Supremacy Games

Chapter 1157 The Maze Of Forgiveness! VI (Final)


A fountain of blood was drawn after the crescent axe successfully passed through Duchess Alina's upper body like it was made out of butter!

Yet, not an ounce of joy was seen on Felix's face.

It turned out, Duchess Alina managed to move her head slightly to the side with such a monstrous instinctual reflex, Felix felt chills course down his spine!

Who could blame him? She had no clue about his teleportation ability, and he went the extra mile to even strike while still seated to not raise any alarms!

Yet, the axe ended up merely cutting her from the shoulder, taking an entire wing and more than 40% of Duchess Alina's torso.


Duchess Alina groaned in agony after receiving such a heavy injury...Yet, before her separated torso could touch the ground, she turned to stare at Felix's with her nightmarish red eyes. 

The instant Felix's eyes came in contact with hers, he was able to utter a single word.




Just like he ate a hand grenade, Felix's internal organs all ended up rupturing apart and releasing an abnormal amount of blood from every orifice in his body!

Even his brain suffered from a deadly hemorrhage, causing him to bleed from his ears and eyes as well!


The force of the internal implosion caused Felix's body to smash into the nearest wall before falling to the ground like a dead dog, creating a puddle of blood underneath him...


Meanwhile, Duchess Alina wasn't given even a split second to feel delighted by her counter-attack as Felix's true poison finally spread through her bloodstream and reached her brain, attacking it mercilessly!


She fell on the ground as well and began rolling all over the place while her skin kept turning purple and fragile like her lifespan was being burnt at a noticeable speed!




It might seem like it took a long time, but the entire confrontation had taken place in less than a second, causing most of the viewers to be left utterly stunned by the sight before them.

They were just thinking about Felix's assassination before they were met with the sight of him on the ground, unmoving and bleeding all over the place like a corpse!

"Hahahah!! That's what I am talking about!" Saurous exploded in excited laughter, feeling like a kid whose birthday wish was finally fulfilled.

He didn't even care about Duchess Alina, who was struggling to save her life by detoxing her poisoned blood before it completely destroy her brain.

The only thing in his eyes was Felix's death!


'This is really taking a bad turn.'

Asna and Felix's masters couldn't help but feel worried about him as they could sense that Felix's entire internal system was an absolute mess!

The worst part? All of his hearts were taken out besides the Dragon's heart!

It was the only organ capable of resisting Duchess Alina's killer move, *Blood Implosion* since it belonged to the ancestral dragon himself!


If it wasn't for it barely beating, Felix would have gotten instantly one shotted!

'Don't worry he still has a portion of the Kraken's insane rejuvenation.'

The moment Lady Sphinx said so, Felix's internal system began to recover at a monstrous pace, starting with healing his brain and stopping its fast bleeding.

In less than a split second, it was back to its perfect shape and was followed by the rest of Felix's organs!

All of the damages were gone and even the lost blood was restored!

This was caused by non-other than the Kraken's rejuvenation being boosted by the potion that Felix drank as an emergency.

As the ancestor of all octopus species, Elder Kraken naturally had one of the greatest physical rejuvenation in the universe.

Even though Felix hadn't inherited a direct passive, his entire internal system was almost identical to the Kraken.

This came with its own inherited gifts.

With such a combination, Felix managed to regain consciousness at the same time Duchess Alina finally detoxed his poison from her system!

The moment their eyes locked with each other again, both of them showed signs of disbelief.

'How did he recover so f*cking fast?!'

'How did she f*cking detox my most potent poison in a mere second?!'

Both of them knew of each other's recovery and detox abilities, but none of them thought that it would be this insane!

'God's Palms of Dyhadration!'

'Reverse Blood Flow!'

Again, both of them snapped out of their daze and assaulted each other at the same time.

While Felix managed to cast one of his omnipotent sand spells, Duchess Alina forcefully reversed the blood flow inside his body!


Felix groaned while holding his chest and head in agony as the blood didn't reach his organs and tissues that needed it...Including his brain!

This resulted in a lack of oxygen and nutrients in the cells, leading to organ damage and failure.

What's worse, Felix's heart worked against the reversed flow, which caused it to fail and switch to another heart.

When it failed, another one began working for merely a second before failing as well!

This ability might seem mild compared to Blood Implosion, but it was a hundred times worse since Felix was conscious to feel everything.

Fortunately, he wasn't the only one suffering as his omnipotent sand spell imposed a serious threat to Duchess Alina.


Hundreds of gigantic golden sand palms kept raining down on Duchess Alina from runic hexes, which were manifesting nonstop in every single direction without needing Felix's involvement!

Those sand palms completely countered Duchess Alina's blood abilities due to their dehydration properties, allowing them to absorb liquid from any source with a mere touch!

The majority of blood percentage was a liquid part, called plasma, which was made of water, salts, and protein!

'F*ck! Crystalized Barrier!!'

When Duchess Alina realized that she would get killed off instantly if a single sand palm landed on her, she was forced to protect herself with a thick crystallized dome!

Crack Crack Crack!!

Still, the gigantic sand palms mercilessly kept bashing the barrier, causing it to keep cracking continuously.

Duchess Alina kept repairing it to save herself while having an ugly expression.

'My vision is hindered!' 

The crystallized blood barrier was extremely dark red and thick, making it impossible to view outside of it.

This might not seem like a big deal, but Duchess Alina knew that her attack on Felix was going to be canceled!

Cough Cough!

As she expected, Felix could be seen on his knees, coughing out large amounts of blood...Yet, his expression was full of relief like his internal system was finally back to normal operation!

This was the only weakness of Duchess Alina's overpowered targeted blood control! It only worked or remained active if she kept eye contact with the target's body!

Clothes might not affect her ability negatively, but thick walls were her absolute bane!

Without waiting for the damages to heal properly, Felix stood up on his feet and watched Duchess Alina getting bombarded by his sand palms.

Although Felix had complete freedom to attack the entrapped Duchess Alina in thousands of unique ways, he didn't act rashly.

Instead, he took advantage of his active lightning-quick reflexes and cool-headedness to think of the perfect move that would actually end this bloody battle.

'Anything I use will force her to teleport back to safety.' Felix narrowed his eyes coldly, 'The only true way to end this battle is if I used that spatial combo even though I have yet to truly master one of those two spells.'

If anyone read his thought right now, they would call him an idiot for using a risky move that might or might not work instead of going with another method like teleporting scrolls or even teleporting himself to attack her while she was trapped.

But, Felix refused to let Duchess Alina teleport away and restart their battle from scratch after already showing her too many of his hidden cards!

One of them was his dehydration sand spells, the absolute counter to any liquid Elementalist!

He was certain that if he met with Duchess Alina again, it would almost be impossible to deal with her!

This was it, this was the moment where she dies or he dies!

'Wish me luck guys...' Felix murmured in his mind as he extended his palm in direction of Duchess Alina.

Duchess Alina saw this with her blood vision and raise her to guard to the limit, planning to ditch the battle the moment Felix attacked her with something she couldn't defend against.

'I just need a few seconds to recover my complete body and kill him...Just a few seconds!' 

Just like Felix didn't want her to leave, she also didn't want to escape after finally having Felix come face-to-face with her!

She knew that the moment she teleport away, Felix would seal himself inside the center of the maze again and drag this far longer than it needs to be!

Meanwhile, Felix's eyes turned gray and his antlers illuminated brilliantly, a sign that he was about to use a space spell.

Just as the primogenitors were anticipating him teleporting or such, Felix uttered calmly, "Spatial Imprisonment."


A faint medium-gray hex appeared underneath Duchess Alina or to be exact, underneath the crystalized ground!

This made it completely hidden from Duchess Alina.

Felix had to hide it since he had yet to master this spell, which meant he could not cast it instantaneously yet.

While the viewers and Duchess Alina had no clue what was Felix doing, he was structuring five pages of runic spatial particles at the top of his speed!

The moment he finished one page, the gray hexagon turn slightly brighter.

'Come on...Come on...Just a little more.' Asna kept biting her hands nervously as she watched Felix attempting to cast a freaking unmastered space spell in the middle of the battle!

If it was anyone else, the stress would have ruined his focus and made the spell fail construction! Meanwhile, Felix was like a robot writing a runic sentence after the other!

The moment Felix finished half of the page number five, Duchess Alina's body had been finally restored back to its form!

It took her much longer because of the aftermath of the poison and the current pressure on top of her head.

Her form being restored to peak meant that she could easily now escape from the golden palms' clutches and play with Felix to death with her insane speed!

"FELIX!!! YOU ARE A DEAD MAN!!" She yelled out loud from within the crystalized blood barrier, causing chills to course through the backs of Selphie, Asna, and all of Felix's loved ones.

Crack Crack!

Just as the barrier was about to explode, Felix murmured a letter with a peculiar language, "Seal."

The instant he did so, the gray hex underneath Duchess Alina manifested a dazzling light that was bright enough it penetrated the crystalized ground and caused her danger instincts to go haywire!

'Oh no!!'

She had no idea what was the source of the light, but she trusted her instincts, making her decide to teleport to one of the remaining blood rivers.


Alas...The moment the gray hex was completed, her fate was sealed, pun intended.

'Blood Spawn! Blood Spawn!!! WHY CAN'T I TELEPORT!!!!'

Furious and somewhat scared, Duchess Alina yelled from within the crystalized blood barrier, not daring to destroy it anymore!

She felt like her entire body was held tightly by something, making it impossible for her to move even an inch!

What's more frightening was her inability to teleport to one of her blood rivers no matter how much she commanded it!

This forced her to keep the barrier intact to avoid getting hit by the golden sand palms.

"I actually pulled it off in time." Felix sighed in relief while canceling his omnipotent sand spell, retiring the golden palms.

When Duchess Alina noticed this, she took control of her emotions and swiftly destroyed her barrier, planning to take advantage of this window to use her blood control on Felix!


Sadly, Felix remained standing with the same indifferent expression.

This shocked Duchess Alina immensely as her overpowered ability almost never failed her when she was in direct eyesight of her target!

"Don't bother yourself. You have been trapped in a temporarily manifested singular dimension. You can see and hear me, but you can't attack me with your abilities." Felix shared calmly while lifting his arm high above.

What he said made Duchess Alina's heartbeats accelerate like a racing car.

"No, this can't be right!...Blood Clogging! Reverse Blood Flow! Blood Poisoning!" Duchess Alina was pushed into despair with each ability used but no effects were noticed on Felix.

Just as she was about to fall completely into the pits of despair, she recalled Felix's words and regained some hope.

"I can't attack you, but you also can't attack me!" She roared.

"You are right. I can't attack you with my abilities."

Felix smiled faintly while his eyes turned gray...Then, he uttered with the most chilling tone, "But I can attack you with a spatial spell."

Before his words could register in Duchess Alina's mind, Felix slashed his arm forward as he roared, "Spatial Blade!!!"

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