Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 239 Traveller of Destiny

Angel glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw a man in a ridiculous white teddy bear outfit. He was holding a short black lacquer staff and coming up from one side of the path with a nervous voice.

Angel visibly frowned when he saw the visitor. In his mind, he thought: “Fortunately, I came here in person today. This guy shouldn’t recognize me.” But Angel soon discovered something was amiss. Instead of the other party ignoring him, he walked to his side with a look of joy in his eyes.

White Bear stood beside Angel with a short staff and a simple and honest smile plastered on his face.

“Fate has brought us together again.” White Bear said as his round face was filled with an expression of joy.

Angel took note of his word: “Again.” Does this word mean that White Bear recognized his identity?

“Who are you? I don’t understand what you’re talking about.” Angel said as he looked at White Bear.

White Bear replied with a smile: “This is great, you’re finally willing to talk to me at last.”

“I don’t know you, have you mistaken me for someone else?” Angel remains polite.

“I’m not mistaken. I don’t rely on my eyes to find someone. It’s fate that guides me.” White Bear bowed to Angel and said: “Last time your excellency had misunderstood me. I really came to become friends with you.”

“Last time? Which time is that?” Angel asked.

“That was when you had a match against Blackjack. Please, believe me, I know who you are… Milk Baron. Rest assured, I won’t reveal your identity.” White Bear’s voice was very low when he said ‘Milk Baron.’

After hearing what White Bear said. Angel had confirmed the other party really was able to recognize him. He had originally intended to leave, but after being recognized by White Bear, he developed some interest and thought: Why does this man always use the word “fate” when talking with me? He even recognized my true identity with this “fate.” So is there really “fate” in the world?

Angel neither admitted nor denied his identity. He just calmly paid attention to every expression White Bear made and asked: “Is fate guiding your direction? Then where does it guide you in the end?”

Angel has been staring at him the whole time. White Bear felt a little embarrassed, touched his head and said: “Fate told me that my life has been ill-fated and full of setbacks. Only by taking the path of the world can I escape this sea of misery. Then I followed the guidance of fate and came here.”

“Here?” Angel doesn’t understand whether “here” meant in front of him or the Savage Grottoes.

White Bear continued: “I was born in Guman Kingdom and was guided by fate. It took me thirteen years to get here from Guman Kingdom.”

Thirteen years to get to the Savage Grottoes? Angel visually estimates White Bear’s real age to not be over thirty years old. If it is as he said, this is really a long journey ah! Presumably, there should be many poignant stories, but… What does this have to do with him?

“And then what?” Angel asked.

White Bear thought Angel would at least say a few words. Even if it was to show an expression of “disbelief.” But Angel didn’t ask anything and he saw no curiosity in his eyes.

“Then, I will escape from my sea of misery.” White Bear chuckled with a silly smile as he said: “When I joined the Savage Grottoes, I had already escaped from my misery.”

“My enemies dare not take any further steps in pursuit, my relatives will not be involved in my ill-fate, and the friends around will not die because of me.” White Bear explained.

Angel doesn’t understand what this has to do with him, but he isn’t the cold-blooded Milk Baron at present. So he responded by saying: “That’s really good news.”

White Bear also seemed to notice some impatience in Angel’s tone and went straight to the point: “After I set foot on the path of the world, fate has guided me again. If I want to climb out of this dark quagmire, tread farther on the path of the world and return to my true home. There’s someone I need to meet…”

Angel ignored the words in his speech and said: “So that person is me?”

“I don’t know if it is, because the fate guiding me was vague. But all I can see was a bird and a faint figure… This bird belongs to you.” White Bear gesticulated with his hands, pointing to the sky and then to Angel’s shoulder.

Angel knew he was talking about Toby because Toby’s figure was too obvious. This is why Angel didn’t bring Toby with him. Although his explanation was clear, what White Bear said made him unconsciously think of something else.

“I think the person fate has guided me to, is the owner of the bird.” White Bear said.

When Angel heard this, he nodded noncommittally and said: “It seems so.”

White Bear said: “You think so too? That’s great, so are we friends now?”

Angel doesn’t know how White Bear’s mind suddenly jumped to the part of “becoming friends.” Was there any omission of steps in the middle? But Angel didn’t care either way and said with a smile: “Your story is very interesting, but I’m sorry to tell you one thing, Toby… Oh, the bird that rejected your confession. Its owner is not actually me, I’m just a surrogate owner who looks after Toby for the real owner.”

Seeing Angel’s clear eyes, White Bear was stupefied. Did he really find the wrong person this whole time?

“With all due respect, although I’m not the person, you are looking for. I want to know how you recognized me.” Angel is very concerned about this issue. He has always felt no one should be able to recognize his identity aside from formal wizards. However, he has been brutally beaten in the face in reality and his true identity kept being revealed by more people, one after another.

His former opponent Saka also recognized his identity by his soul, which was enough. Suddenly, White Bear popped up again. He is different, on a lower realm than Saka, a second level apprentice. This is a true first level apprentice. How did this guy recognize him?

White Bear was still immersed in his thoughts of “identifying the wrong person” and subconsciously said: “It is fate that has guided us to meet again.”

“Fate again.” Angel scoffed and said: “If there really is a goddess of fate, she is really too idle. She worries about you every day. It doesn’t matter whether the worry is about big things or the irrelevant small things, she still worries about you.”

Hearing Angel’s slightly sarcastic tone, White Bear reflected on what he said.

He hurriedly waved his hand and said: “This fate is different from the one I mentioned before. Don’t get me wrong.”

“I didn’t get it wrong. In fact, this really has nothing to do with me. If the person you are looking for is Toby’s owner, I can tell you that she is not in the Wizard Plane.” Angel felt he had done all he could by saying this and was ready to say goodbye and leave.

White Bear replied: “The ‘fate’ guiding my direction is a kind of mysterious world law insight that is beyond comprehension. But what guided my destiny to meet you was, not that, but this…” White Bear pointed to the black lacquer staff in his hand.

“It’s just an ordinary stick.” Angel said.

“It is indeed just an ordinary wooden staff, but for us ‘Travellers of Destiny,’ it is called—Proof of Guidance.”

Traveller of Destiny? Angel’s mind seemed to flash across an impression.

“Are you in the Prophecy System?” Angel asked.

White Bear nodded and replied: “Yes, I am a destiny apprentice in the Prophecy System. I used a Prophecy System spell named—Destiny Guidance to find your trail.”

After hearing this, Angel finally managed to make a little sense of the connection.

“Well, I understand a little bit now. However, I still want to tell you that you have the wrong person. The person you are looking for is a True Wizard, and I am only a new apprentice in the Wizard Plane. I hope you will stop using Destiny Guidance to look for me. It gives me a creepy feeling of being watched all the time.” Angel said.

When it comes to this topic, Angel said no more and turned to leave.

“Then can we still be friends?” White Bear shouted loudly from behind.

Angel thought for a moment: Toby may not like White Bear very much, but he personally doesn’t have much of a problem with White Bear. Besides, having a Prophecy System friend is also good. Maybe he can help predict danger.

“Yes, my name is Angel.” Angel has already gone far away, but his voice reached White Bear’s ear.

White bear said in a loud voice: “My name is Hobson! Hobson.Silai!”

After White Bear said his name, he could no longer see Angel’s shadow and did not know whether Angel had heard his name.

White Bear got the name of his new friend. Although he wondered if the other party was the one he was looking for. He subconsciously used the Proof of Guidance to determine Angel’s destiny track for today.

“Pale grey…” White Bear frowned and said: “It seems that my new friend won’t be very lucky today.”


Angel has walked far away from Sky Tower, so he doesn’t hear what White Bear mumbled.

He left without hearing any news about Nausica. He went out of the Underground Market and returned to Apprentice Town.

At this time, the sky was nearing dusk. From the distant mountain forest to the nearby roofs, all were gradually dyed with a warm orange glow.

David will come over in the evening. Angel decided to go to the Mission Hall before the glow fades and the sky completely turns dark. He remembered David mentioning not too long ago that Mission Hall had many missions for acquiring alchemy weapons.

Ten days before Twilight Deep Well’s big auction, Angel was in a hurry to make money. He doesn’t want to keep bothering David to sell the items on his behalf. He wanted to see if there were any tasks in Mission Hall that he could take.

Speaking of this, Angel has never been to Mission Hall once since joining the Savage Grottoes.

The Mission Hall is located in the centre of Tree Spirit Court and Angel rode on the Treevine Bus to get there. In the same rattan carriage, there was also a young wizard apprentice. At first, Angel just sat in an empty seat without noticing him.

It wasn’t until the Treevine Bus reached an altitude of about 300 meters along the vines of the Tree of Eternity that Angel’s brows were raised. He did so when the young apprentice’s mouth kept uttering “ooh” and “ah” when the clouds were surrounding him. This cause Angel to look sideways.

Angel looked over and now the young apprentice was leaning on the window of the Treevine Bus, peering out.

What made him exclaim was a middle-aged witch wearing a black witch coat and a meniscus witch cap. She flew past the bus on a broom.

“Wow, that’s great. I wish I had a flying craft too… It’s a pity that the contribution points required are too high…” The young apprentice said with slight tone of regret. But his eyes were still fixed on that apprentice.

Flying craft? On hearing the words from the young apprentice opposite to him. Angel suddenly felt that he might as well build his own flying craft. He had always used his own two feet to travel, and it would be fine to use the Treevine Bus in the Mirror World. But he couldn’t stay in the Mirror World forever.

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