As the only woman present in the group of talents, Nausica was the first to enter.

“What do you think will be Miss Nausica’s talent bias? I’m looking forward to it!” Shalem had a smile on his little face. He gave the most sincere enthusiasm for his most respected Lord Asbay.

“I don’t know what my talent bias means? My mentor says that I’m a Nightmare Soul, so there’s a good chance my talent bias is related to this?” Angel thought to himself.

After a while, Nausica pushed the leaf curtain aside. She came out of the room with a trace of thought on her beautiful face.

“Miss Nausica, what is the talent bias recommended by the Lord Tree Spirit for you?” Shalem asked, particularly excited about her response.

Shalem’s questions made the rest of the audience prick up their ears as well. After all, they are also talents. Although it is not yet clear who has a stronger Wizard potential, everyone has the mentality of wanting to compare with each other.

There was no intention of hiding her talent bias, Nausica directly replied: “Lord Tree Spirit suggested that I should focus on the Blood Branch, but it’s not clear which system of the Blood Branch we are talking about.”

“The Blood Branch?” When people heard of Nausica’s primary bias, they were in an uproar. A female talent went on the path of Blood Branch?! Soon, however, they recalled that Nausica is one of the only Nine Bloodbath Cabins winners who fought their way to victory. And were relieved from knowing this. With such a strong physical combat prowess, even for a woman, it is reasonable to be in the Blood Branch.

A Blood Branch Witch? Angel’s heart flashed a wonderful figure. He remembered that in Barbie’s Restaurant, Lord Herolyn seemed to be a Blood Branch Witch. Later, on the Cloud Whale, Flora told him about Herolyn. She is nicknamed “Moray Eel Girl,” and is a Wizard with some special moray eel blood.

Angel looked at Nausica, looking forward to what kind of blood she will integrate with her type of personality.

Next, the second, third, and fourth… talents also came out of Lord Tree Spirit’s room. The suggestions given to those talents by Lord Tree Spirit was basically to focus on the Elemental Branch. But the direction of focus was different for each person. The only difference was that when that fat teenager Forsa had been tested, the Tree Spirit advised him to choose the Blood Branch.

Soon, it was Shalem’s turn.

When Shalem came out of the Tree Spirit’s room, he had a lost expression. No one knew what he was thinking at that moment. When Nausica asked him about his talent bias, he was silent for a long time until he uttered the words, “Elemental Branch.”

“The Elemental Branch is the Elemental Branch, so what is your bias? Do you think the Elemental Branch is weaker than the other two branches?” Angel was familiar with this topic from the books in Sanders library. Naturally, he knows very well that the Three Major Structures have no strong or weak in their structures. It mainly depends on how a Wizard goes about their own path.

Shalem shook his head.”No, I am also apart of the Elemental Branch too. Lord Tree Spirit just said, my bias is…”

Shalem suddenly stopped talking, and Angel and Nausica looked at each other’s eyes in confusion.

“Lord Tree Spirit also didn’t tell me a bias direction,” Nausica whispered.”It looks like Shalem’s talent is special too.”

“What is your bias direction?” Angel asked.

“He advised me to choose a branch in the Dark System.” Shalem whispered.

Dark System! Angel raised his eyebrow, he did not expect that Shalem’s talent bias would focus on the Elemental Branch Dark System. This is indeed very rare, even less likely than a Mystical Branch Wizard.

“Why am I apart of the Dark System? Any other system would do, metal, wood, water, fire, or earth. Why is it the Dark System?” Shalem said in a depressed tone.

“It seems that you misunderstand the Dark System… this is a very rare system with a small number of Wizards in it. This system is even rarer than a Mystical Branch Wizard.” Angel explained.

“But I hate darkness the most.” Shalem thought of a dark night, a sword dyed in blood, and the man who had fallen… in a pool of blood to protect him. He stayed in that boundless darkness for a full week before he saw the light again. From that day on, he no longer feared the dark but was extremely disgusted by it.

Shalem did not say why, but that expression of disgust on his face did not seem false. Angel does not know how to comfort him, but could only say: “Your Elemental bias is neither good nor bad. You can use the power of darkness to work for the light, and the power of light to work for the darkness. There is no difference between right or wrong and no difference between good and evil. Only the caster themselves are the difference. Between good and evil, everything is up to you.”

Angel wanted to say a few more words to Shalem. But Lord Tree Spirit had already called his name and asked him to go in and begin testing his talent bias.

Angel could only pat Shalem on the shoulder to comfort him, then walked into the room to say hello to Lord Tree Spirit.

As soon as Angel came in, he saw the Tree Spirit raising his head from a bush… the Tree Spirit’s handsome face suddenly flashed a strange expression. His beautiful nose began moving as if sniffing something.

“What, that scent…” Tree Spirit frowned as if thinking of the words.

Listening to his opening remark, Angel’s heart thumped. Lord Tree Spirit didn’t smell the scent of the Demon Eating Flower King’s saliva, right?

“You smell good, you smell very good.” The Tree Spirit suddenly flashed next to Angel and leaned up beside his neck and sniffed hard: “It’s like the whole body is slowly being ****** by gentle hands.”

The Tree Spirit’s handsome face flashed an expression of ecstasy.

Angel backed away awkwardly, “****** the whole body with his hands”-a creepy expression that made it impossible to look directly at the Tree Spirit’s face. Especially when he put a leaf on an indescribable part of his body. But the Tree Spirit’s face did not have the slightest breath of indecency, so even though Angel wanted to complain, he does not know where to start.

The Tree Spirit returned to his seat. As he put away his expression of ecstasy, he said to Angel. “I don’t know why your soul is so fragrant, but this is a bad thing for you. This fragrance increases the plasticity of your soul, but the downside is that… if a Wizard whose soul is unfortunately wounded sees you. The consequences will be unimaginable. Because the fragrance of your soul can ease the deterioration of their soul.”

“I remember the Savage Grottoes has such a soul-wounded Wizard. If he happens to see you alone… Hehe.” Tree Spirit did speak of the consequences, but the implication startled Angel.

The Tree Spirit looked at Angel with a trace of pity.

Suddenly, the Tree Spirit let out a “haw” sound with his eyes looking in a particular direction. His mouth opened and closed as if talking to someone. As he spoke, the Tree Spirit looked into Angel’s eyes. No longer with pity, but with a trace of inquiry.

After a while, the Tree Spirit looked at Angel and said. “I didn’t expect you to be a disciple of Sanders. So this special fragrance in your soul is no harm at all. The soul-wounded Wizard in the Savage Grottoes would not dare do anything to Sanders disciple. However, he does so for the sake of Sanders face. Once you leave the Savage Grottoes range, you will be highly likely targeted by that Wizard. So it’s best not to leave the Savage Grottoes range until the fragrance in your soul disappears. Or until you have the ability to protect yourself.”

After that, the Tree Spirit went on to say, “Your soul talent, Sanders has already mentioned it to me. Come closer, and I’ll give you a deeper test.”

It seems that the person who was talking to the Tree Spirit just now was Sanders. Is it possible that his mentor has been paying special attention to him so that he can communicate with Lord Tree Spirit in a timely manner?

Angel came to the Tree Spirit.

“You and Sanders are both magical Nightmare Souls. I estimate that your talent is also in the branch of the Mystical Branch Phantom System, but I need to test for further confirmation.” The Tree Spirit said faintly.

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