Supremacy Games

Chapter 1158 The End Of The Great Universal War.

Duchess Alina's heart stopped beating in fright the instant she witnessed the birth of a gray illuminating blade heading in her direction!

It was slicing space itself and anything that blocked its path!


The Spatial Blade was slow enough it allowed Duchess Alina to beg for mercy instinctively, knowing that her death was a sealed case.

Alas...Her begging fell on deaf ears as Felix watched her getting sliced from the center horizontally!

He might have called it the Maze of Forgiveness but Felix had no intentions of fulfilling it.

'You hateful bastard...I loath you! I loath you!'

The last thing Duchess Alina did was curse Felix in her mind as she fell into the embrace of death once again at his hands...

The viewers were left staring at her severed affixed corpse in the air with stunned looks, having not a single f*cking clue on how things ended up this way.

So much had occurred in a couple of seconds window, not even the alliance's inner circle leaders managed to follow along!


"It's finally over."

Felix fell on his bottom with an exhausted but relaxed expression, staring at the traveling spatial blade, which was cutting through his maze's walls like tofu.

He knew that It wasn't going to stop until it run out of energy.

This time, Queen Ai confirmed Duchess Alina's death with this abrupt announcement:

-Congratulation to The Void Nation. Duchess Alina has been slain, the battle is over!-

The moment this announcement echoed trice in the ears of the spectators, they were broken from their daze and returned to the world of the living with the most explosive excited howls they could muster!!!


Some screamed barbarically with heated cheeks, some chanted Felix's name while waving their shirts and whatever was in their hands, and some just remained seated on their chairs with words stuck in their throat...

"He did it!! He f*cking did it!!!" In utter disbelief, Eric exclaimed while holding his bald head tightly after witnessing true history being made.

"Haha! That's my boy alright." Grandfather Robert grinned widely as he applauded Felix while sitting near Eric, Olivia, and the rest of the earthling team.

As a true businessman, he didn't shove his head in the world of fights and such, making him unable to comprehend fully what Felix had just accomplished.

However, as his grandfather, he always believed that Felix was going to win no matter how hard it got!

"He really slayed the twelve-ranked empyrean player in one vs one deathmatch..." Sylvia covered her mouth, "Doesn't that mean he is now considered the strongest twelve player in the universe?"

By now, Sylvia wanted nothing more than to erase her bold challenge to Felix from memory, when she promised him that she would defeat him in the future...

Meanwhile, the elves' royal family had a similar reaction to them besides Selphie, whose eyes turned completely red and watery as she stared at Felix's relaxed expression.

'Thank goddess...'

She was extremely relieved that Felix had survived and also a bit proud that her years of runic teachings turned out to be crucial in Felix's victory.

It gave her a sense of helping Felix in his journey. A goal she always wished for and sought after, so Felix would never discard her to the side in his path...

On the other hand, the primogenitors' council was noisier than ever as even the most indifferent primogenitor couldn't help but slowly applaud the winner for providing them with one of the best mortal fights they witnessed in this century!

"Three spatial lesser spells and one omnipotent sand spell mastered in less than a decade as a beginner...All I can say is wow, just wow." Elder Aspidochelone smiled kindly as he clapped with his wrinkly palms.

In the primogenitors' eyes, mastering one spatial space was already an achievement to be proud of. But three in less than a decade plus even mastering an omnipotent sand spell?

They were certain that even Selphie wouldn't have pulled it off when she was first starting to learn runic spells!

"It's official, you bastards have truly hit the jackpot when it comes to having a student." Erebus shared with an envious tone as he looked at Felix's masters.

"We did nothing." Thor smirked, "It was just the result of his extraordinary hard work."

"I won't deny his hard work, but that little punk has the goddess of luck on his side. I promise you, she won't be there forever." Saurous said with a spiteful tone before exiting the primogenitor's Council.

Wendigo and Mannnagal knew that their enemies were going to shower them with insults and mocking statements if they stayed for another second.

So, they followed after their partner without saying much.

Though, their crystal clear displeased expressions were enough to let everyone know that none of them enjoyed this ending.

After they left, the primogenitors pulled off a replay of the fight and began analyzing all of Felix's and Duchess Alina's actions to spend time.

Most of the viewers did the same but actually slow down the fight and viewed it again at a comprehensible pace...The others didn't care and kept the celebration going.

"Why didn't Felix use that killer combination when Duchess Alina was banging the wall?" Olivia asked with a confused look.

"Hmm? You're right. He would have killed her much easier and without much risk."

Leo scratched his head in bafflement after realizing that Felix could have easily cast spatial imprisonment while sitting in the center of the maze at his own pace.

"Maybe the wall made it impossible to do so?"

"That can't be right. Most spells can be created in any area as long as the runic hex can manifest properly and the appropriate elemental energy existed." Olivia shook her head, "Spatial spells use space energy, which is literally everywhere. So, the wall shouldn't have been a problem."

Olivia spent years studying the magic academy and picked up as much knowledge as she could about the runic system. So, her words on this subject were ironclad.

"Maybe he missed it?" Hina guessed, "Such small mistakes happen in stressful situations."

While most of the earthling team were agreeing with Hina, Noah and Sylvia were able to put themselves in Felix's shoes and see what really was going on.

"Your idea wouldn't have worked." Sylvia explained calmly, "The Duchess was in her strongest form and was free to move as she pleased. If Felix used his killer combo at that point, she would easily move out of the runic hex the instant she notices the bright light. After all, it took Felix at least two seconds to create it."

"Oh, you're right!"

"The only reason she got caught by it is because of her own blood barrier blocking her movement!"

"Damn, Felix really calculates all aspects of his actions before making them."

When it was explained like this, no one believed that Felix made a mistake and missed that opportunity anymore!

While they were spending time watching the replay and analyzing both fighters' actions, hoping to learn something and improve their own fighting style, Felix had already teleported back to his house.

He was currently receiving the best shoulder massage from Asna, who had the biggest smile ever.

As for him? He might have returned to his house but his main focus was on his other wisp inside Nimo's consciousness.

Felix could be seen standing in front of his throne which was on a high platform, overseeing the thousands of void citizens beneath him.

Candace was standing next to his right arm while the rest of the councilmen were standing one step behind them in one line.

Felix looked down at his rowdy citizens, who were celebrating their first-ever victory as a nation, giving them a new feeling of pride, which they never thought they would experience in their lives!

When Felix first risked losing the war to save their enemies, he lost a big chunk of respect for them, whether they dared to voice their complaints out loud or not.

But now that he had won his battle, their respect actually increased by tenfolds!

This made them feel more inclined to be proud of having him as their king instead of seeing him as a mere human under their god's care!

With such respect comes great authority as the moment Felix waved his hand, everyone quietened down and focused on him with eyes filled with admiration and awe.

Felix took a deep breath and began speaking from the heart after seeing the way they were looking at him.

"My fellow citizens, today we stand victorious. After an entire month of sacrifice and struggle, our nation has succeeded in achieving a decisive victory in the war."

"We have shown the universe the strength and resilience of our nation and our people. We have proven that when we stand together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish."

"I want to extend my deepest gratitude to all of you for putting your lives on the line to make a name for our nation and also to achieve my own selfish motives. Your bravery and dedication to duty will never be forgotten."

"We might not have paid a great price for this victory, but our war has caused the death of many innocent civilians, who were just living their own lives and minding their business."

"For that, I will never forgive myself and will keep this pain in my heart to remind me that each action has an equal effect even if it was a necessity."

"Thus, our nation's first agenda is to honor the memory of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, whether they were part of us or not."

"But today, let us celebrate the end of this conflict and look forward to a brighter future for our nation."

Felix paused to catch his breath and then ended his speech with one final booming promise, "Together, we will build, we will heal, and we will move forward as one united nation!!"

The moment the last word came out of his mouth, the void citizens cheered with bright and excited expressions, feeling like their blood was set ablaze with Felix's speech!

The future sounded bright, their lives looked better than before, and all of this resulted from one man, who wasn't even a void creature!

Although Felix was an outsider, everyone embraced him like a member of their race and began chanting his newly and truly earned title...A title that would be given only to Felix and no one but him!


"Thank you..."

Felix smiled genuinely as he allowed himself to get showered in his nation's love, having absolutely no clue that this was the last time he was going to smile like this for a very long time...

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