Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 238 Dazzling Friend and Enthusiastic Orlando

Promi intended on having a good relationship with Angel, so he implicitly pointed out the key points to all of Angel’s questions as long as he could answer them. Even if some of them involved exclusive skills, he still vaguely points out those key points as well.

By the time David returned, Angel had a preliminary understanding of the path of blending.

After receiving the ticket from David, Angel intends to leave. Before leaving, Angel said to David: “I might refine a batch of weapons in the next few days and prepare some funds for going to the Wizard Market. Would you want to come with me?”

Angel made it clear that his purpose for alchemy this time was simply to make money. So there would be no detailed alchemy designs.

David thought for a moment and said: “Okay, but I have to be there when the shop is open during the day. So I’ll go back to your place at night.”

After leaving Promi Alchemy Shop, Angel didn’t go straight home but walked in the direction of Crypt Field.

For a while, he didn’t contact Shalem and Nausica in order to reach the top of Sky Tower. The reason was that he didn’t want to disclose the name he used during his climb. Now that his tower ascent was over, he was now idle. With this free time, Angel decided to say hello to his friends and tell them the news about Twilight Deep Well.

In the beginning, he also said he would take them to the Underground Market. However, due to a variety of reasons, he wasn’t able to bring them. In the end, they find out about the market themselves and went to check it out. Therefore, under the influence of compensation psychology, he decided to use a trip to Twilight Deep Well to make up for his previous regret.

However, Angel has this fallacy. He thinks if he doesn’t know about Twilight Deep Well, then his friends shouldn’t either. However, he is a special case. Since he is still a first level apprentice but lives almost like an old formal wizard.

Entering the crypt, the damp stuffy smell immediately hit him. Along the way, he saw several wizard apprentices act as porters as he peered out the corner of his eye. Almost all of the wizard apprentices inside were shirtless and stripped to the waist. They weren’t mortals but worked like labourers doing the heavy lifting in the docks.

Although the climate of the Mirror World is pleasant all year round with little seasonal difference.

But now is the Month of Rest (July). Even though the outside world was actually quite cool, inside the crypt was a little wetter and stuffier. If people stay in this environment for long periods, their bones will be eroded by the humidity and moisture.

“With a little hard work and effort, they should have enough savings, right? This time, I have to persuade them to move out of here as soon as possible.” Angel thought to himself.

But when Angel arrived at his destination, the door was closed. Neither Shalem nor Nausica were home at this time.

“Are both of them still on a mission?” In the absence of his friends, Angel could only walk back home.

As he returned to the entrance to Crypt Field cave. He accidentally ran into Forsa and Lafitte who were walking back from the outside.

Angel asked them about Shalem and Nausica, but they were both confused. Lafitte thought for a moment and said: “Why don’t you ask Orlando? Orlando has a good relationship with them.”

As Angel thought for a moment. It seems that Shalem did mention Orlando many times before. Even the news of Hookedick’s denigration of his “poor” talent was also told to Shalem by Orlando.

Now that he has come all the way to Crypt Field, Angel isn’t far from his place. Why not just go back and head to Orlando’s place?

Forsa volunteered to lead the way, but Angel immediately refused his offer. In order to find Baruba, Shalem took him to Orlando’s room last time, so he still remembers the way.

Turn left, turn right, and walk for about a quarter of an hour. Angel stopped in front of a door.

The door swung slightly open, and he saw the candlelight coming from the inside. When he closed his eyes, he could even faintly hear the sound of someone breathing. However, this breathing sounded a bit rapid, as if they were short of breath from strenuous exercise.

Angel also thought of some indescribable images as well.

As his hand was about to knock. He stopped mid-knock and held his hand in the air as he thought of something.

If the other person is doing something indescribable, will it be safe for him to knock? Angel thought for a moment, wondering whether to reach out his mental force tentacles to find out.

At this time, there was a burst of babbling coming from inside the door: “Ludwig, this isn’t enough, I still want to eat…”

Ludwig? Angel’s mind flashed a figure of a man with sideburns all around who is Orlando’s best friend. However, he remembers Shalem once mentioning that Ludwig had been sent to the world outside the mirror. Why is he back?

Angel thought, since Ludwig is in there, there should be nothing indescribable going on. So he knocked on the door decisively.

Angel knocked for a while, but no one answered the door.

Then Angel simply stretched out his mental force tentacles, drilled through the crack of the door and peered inside. Orlando was the only one in the room. He lay collapsed on the bed while snoring with his mouth chewing something. He seemed to be dreaming about eating a delicious meal.

“Mmm… this roasted suckling goat tastes delicious, Ludwig… I want to eat it.” Orlando’s mouth moved again, and his nose was accompanied by a deep inhalation. He seemed to be breathing in the aroma of a roasted suckling goat.

Angel: “…” He thought there was something strange going on. When did his mind become so dirty? It seems that he needs to take some time to review this.

Since the other person is sleeping, Angel naturally doesn’t want to disturb him… Not!

Angel held out the Magic Power Hand and pulled out a greasy yellow sock from Orlando’s bedside boot.

“Tsk tsk tsk, a handsome young man unexpectedly has such a sloppy side. This had to have been left out for at least a month, right?” This complaint was due to what he found using Magic Power Hand. As he held up the sock, Angel almost felt like vomiting.

Through the entrance, Angel casts Magic Power Hand and positioned the putrid-smelling sock in front of Orlando’s nose.

Orlando was still sniffing the “roasted suckling goat” in his dream. Suddenly, a putrid smell penetrated through his nasal cavity, stimulating the olfactory sensors and transmitting the information of the smell into his brain through neural signalling.

At this moment, his dream becomes a nightmare.

Orlando fought a cold war with his closed eyes and began shifting left and right on the bed.

When Angel saw him about to wake, he quickly stuffed his smelly sock back into the boot.

The next second, Orlando suddenly sat up from his bed, gasping and exhaling incessantly. He sounded as if he were a fish out of the water about to suffocate before finally being returned into the water. While breathing frantically, he sounded like he had gills and was finally getting the oxygen he so desperately needed.

For a moment, Angel felt a bit guilty by taking the lead in using chemical weapons before they saw each other.

When Orlando calmed down a bit, Angel knocked on the door as if nothing had happened.

Orlando looked confused in the direction of his door, with a little tear in the corner of his red eyes as he said: “Please come in.”

“Good afternoon. I’m sorry to bother you.” As he spoke, Angel pushed open the door. When he saw what Orlando’s appearance, there was a trace of surprise on his face as he said: “Eh?”

—What happened to you? This was the message conveyed by Angel’s expression. But because of his involvement in what had happened to Orlando, he didn’t speak out so as to not draw suspicion.

Orlando rubbed his nose with a hint of doubt in his eyes as he asked: “Is that you, Angel? Why did you come to see me?”

Angel’s performance is over. He put away the unnecessary expression and smiled as he said: “I came to you to ask a question. Do you know where Shalem and Nausica have gone? I went to see them just now, but they weren’t at home now. I felt a little worried so that’s why I came to consult you.”

Orlando is still rubbing his nose to the point of it becoming completely red. In a muffled voice, he replied: “Oh, you mean them? I think they’re on a mission. I haven’t seen them for several days. However, Nausica seems to regularly go to the Underground Market every day, but I don’t know what for.”

The answer is about the same as Angel’s own guess.

“Thank you. I won’t continue disturbing you. Please go on with your rest.” When Orlando was unconscious, in fact, Angel disturbed him in order to wake up.

“Wait, what do you want to do when you find Nausica?” Orlando asked.

Angel talked about Twilight Deep Well’s auction, and Orlando listened with excitement on his face: “Are you going to see the big mid-year auction too? I’ll be there! This is a big event, but I heard the tickets for seats at the auction were very expensive. I think I can only watch the excitement on the big screen outside the auction hall.”

“However, the auction really doesn’t matter to me. Anyway, I’m not really going for the auction. I just wanted to meet my best friend. My best friend, you know, Ludwig! Ludwig… Is very good at cooking… and very reliable…” Orlando said.

Orlando’s words went on and on. Especially after the conversation topic was snatched away by him. To the point where Angel couldn’t even get a word as Orlando was speaking.

Orlando’s face was very excited. He didn’t think about the person listening in front of him at all. As long as they could hear what he was saying, he just continued on, no matter who it was.

Angel still remembers that Shalem once mentioned that because he was separated from Ludwig. Orlando often ran to harass everyone with his tears. Even Hookedick wasn’t spared. Later, Orlando wanted Angel’s new address and was immediately rejected by Shalem, which allowed him to escape the harassment…

Although Angel dodged a bullet during the “best friends’ separation” phase, he couldn’t dodge the “best friends’ reunion.”

He has some regrets. Why did he wake him up just now and not just turn around and leave…?

When he finally left Orlando’s place, Angel felt relieved. A hundred crows calling to Angel was probably far better than “talking” with Orlando. At least the crows wouldn’t ask for a response. After speaking for a while, Orlando would suddenly say: “Isn’t Ludwig a good cook? Isn’t he a nice guy? Do you think so too? What’s the good news? Where’s the bad news?” Just because he was obliged to answer, Angel had to stay and listen to him. If he is perfunctory in his listening, Orlando will repeat what he said again until he remembers it.

However, after listening to such constant nagging, it was not as if there were no gains. At least the relationship between Angel and Orlando is a bit closer than before and not as estranged.

No wonder why others shunned Orlando, but a relationship with him isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Although this guy is a little too familiar and cheeky, he makes an atmosphere of closeness that is enough for Angel to want to beat him. But in the end, he doesn’t end up doing it.

Angel isn’t familiar with Ludwig, but at this moment, he fully felt respect for him. To be able to become best friends with Orlando should also be considered an extraordinary talent. At least in terms of patience and tolerance, this is beyond what an average mortal can reach.


Angel went to the Underground Market again. His target was Sky Tower this time. Originally, he thought he wouldn’t come back to Sky Tower for a long time. But he hadn’t expected he would come again a week later. However, this time, he is no longer the infamous Milk Baron, but coming as an audience member of Sky Tower.

The purpose of his visit to Sky Tower is naturally to find out Nausica’s recent match situation.

But what he hadn’t expected was the first floor of Sky Tower was packed with people. These were not spectators, but contestants. Because there was no place left to stand in the contestant area, these people ran to the lobby and waited outside.

The lobby was even more disorderly than a vegetable market with noisy shouts, low grumpy murmurs and angry calls.

“The Purification Garden news really set off a minefield which had detonated so many hidden wizard apprentices…” Angel lamented as he tried squeezing in.

It had taken a long time before he squeezed himself in front of a staff member.

Angel wanted to ask for information about Nausica, but the staff member was too busy to attend to him.

In the end, Angel was pushed out by the flow of people.

Standing outside the entrance of Sky Tower, Angel sighed deeply and thought: Forget it, the news has just come out today. It is still in the rush period. I should come back in a few days when there are fewer people around.

Just as Angel was about to turn around and leave, a familiar voice reached his ears.

“Fate has guided us to meet…” The voice said.

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