confront each other requires some basic information…’

During this moment, the normal students’ senses started to return after being paralyzed by the professor’s eccentricity and the White Tigers tower students chimed in.

“Don’t talk like a coward!”

“What do you think the Professor thinks of us? Do you think he would see us as weaklings who can’t do anything?”

“No, everyone…”

“Professor. We are alright!”

“We don’t need hints. We’ll find a way to confront it using our hands, feet, and swords.”

‘Isn’t this a magic school?’ Yi-Han thought to himself. Let’s use magic, kids! And if possible, get some hints too!

“Idiot trash, seriously…”


“What? Why?”

Yi-Han turned his head to Jijel, who had spoke as if to say, ‘So what?’”

Originally, managing expressions and behavior was about being thoughtful of the other person. But there was no need to play innocence in front of the Wardanaz, who knew everything.

“I agree on the idiot part.”

“I must admit, you do say things that resonate sometimes. Listen to the instructions I give as well. If you do that, there shouldn’t be any issues,” Jijel said, as if giving a warning.

“It seems that there’s a misunderstanding. As long as there’s no issue with the instructions, I have no complaints. Why would I start unnecessary conflicts? I don’t like picking fights with others.”



Not just Jijel, but even Dolgyu was slightly taken aback.

‘To say something like that, with how you’ve been beating up people too naturally…’

“And being that person who had betrayed others and had handed them over to the principal?”

Jijel crossed her arms and spoke with an exasperated tone. Her gaze was already as sharp as if she had drawn her sword several times.

“Since we weren’t exactly on the same side, it’s not really betrayal, is it…?”

“Yi-Han, I’m not a very good conversationalist, but I think it would be best if you stop talking,” Dolgyu stopped Yi-Han.

While Dolgyu didn’t particularly like Jijel either, he realized that if he let things continue as they were, either Yi-Han or Jijel might collapse even before fighting the monster.

“I was trying to clear up a misunderstanding.”

“No, Yi-Han. Some misunderstandings can’t be resolved. And Yi-Han, you…”

Dolgyu was about to say, ‘You have a talent for getting enemies angry,’ but he held back.

Anyway, in the current situation, Dolgyu was the only one who could calm the situation between the two. Dolgyu was determined to gather his strength to do that.

He wasn’t good with words, but still…!

“Both of you should think about it. Acting on your whims just because you don’t like each other will only lead to losses for both of you. Even if you don’t like each other, since this is a class, please earnestly strive towards the given goals…”

“That’s obvious. Dolgyu, don’t worry.”

“Don’t say useless things. Choi. I already know it without you having to say it.”

Both of them scolded Dolgyu simultaneously. Dolgyu felt unfair.


The annex building arranged by Professor Ingurdel had an exterior resembling a massive gymnasium or auditorium.

Of course, behind the closed doors, there was something different waiting—escaped summon creatures—instead of enjoyable exercises.

‘The silence makes it even more unsettling.’

He would have at least been able to make a guess if there were screams or something. But with the silence persisting as if the summoned monster was magically muted, it was even more chilling.

What did they bring along?

“After opening the door and entering, don’t move recklessly, but assess the situation first. If the attack begins as soon as we enter, move to the left and right… tell that to the person beside you. Choi.”


Dolgyu was lost for words at Jijel’s childish remark.

What message was there to convey when Yi-Han was right beside her?

‘You weren’t this childish before, Moradi!’

“If it’s dark inside, I will turn on light magic first and then enter the room. Tell the person by your side not to be startled for no reason, Dolgyu.”

“Tell the person by your side that if he wastes his magic for no reason and collapses, he’ll be left behind, Choi.”

“Tell the person by your side that I’m stepping forward because I’m the only one who knows how to use light magic, Dolgyu.”

“Tell the person by your side not to brag about using light magic because I can use it too, Choi.”

‘Can someone please help me out here?’

Before entering the magic school, Dolgyu had heard all sorts of stories.

To engage students in magic, they prepared harsh trials. They say that the professor is a troll, and knightly descendants are marginalized for being weak in magic. They say…

But in any of those stories, there was never a situation like this!


The door opened. Inside was not bright at all and rather dark. Yi-Han let out a sigh.

‘Slowly but surely, being able to predict the patterns of this school becomes scary.’

The students who had expected it to be bright must have been taken aback by the darkness inside.

He wondered how Professor Ingurdel thought while preparing this darkness.

‘Since summoned creatures are more likely to roam at night than during the day, he must have prepared for it as a precaution.’


Yi-Han’s spell rose like the sun, illuminating the interior of the annex brightly. Dolgyu and Jijel couldn’t help but acknowledge Yi-Han’s magical prowess.


The summoned monster located inside the annex had an appearance that seemed like a mix between a spirit and a bull.

Not only that, but there was also an aura of reinforced magic and potions that couldn’t be felt from an ordinary bull.

In an instant, Yi-Han’s mind was brushed by the image of Professor Uregor’s face.

‘No way, right?’

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