If it wasn’t obvious enough by now, the academy wasn’t a safe place.

Even if the professors didn’t do anything, dangerous events would frequently occur.

To learn new spells, inexperienced mages had to undergo countless trials and errors, which sometimes led to accidents.

The summoned monsters running around the campus right now were prime examples of this.

The upperclassmen had been summoning monsters to prepare for the experiments that they would be conducting throughout the semester, but they had failed to control them.

‘…Even so, did the academy not prepare any countermeasures against monsters running rampant like this? If anything, this indicates a flaw in the system.’

Yi-han was at a loss for words after hearing Professor Garcia’s explanation.

However, he hadn’t given up hope.

“So there are even more monsters running about… still, the situation will be resolved soon, right? I mean, all the Empire’s best mages are gathered here.”

“Of course.”

This came as a great relief to Yi-han.

I guess there’s nothing to worry about then!

“It’ll only take a month or so.”


Yi-han’s face froze.

It was dark outside, and with the vine monster causing trouble, Professor Garcia didn’t notice this change in expression.

“…Then during that timeframe…”

“You should be careful.”

Professor Garcia wasn’t saying this out of malice.

With monsters lurking in the academy’s shadows, it made sense to give such a warning.

…but that didn’t make the situation any less discouraging.

‘She’s a professor after all!’

Although she was kinder than the others, Professor Garcia couldn’t be considered normal either.


“T-thank you ma’am!”

Professor Garcia had sent out a sharp wave of wind that sliced off the vines of the monster.

Thereafter, she safely caught the White Tiger’s student and extracted him from the battle.

Though it may have seemed simple, she had just performed a complicated series of magic.

She had first stunned the monster in its place using mind magic, cut off its vines using wind magic, and caught the student by slowing his descent using gravity manipulation magic.

Yi-han was blown away by how the professor managed to do this with just a few waves of her staff.


Unlike before when they fought against the anti-magic extremists, he had the time to carefully observe this time.

Watching Professor Garcia shoot off her spells reminded him of a ballerina.

By simply extending their arms and lifting their legs, ballerinas could surround themselves with an unattainable aura, and Professor Garcia was no different.

“Are you alright?”


The experience must have been quite terrifying as the student forgot about his identity as a knight and began sobbing.

Or maybe it was because it was his first time hearing kind words from a professor since coming to the academy.

“By the way, why are you students out so late at night?”

“Wardanaz and his gang… raided our tower…and stole our flag.”


Professor Garcia turned around, bewildered.

It was surprising enough to see them out here. How did they manage to get through the tower’s defence?

‘What in the world…?’

But Yi-han was no longer there when she turned to look. He had already fled.


The students for the Blue Dragons safely returned to their dorms, but they weren’t in a celebratory mood.

It was because of the voice resonating outside.

Summoned monsters have escaped and are roaming the academy. Students beware. I repeat, summoned monsters have escaped and are…

The students couldn’t be bothered to retort anymore.

This academy always managed to bring them new surprises every week.

Every time they thought ‘This is it, right?’ they’d be hit with something else.

Now, they couldn’t relax even within the academy.


“…Did one of the professors release them on purpose?”

A student murmured.

If they were still in their first week, they’d have written it off as absurd, but now, they seriously considered the possibility.

“You might be right. I bet that principal of ours…”

“No, we should be most suspicious of Professor Uregor.”

“And if monsters did escape, why aren’t they catching them straight away?”

Yi-han, who had been listening to their exchange, came up with a conjecture.

‘I bet they’re just too lazy to catch them themselves.’

One month sounded way too long.

With so many mages scattered throughout the academy, if the professors really wanted, they could surround the monsters and capture them in one swoop. Even a dragon would be no match for them.

However, professors refused to budge under normal circumstances.

Even if they messed up, they would instruct their disciples to handle the aftermath. And if it was their disciples that messed up, they wouldn’t bother moving an inch.

As that was the case, they probably weren’t too keen on the idea of going out and capturing the monsters themselves.

‘But I better not tell this to the others.’

Yi-han was taking into consideration the well-being of the student’s mental health.

“They should at least tell us what kind of monsters escaped! And what are our seniors doing!?”


Not only were the students angry at their professors, but they were also angry at their unknown upperclassmen.

They went on a rant and cursed their seniors. If it weren’t for their mistake, they wouldn’t have had to suffer like this!

“Enough. Stop chatting and come get your breakfast. I took special care since you all worked hard last night.”

Yi-han lifted a huge pot that was placed in front of the fireplace.

Needless to say, the Blue Dragons were delighted to see the tomato beef stew contained within the pot.

Yi-han had brought back a wide variety of ingredients, but he had no intention of wasting them. After all, he didn’t know when his next leave would be.

Nevertheless, everyone had worked hard yesterday, so he was willing to prepare a generous meal for them.

‘I should grow some more vegetables.’

He planned on expanding his field.

Sweet potatoes and potatoes were a given, but he also wished to try his hands at growing wheat and some fruits…

‘I’d also like a couple more hens. Hm, if I were to raise pigs as well, would Professor Uregor call me crazy?’

By managing a field, he had learned the importance of having fresh vegetables in their lives.

The quality of food they could have differed drastically depending on whether they had vegetables or not.

Take the tomato beef stew, for example. Much of the flavor and aroma came from the tomatoes and the spices, while the large chunk of beef meat provided a visual impact.

However, what truly contributed to the rich and deep flavor were the vegetables such as onions, garlic, carrots, potatoes, and mushrooms.

Having sautéed these vegetables beforehand, he was able to prepare the foundation for the stew.

‘Wait, what am I thinking?’

Yi-han’s thoughts came to an abrupt pause.

For some reason, it seemed like he had gained more insights into other areas rather than magic since coming to the academy.

The Blue Dragons enjoyed a hearty breakfast as they stuffed themselves with tomato beef stew and bread.

The warm morning sun streaming through the stained-glass windows made it feel as if they were back in their own homes.

Summoned monsters have escaped and are roaming the academy. Students beware. I repeat, summoned monsters have escaped and are…

“…Now my appetite’s gone…”

“Then do you mind if I have yours as well?”

“If you haven’t removed your hand by the time I count to three, I’ll challenge you to a duel.”

Yi-han stood up to deliver the meal to the princess. He was used to it by now that others didn’t have to remind him.


But for some reason, the door to her room remained shut.

Yi-han knocked on the door several times but ultimately returned after giving up as the princess didn’t respond.

“What’s wrong? Did Her Highness say she didn’t want it?”

“No, she didn’t open the door.”

“Ah, she must be asleep then. It was a long night after all…”

Adenart’s followers nodded in understanding.

Last night had been a hectic one, so it wasn’t strange for her to feel tired.

Yi-han, however, had a guilty conscience.

‘I hope she doesn’t hold it against me for taking her hostage.’

Unlike Gainando, Adenart possessed the skill and was revered by the students around her.

If she were to tattle on him during summer or winter break, claiming that Wardanaz held her hostage, things could get quite tricky, which was why he had generously added extra beef to her stew…

“Then we should just let her sleep. Thanks, Wardanaz. Actually, the princess isn’t particularly fond of eating, but it seems like she’s been accepting them out of courtesy since you’ve been personally bringing them to her.”


Yi-han cocked his head.

‘Is that so? But she seemed to enjoy eating a lot…’

Gainando, who had been gulping down the stew like there was no tomorrow, joined the conversation.

“Rather than letting her starve, wouldn’t it be better to wake her up? She could sleep whenever she wants, but as for food…”

“Shut up, Gainando! Her Highness isn’t like you!”

“Yeah, she’s not obsessed with food!”

Yi-han actually agreed with Gainando for once.

She could wake up, eat breakfast, and go back to sleep if she really wanted…

‘Whatever, her followers should know her best.’

“By the way…”


“Are you going to be all right for today’s morning class?”

“Morning class? …Oh.”

Yonaire pestered Yi-han to check his schedule.

“I should be.”


Her skeptical gaze said it all. It was clear that she didn’t trust his words at all.




Basic Swordsmanship.

After what happened yesterday night, the White Tigers were staring daggers at Yi-han.

Only Dolgyu was willing to approach him.

“You didn’t have to do that,” he said with a stern expression.

He had realized the moment he was about to be knocked out that the honorable Yi-han had chosen to vilify himself to protect Dolgyu’s position.

When he woke up, the White Tigers filled him in about what happened, telling him that Wardanaz was just using him as a chess piece, but Dolgyu remained firm.

“Real friends wouldn’t be deterred by other people’s opinions. They would respect each other’s honor and help in times of need.”

“What a wonderful thing to say, Dolgyu.”

‘I don’t think raiding a tower to snatch one’s flag could be considered honorable though.’

However, Yi-han decided to respect Dolgyu’s opinion, so he simply nodded.

Since Dolgyu was willing to forgive him for what he did last night, why would he bother explaining himself?

“Hence, you don’t have to portray yourself as the villain from now on.”


Though he agreed, he wouldn’t hesitate to repeat what he did if a similar situation arose.

Dolgyu might not mind, but the same couldn’t be said about the rest of the White Tigers.

As a case in point, they were glaring at him even at this moment.

“He’s trying to trick Dolgyu again…!”

“We should make it so that they can’t come into contact!”

Some were grinding their teeth, ready to separate them, even if they had to resort to force.

They behaved as though Yi-han was brainwashing Dolgyu.

“Good morning, students.”

Professor Ingurdel, the elven sword master, arrived while using his sword like a cane.

The students that had been chatting until now respectfully greeted him when he appeared.

The professor spoke in a soft voice, contrary to what anyone would expect from a swordsman.

“When I woke up today, I was notified that monsters have been unleashed into the academy. My, what an absurd place this is.”


All the students present nodded.

This was something everyone agreed to, regardless of their affiliation.

“But the students would have to continue attending classes… So I asked myself, how could I help them?”


For reasons unknown, Yi-han had a bad feeling about this.

Professors caring about their students rarely resulted in positive outcomes.

“And that’s why I’ve brought one of the monsters here. Let’s practice fighting one in today’s class.”


Professor Ingurdel seemed to be adapting to the ways of the academy, much to Yi-han’s dismay.

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